ix. junhoe

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The heart wants what it wants, and Junhoe knew that his wanted something but he didn't know what. Maybe he was just being stupid because he was more than satisfied with his life right now—he had annoying but pretty darn great friends, a perfect boyfriend, grades that he was keeping up rather well with Jinhwan's help, and a place to live. He always thought that his first year of university would be the worst but well, he had so many good things to soften the blows that semi-grown-up life threw at him.

But it was also only January. He had a while to go before he could come to any set conclusions.

It had been three days since the dinner date, and all seven of them were out at the mall for a small get-together which they hadn't done in a while—Junhoe was actually the one who had suggested it which surprised everyone. But Junhoe had small spurts of realisation of how much his friends meant to him every now and then and he knew he had to spend time with them before he closed them off from his heart without meaning to. Besides, it was a nice excuse to see Jiwon trying on bunny ears and getting overly hyped over sales.

Yep. Perfect boyfriend indeed.

"Babe, look!" Jiwon said excitedly, holding up a mirror that was almost the size of him and Junhoe wondered how he wasn't struggling. "Wouldn't you like to walk past this from time to time and marvel at your whole self? And it's so cheap."

"Those both sound like nice things but...where would we put it?"

Jiwon drooped a little but still didn't give up, saying, "I'm sure there's free space somewhere."

"Why do you even want it, you're not into this kind of thing?" Junhoe asked with a raised eyebrow while checking himself out in the mirror at the same time without even trying to hide it. But he registered Jiwon's narrowed eyes as the guy grumbled, "Excuse you, but bargains like this are gold, it doesn't matter what it is, just how much. Wasn't your mum ever obsessed with offers?"

"We didn't really go shopping together much," Junhoe said flatly and Jiwon frowned, looking defeated.

"Darn it. That was my only argument..."

"When we buy an actual house, we can fill it full of things that were all born from offers, how's that?" Junhoe tried to negotiate and Jiwon sighed, putting the mirror down heavily as he muttered, "Fine. But I'm holding you to that."

"It's not like I wouldn't want to, it sounds like a great idea actually."

"So why can't we buy the mirror?!" Jiwon complained all over again, picking it up again and Junhoe put a distressed hand on his head, not even bothering anymore. He had no idea that he would be the one shutting something down but then he met Jiwon and the fates just aligned.

When two immature people meet, it's only natural that they have to work a little harder.

Also, it really didn't help when Yunhyeong passed them (being dragged by Chanwoo) while stage-whispering coyly, "Do I sense some married couple culture?"

Jiwon's mouth dropped open at the words which, okay, that was a pretty normal reaction compared to Junhoe literally shoving Jiwon to the side and screeching, "No marrying! No culture! This is pathological injustice!"

"Ooooh, maybe we would've believed you if you added 'no couple!' in there too," Chanwoo chipped in, grinning at Yunhyeong's impressed cackle and then the two troublemakers were off to their own endeavours. Junhoe glared after them, mimicking them out of pure annoyance before he heard, "I get that you were embarrassed but you didn't have to push me."

Junhoe's head whipped to the side so fast that he could've broken his neck, his eyes widening in fear. "That's not—hyung, I'm sorry, I just, you know how I get sometimes, I wasn't thinking-"

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