Voices and my pathetic life

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Ashlyn POV
"Wait, you're my-" I started
"Ash, oh gods!" I was cut off. Conner knelt beside me. At that moment I was suddenly aware of tears on my cheek. Dang it. I wiped them away quickly.

"Ahhh, this place has so much dust!" I said "it's getting in my eyes!" Conner deadpanned. "Sureeeee." He replied. Then his face turned to a look of concerned "are you okay?"

Was I? We'll, I was sitting behind his cabin so I'd have to go with no...
"Yes." I said "I'm fine. But, I don't see why you care." Conners face showed hurt. I wanted to think he was faking it. I really did. It would have made the guilt go away. But I always seemed to be able to tell when someone was faking. And he wasn't.

"Because I thought we were friends." He frowned.
I sighed. Why am I such a bad person?
Calm down, sis! It'll be fine!
Thanks, Ali.
No problemo

"Listen, Conner, I  know I suck. I know I'm a monster. I saw the way you looked at me." I whispered, looking down. "And I get it a lot too. Because everyone loves Jason. And nobody gets me. Of course people will side with him! I get it! But he...he took away everything. My best friends, my worst enemies. I was always second best! And I get that those memories were fake but, they just stick with me. Like...I feel like if I like him, I have no one to get angry at if he does that to me for real but myself for not being good enough. I'm so sorry you had to see that and hear this."

I didn't look up. He'd think I was stupid. And annoying. And pathetic. And emotional. And the fact that I let my mask down-

Calm the hell down! I don't want to hear this. I get it. You're hurting and you don't want to show it. But it's fine to let down your mask...sometimes I wish I could. It takes the strong to let their guard down, not the weak, Ash.

It was funny how she was so sarcastic and sassy but, somehow so understanding. Who is she and where is my sister???
Thanks, Ali. You're awesome.

I know.

There she is!!!
"It's okay." Said Conner gently. I froze. What? What? WHAT? He didn't even tease me... that's it. Everyone is being replaced by aliens!

The boy burst out laughing. "Did you really think my vocabulary was only pick-up lines, jokes and random fun facts?" He chuckled.
"I gonna be honest." I said. "Yes." He rolled his eyes. "Come on." Conner said, standing up and putting a hand up for me to grab "it's dinner."

Come to think of it, I was hungry...
"What's for dinner?" I asked "I'm allergic to healthy, sooo..."
"We have magic plates." He said with a grin.
I deadpanned. "I'm not even surprised anymore."

As a demigod, you're never 'not surprised', Ash.
Thanks for the reassurance, sis.
Well what can I say except: you're welcome!
Okay. Disney is my thing. Get your own thing.
Nope. I'm older. It's my thing.
We're the same age!
I was born some months before you, little sis. You'll understand when you're my age.
Oh gods. I'm never gonna hear the end of this, am I?
Nope. Big sisterrrrrr knows best!
It's 'mother knows best, you garbage
Not anymore it isn't.
I'm so done. I can't deal with both you and Conner all day, everyday for the rest of my life.
Oh, don't worry. The worst is yet to come. You're gonna love Clarisse.
She's the chick from Ares who wants to kill me, yeah?

After some delicious pasta (part of which was thrown into the fire for the gods. Why? Who knows. Maybe Zeus farts a lot and they need a better smell? Who knows.) we all gathered around the fire. I stood with all my half siblings, next to a seven-year-old named Lily but, I call her sparkles. She held my hand throughout all of the campfire songs and was absolutely adorable. I don't know if it's weird but I would honestly die for any of my siblings. Even though I've only known them a while. I've never had siblings but now, meeting them? I wanted to spoil them and be there for them and tease them about their crushes for all of eternity.

Piper was next to a red head who was apparently a human named Rachel which is pretty random but she's supposed to be an oracle so that's pretty cool. Annabeth was next to Jason directly across from them with Chiron. I felt guilt as soon as I saw him but glared at him anyway. I'll apologise later. Leo was with his new siblings from The Hephaestus cabin and Conner and Travis were with their cabin mates. Turns out Travis is the head of Hermes and Conner was his Co-counsellor. Nice, I guess. Hecate didn't have a co-counsellor and Alison was gods know where so we basically just did whatever.

The songs were weird but funny and it was so long since I'd sang and it honestly felt great. I used to sing all the time. Whenever I went to a school (as I often swapped from school to home-school) I was always in the plays but I never actually auditioned for a part as a cast member. I'd just paint set pieces and play music for the background. I don't know why I never auditioned. I loved to sing and act but whenever I thought of stepping on a stage, I felt sick. Pathetic, I know.

I felt the notebook in my pocket of my leather jacket. It was still there? Wow. It had been with me forever! It was filled with drawings, songs and (embarrassingly) poems. I know. I'm sappy and emo, give me a break!

I'd changed my Panic! At the disco shirt for a camp half-blood one (which was bright orange! Was Chiron like: no phones! A magic barrier! Hide in plain sight! Oh and the shirts are BRIGHT ORANGE!!!) and my new half sister, Tasmon, gave me a dry pair of jeans. I pulled my dark hair into a ponytail and the water had made it curly. It did that a lot. The Iris necklace was still around my neck.

"Hey." A voice whispered. I jumped and head-locked the person behind me. "Ah, chill!" Conner chuckled. I released him. "Shouldn't you be with your siblings?" I smirked "you can here just for me?" He actually blushed which was surprisingly satisfying.

"Wouldn't you like that!" He said with a grin and a wink. I rolled my eyes.
"I came to tell you that P and I will be helping you find a weapon after the camp fire is over." He grinned.

"Who's P?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows. "She's the co-counsellor of Apollo." He replied casually. I frowned. He spoke of her so fondly I almost puked. Out my heart. It hurt for some reason. I need to get that checked!

You like him, don't you?
What? No!
Sureeeeeee. Anyway, I approve.
Ash, If I die, marry him.
Please stop.

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