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My Baby Kitten :(

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My Baby Kitten :(


Michael was shaking as he was in pain. His back hurt, his hands hurt everything pretty much hurt. 

"I'm sorry!" Michael cried out.

"You're going to be sorry," Ashton whispered in his ear. "Get upstairs and I want you in the isolation room right now or it will be worse, got it, slave!"

Michael just nodded his head quickly. Ashton let go of his hands as he ran up the stairs, he was so scared he knew he was going to get hurt really badly.

Michael sat on the floor by the table the thoughts going through his mind were bad, he knew he was going to get hurt a lot so he was trying to calm down his racing heart but he couldn't.

Ashton and Calum came barging through the door as they both had angry expressions on their faces which made Michael even worse.

"You were supposed to stay home did we give you permission to leave the house?" Calum spoke through gritted teeth.

"N-no M-master,"

"That's what i thought."

Ashton went to the other side of the room and took a paddle off the wall.

Michael knew what was about to happen, he just wanted them to go easy on him but it's Ashton and Calum! He knew they wouldn't even care if he was begging them to stop or even if he was dying, they wouldn't care.

Calum takes off Michaels clothes and bends him over the table not even caring if the sub was uncomfortable.

Michael was a little shy being naked in front of his doms for the first time. Michael got over that shyness quickly as he felt a slap of the wooden paddle.

Michaels body jerked forward as he felt another slap the paddle hurt a lot and what hurt the most was Ashton and Calum didn't care about him so they never asked if he was ok and if he needed to stop, never giving him little praises, it hurt.

After about 20 spanks with the paddle, Michael couldn't handle it. His bum hurt so bad he was crying harder with each slap that was delivered to him. Michael's safe word was on the tip of his tongue but didn't want to disappoint his doms because it was only a punishment he could handle it right... He had to be good for them, Luke wouldn't have said his safe word if he was given a punishment so why should Michael.

After Ashton and Calum were done giving Michael his spanks, they roughly grabbed his arm and threw him on the ground. Michael landed on the ground as he cried out in pain, his bum hit the cold ground only in seconds his bum felt like it was on fire.

"Stop your crying, jeez." Ashton spat as he looked at the younger sub that was on the ground, fat tears running down his porcelain-like skin.

"You're going to stay in here for however long we want you to. Stay in here." Calum spoke as his face was void of any emotions.

Michael was shocked, he couldn't stay in here it was isolation he couldn't he has isolation X out.

Calum and Ashton left the shocked sub and locked the metal door behind them.

When Michael was brought out of his shocked state he ran to the door banging on it. "No! You can't leave me in here!" Michael yelled "Please, i can't be in here," Michael's voice got softer as he slipped down the door with his head resting on the metal door he sobbed.

He was remember everything that has happened to him when he was in isolation. "Lukey," Michael called out. Luke was always there for him when he was in isolation when they were with the other doms not once had Luke left Michael. "Luke please i need you i cant i can't be in here they're gonna get me."


Luke heard his cries he raced up after him. Luke got to the door and put his head on the door as he knew that was where Michael's head would be. "I'm here Mikey i'm here you're ok."

"No im not!" Michael's voice was heard from the other side. "I'm not please Luke get me out, it's so dark."

"I know Mikey i'm going to try ok stay strong for me please ok?" Luke tried calming down the other sub but it didn't work Michael was still hurting.

Luke was grabbed lightly and pulled back into someones hard toned chest he knew it was Calum. "What are you doing? Michael is being punished."

"Michael had isolation X out, Master please we both did he can't be in there alone please." Luke begged he needed to get Michael out of there before he either subdrops or has such a bad panic attack or both!

"No he deserved this." Ashton said as he came up the stairs.

"No Daddy please, Michael didn't even mean to do anything please!"

"Be quiet Lukas or you're going to get punished too."

"Please daddy, Michael just wanted to go somewhere he hasn't been outside in so long." Luke was begging his doms to see that Michael meant no harm and he just wanted to go out and enjoy the sun and fresh air other than being locked up the house doing chores.

"No enough Luke!" Calum finally yelled he had enough of this conversation. "Luke go to our room and strip and wait there for us."

Luke sadly walked to their room as he knew he was about to receive a punishment, well not as bad as what Michael is been given.


He couldn't be in this dark isolated room, it was hurting his brain. Michael kept grabbing at his wrists making the scabs reopen as the crimson blood ran down the hands as it dripped to the cold and hard floor. The only sounds that could be heard were the blood dripping and Michaels breathing, it was scary for Michael, he hated being in this position. "Lukey are you there?" With no answer, Michael called again. "Lukey please."

Michael knew he was alone as he curled into himself in the corner of the room as sobbed loudly into his knees. "Come back Lukey."


Ok, loves that's chapter 10!

hope you just liked it and thank you guys so much for voting and commenting it means the world to me.

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