xiii. junhoe

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A/N: I'm trying to get long chapters out for all of my books before school starts, now two down, one to go. I don't know what my updating schedule's gonna be like during school, I mean I don't even have a schedule now, but it's probably plausible that I'll update stuff less. I really love writing though so we'll see what happens :')

this is a really really long chapter like I said, forgive me, but I hope you enjoy


Everything changed after the kiss.

Actually no, that was a lie, nothing changed but Junhoe liked to be dramatic. He liked to think that maybe Jiwon's eyes lingered on his lips every now and then, or that sometimes they'd get a little too close for comfort before realising what they were doing. 

Another softer recurring thing was that Junhoe started doing Jiwon's hair a lot more. It was always in the same place, on the sofa, and Junhoe had even started getting up early on the days he didn't need to just so he could tie up Jiwon's hair for his convenience and then go back to bed again. His purple hair was so beautiful and soft and Junhoe wished he would never cut it, just so he could keep being able to do this. 

"So, um, you have a sister?" Jiwon asked one of the times that Junhoe was doing his hair, early Wednesday morning when everyone was all drowsy and Junhoe could only keep one eye open at a time. "I never knew." 

Junhoe's fingers paused for a moment, a brush in his mouth by the handle that stopped him from answering so he took it out. "I guess it just never came up."


"By three years."

"Woaaaah, monster noona alert," Jiwon teased which made Junhoe laugh even through his sleepy state. "She must have really nice hair if she got all of your treatment." 

"She does, but it's not like that's because of me. She's got a crazy good healthcare regime, and she's suuuuuper pretty and healthy so I guess it works."

"Beauty must run in the family."

Junhoe just hummed in reply before resting his hands on Jiwon's shoulders, tapping them lightly. "All done. I got a plait in at the top and it's perfect and adorable so you can't object." 

"Aww, thank you."

"'Thank you'? I thought you liked looking like you crawled out of bed or fake-designer hip-hop hell."

"Wow," Jiwon said flatly, incredibly unimpressed and Junhoe stifled a laugh. "What a description."

"You do always look hot and everything but, I'm just making an observation."

"Well, you soften me up so much that I can't always look like a baddie, can I?" Jiwon said, reaching behind him to tug on one of Junhoe's hands before resting a kiss on the knuckles and Junhoe's eyes grew wide as he quickly pulled his hand back like he had been electrocuted. He couldn't even bring himself to apologise this time around, only able to stare at his hand which was slowly turning red where Jiwon had kissed it.

"Oh gosh, I really gotta go," Jiwon realised once his phone lit up with a text from Donghyuk and he stood up so quickly that Junhoe jolted a little. He just watched the elder while he went around gathering his stuff, looking all around him frantically to check if he forget anything before letting out a sigh of relief and heading towards the door, but making a stop in front of Junhoe. "Um, uh...bye."

"Yeah, see you," Junhoe replied, giving him a small smile. Jiwon kept on lingering, slightly pushing himself up on his toes every now and then like he wanted to do something but he just left in the end, muttering another goodbye before he was out of the door and Junhoe was alone. He messed with his hair a little, absent-mindedly checking how he looked in a glass photo frame even though he was just gonna go back to sleep but then he got an idea.

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