epilogue. flashback: jiwon

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A/N: I have had this chapter written for ages and ages (to be fair i've tweaked it like twenty times now) oh my god I'm so so excited that I can finally release it hkjnschhfd

tbh I should wait like a day but I'm too excited and ahHHHH

I can't believe this is happening, I really can't. after so long it's just...I'm just gonna let you guys read ugh I can't get into my feelings yet

hope you enjoy!


One month ago: New Year's Eve

New Year's.

What a time.

Soft rain was falling out of the window that Jiwon was looking at, light and quick, and it wasn't quite the magical snow that adverts and clichés promised but rain was one of the few things that really made Jiwon feel comfortable. The pattering it made had become embedded into his memory and heart labelled with the words 'familiar', 'refreshing', 'exciting', and Jiwon was content with just looking out on the rain since for once, he was freezing and going outside and catching pneumonia didn't seem all that appealing. Rain that held no foreboding meaning of storm and danger was his favourite, where it just existed. Just fell from the sky for no reason. Fell to the ground without any purpose. Jiwon felt like he could relate with rain like that.

It wasn't long until midnight meaning a new day and a whole new year. Only seven hours were left and Jiwon had a notebook in his hand and a pencil between his teeth as he tried to think long and hard about some resolutions. He didn't have much just yet, only a few that he probably wouldn't ever get around to executing.

i. Learn new fancy hot chocolate recipes to dazzle Junhoe with.

ii. Save someone's life (if too hard to find an opportunity then DON'T try and kill just to save, you can count reminding Hanbin of an essay deadline)

iii. Pray more. Jiun-hyung's up there and he'd want you to forgive.

iv. Write some letters because, being a computing major, you seem to have really forgotten what paper looks like.

v. Fall out of love.

vi. Study harder, you once made and pinned one hundred flashcards around the apartment, where has that mojo gone?!
- subnote: don't do the flashcard thing again though cause that kind of made Junhoe want to kill you, but it also made him remember the formulae for centripetal force! We're all winning here!

Jiwon had got a text from Junhoe (who had taken the earliest shift possible but that was still five to eight) a while ago, saying that he was caught in traffic and it would take him a while to get back. The text had surprised Jiwon so much and he stared at it for a longer time than was probably deemed suitable, wondering if it actually existed before he quickly texted back 'cool have fun' before hitting himself in the head then thinking a bit more about his next text, 'dw bout it, thx for telling. you better come before midnite tho we gotta skive on local fireworks!'  

He smiled when he got a simple reply of 'i'll be there'.

Jiwon walked out of his room, still clutching onto his notebook and pencil, and peeked into Junhoe's, looking at the clock that read quarter past nine. Time was moving fast. Jiwon wasn't sure if he was quite ready to say goodbye to this year yet, the year where he had befriended new amazing people, become independent with his own apartment, felt truly happy with how his life was going. It was also the year that he had met Junhoe, and that meant all sorts of things to him that had rewritten his stars, realigned his heart's desires in the way that beautiful, meaningful people just did to you. He quietly walked into Junhoe's room with all of his thoughts in his head and took a seat on the younger's bed, pulling a knee up to his chest as he just thought for a moment. He still remembered the thing that Junhoe had said to him when they were first moving into this apartment.

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