ii. jiwon

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There was absolutely no doubt whatsoever that Jiwon was completely and utterly smitten for Junhoe. Probably more than Junhoe would ever be able to realise.

And it was the hardest thing for Jiwon to tone it down, but also not that hard since he always freaked out just thinking about the things that he wanted to do with Junhoe.

Six of their group, meaning excluding Junhoe, were sitting under the tree they always did to keep out of the glaring shade. They were all talking and being dorks but Jiwon couldn't help but keep craning his neck to look behind them to see if a certain sweet giant would walk in, but there seemed to be no luck so far.

"What do you think an egg would be as a human?" Jinhwan asked and Chanwoo snorted, replying, "Simple. Jiwon-hyung in a beanie."

The group erupted into laughter while Hanbin gasped, "Oh my God, I see it!"

"You shouldn't see anything!" Jiwon yelped, scrambling to hug his head so no-one would look at it but everyone just laughed harder, especially Jinhwan who fell back onto Hanbin and Yunhyeong who didn't bother pushing him off.

"It's okay, hyung, you're a beautiful egg."

A chorus of 'ooooh!'s went up through the group as well as Donghyuk shamelessly singing 'shaLALALA' and Jiwon looked up only to see Junhoe standing there with his hands in his pockets and his eyes facing the ground. Jiwon's heart instantly felt at ease at the sight of him even if the hairs on his arms felt pricklier than usual now. "Thanks..."

"No problem..."

"OUR ORIGINAL SHIP IS THRIVING, Y'ALL-" Jinhwan yelled before Jiwon tackles him and wrapped a hand around his mouth. "You wanna die, hyung?"

"Mmf mreloofreef," Jinhwan replied so crystal-clearly, his eyes crinkled which showed that he was still being a little shit and Jiwon rolled his eyes. But he slowly let go of the elder when Junhoe sat down on the grass next to him, keeping some distance but still close enough that Jiwon's heartbeat sped up.

"You sure kept it subtle, didn't you?" Jiwon whispered to Junhoe once the others were off talking about some other stupid thing. The younger frowned, poking the ground as he grumbled, "It just came out, I couldn't help it."

"So what if it turns into you kissing me was something that 'just came out'?"

"We haven't even kissed yet!"

"You said that far too loud-"

"So what, I don't care if they know..."

Junhoe and Jiwon both looked at each other with eyes wide as the earth after the former said that, blinking almost simultaneously before they both looked away and tried their best to get back into the others' conversation and forget all about their one.

"No homo but I would totally date Jinhwan-hyung if I had to choose one of you idiots."

"Hanbin, that was all the homo and you know it."

Jinhwan batted his eyelashes at Hanbin who grimaced before instantly hugging Yunhyeong so tight that the latter struggled for breath. "I change my mind, Yunhyeong-hyung's forever my bae."

"Noo, he's mine!" Donghyuk yelped, pulling Yunhyeong's arm towards him but Hanbin stayed strong and hugged Yunhyeong's head to his chest. "How dare thee, we've been the power couple for centuries-"

"I'll have you know that Yundong sounds like the cutest thing ever while Yunbin just sounds like somewhere to put your trash-"

"I do not appreciate this slander, young man-"

"Aren't you worried about your boyfriend being pulled about by two creepy guys?" Jiwon asked Chanwoo with a raised eyebrow while looking at how fed-up Yunhyeong seemed (poor guy even though everyone was usually making fun of him 24/7), but the youngest only grinned. "This is entertaining as hell, I don't know what you're saying."

"Wow, relationship goals-"

"Woah, who's talking about Junhoe and Jiwon-hyung?" Hanbin called out, everyone suddenly freezing except Jiwon took no time in reaching over and punching the other's side hard (mostly to give Junhoe justice since his boyfriend suddenly looked like he was going to burst into flames).

"Stop saying stuff like that!"

"We're kidding, you pebbles," Donghyuk giggled, wrapping an arm around Junhoe's shoulders and Yunhyeong looked very relieved at the change of subject. "You guys need to remember that, nothing we say is actually serious."

"But you're the ones making us awkward," Junhoe pointed out, making everyone pause for a moment. But then Jiwon shook his head, about to pat Junhoe on the arm before deciding against it, and said, "It's my fault too."

Junhoe looked at Jiwon like he was absolutely mental. "What? No way, you're sweet as heck and you know I'm a tsundere."

Jiwon put a hand on his heart, half-genuinely choking up as he whispered emotionally, "You are."

Junhoe almost face-palmed. "We should both shut up now."


"It actually amazes me how you two can be like that," Yunhyeong sighed wistfully for some reason and before Jiwon could ask dumbly 'like what?', Hanbin nudged Yunhyeong in the arm. "Hyung, go away, no-one likes you."

"But...but you guys were just-"

"Today's a nice day," Jiwon whispered discreetly to Junhoe and the younger blinked. "Wait, we're still doing this secret whispering thing-"

"Let's go on a date."

Junhoe almost punched Jiwon in the gut to shut him up. "Why would you say that?!"

"Because my sweetheart deserves nice things—dude, it's not that deep, stop looking like I'm gonna kill you."

"This is still so goddamn strange," Junhoe sighed, pulling his knees to his chest which was a rather awkward task. "I think I'm excited, though."


"To see where this can all possibly go. Maybe we actually will become a power couple, hyung."

Jiwon winced, instantly looking down at the ground. "Gosh, now you're being the cheesy one, I hate you."


"I'll murder you once I can actually muster up the sense of not being weird about laying my hands on you."

"Ooh, that sounded strange."

"You love me for it."

"God, you're even stranger."

The conversation died out pretty quickly after that, though it ended with Jiwon and Junhoe sending each other shy smiles and Chanwoo from beside them had to pretend like he had heard absolutely none of their conversation.

No, Chanwoo didn't say nothing.

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