Hammer head Leo

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Sorry that I take a bit to post. Also, my Mum lost my book and I was using it to make sure the wording was correct so I'm kinda freestyle for this chapter. I'll try and remember what I can!
Ashlyn's POV (you may be thinking: why? Why bother?...BECAUSE I CAN)

I woke up to a disturbing sound. At first I thought: Aghhhh. Stupid alarm clock. I'm not a morning person!

Then I realised that it was screaming. I was about to snap: DAD! SHUT UP!
Then I realised that he wasn't there. Oh, that explains alot. And I opened my eyes. I was on a flying chariot carried by flying horses that was about to crash land. On it was: Leo, Piper, Jason, a blonde girl, some ripped guy with a rainbow tattoo and, unfortunatly, me.

So, I did the logical thing:
I screamed swear words at the top of my lungs. Yeah, everything is back to normal!!!

"What is happening!" I shouted after a bit of....colourful word choice. No one got to answer because the chariot plunged into a lake. BOOM! Ah, that actually hurt really bad!!! It was like when I first attempted to dive and ended up belly flopping except ten times worse. I quickly ran out. The water was freezing! I helped Piper and Leo up too and then looked for Alison to help her too. Then I noticed. Alison wasn't there.

My eyes widened. Neither was Coach Hedge! "Where is Alison and Coach Hedge!?!" I demanded. My friends all froze. Piper put a hand on my shoulder.

No. They can't be...dead.
"The storm spirits took them." Piper explained. I wanted to cry and scream. No. This was all my fault. If I hadn't blacked out...no. This wasn't my fault it was the blonde idiots!

"Jason, you dimwit! Is all your bloody fault!" I snapped "every since you arrived, bad things have been happening! And today was pretty bad. You caused one of my friends to be taken by flipping satan!"

Jason looked taken aback. "Ash, it's not his fault!" Piper cried "he's been here the whole time, just like us!" I gave her a sympathetic look. Oh, poor Piper! She thought Jason was her boyfriend but, in reality, she just met him. I gave the blonde girl, who seemed experienced, a look like: you have to tell her.
We kind of had a silent conversation that went like this.
Blonde: I know. I will.
Me: be careful with her. Her feelings for Jason are strong.
Blonde: I know, just trust me.

I gave her a nod. I'll trust her for now. A group of kids all dressed in orange shirts rushed over with towels and hair dryers. They seemed pretty unfazed that we just crash landed a flying chariot in the lake. It must happen often. Weird.

"Annabeth, oh my gods!" Shouted a blonde boy to the blonde female "you promised that you wouldn't destroy my chariot. What does that look like to you?" He gestured to the chariot in the lake.

Annabeth. So that's her name!
"Will, I know, I'm sorry!" Annabeth started. I kinda zoned out. I'm sure they had a whole conversation but, something felt wrong. After a bit of thinking, I realised what it was. I was wearing a necklace. I don't usually wear jewellery and... it wasn't mine.
I pulled it out from underneath my shirt and looked at it. Gleaming silver shone in the sunlight. Around my neck was a thin chain leading to a silver pendant. It looked like a stick with a circle on it and, on that circle, a semi-circle. It was a Greek symbol to represent a god. Dad often talked about mythology and all that to wow the crowd at his shows. Once, I was being his assistant at a show and he apparently merged the goddess Hecate's soul with mine. It was one of the coolest shows ever. Everyone was like "a goddess just possessed his daughter!" Or "idiots. That's not real." There was a huge debate about it actually.

The symbol on the pendant was familiar. It was defiantly a god or goddess of messengers but, I couldn't place a finger on which one.

I was brought back to reality by a girl who acted way too much like Isabel. Ah, Isabel, how I despised her and, unlike Jason, I was allowed to use the word 'hate' to how I feel about her. But, this girl kinda seems like she'll  be a bit worse. Negative energy is literally radiating off of her. But, who knows? Maybe, I shouldn't just judge a girl I just met. Just because she wears too much makeup, somehow makes a orange T-shirt and jeans look fashionable and she so obviously curled her hair doesn't mean she's an Isabel. She might just be insecure. She is pretty...well, pretty so, I don't understand why she's wearing so much makeup. She has dark brown hair, warm brown eyes, perfect skin and she was Asian. I mean, not that it really matters where she's from, I'm just stating a fact.

"Well," the glamour girl said "I hope they're worth the trouble."
In my head I'm screaming: excuse me?
Yep. She's Isabel 2.0!
"Gee, thanks!" Leo snorted "what are we? Your new pets?"
"Yeah, really feeling the love." I stated sarcastically.
"No kidding." Jason said "how about some answers before you start judging us- like, what is this place, why are we here, how long do we have to stay?"

I turned to Piper. To my surprise, she had paled and she looked...well, anxious. And self-conscious. Which was unlike her. She never let people get her down. I squeezed her hand reassuringly and gave her a warm smile. She smiled at me but, I could tell it was forced.

"Jason." Annabeth said "I promise we'll answer your questions later. And Drew-" she gestured to Isabel 2.0. "All demigods are worth saving. But, I will admit the trip didn't accomplish what I hoped."
Yeah, really feeling the love, Annabeth. You really know how to make me feel better!
"Hey!" Piper said "we didn't ask to be brought here!"
The Isabel 2.0, Drew, sniffed. "And no one wants you here, hon."
Oh, I despise her. Maybe I don't hate her...that is a very strong word! I'm just saying.

If she got hit by a bus.
I'd be the one driving that bus.

"And does your hair always look like a dead badger?" Drew added.
"You wish your hair could at least look like a dead badger!" I said, rolling my eyes "it would be a big improvement. And maybe make up for your lack of brain cells!"

Oh, come on. I'm not that mean.
I'm honest.

Piper stepped forward, ready to smack the girl but, Annabeth stopped her.
"Piper, no." She said.
Piper did. I wouldn't want to get on Annabeths bad side either.

"We need to make our new arrivals feel welcome." She stated "we'll assign each a guide, to tour camp. Hopefully, tonight at the camp fire, they'll get claimed."
"Claimed?" Asked Piper. Suddenly, all the campers gasped. At first I thought: huh. Bad subject maybe? Did Piper say something wrong?

I turned to Leo. And holy crud.

A fiery hammer symbol burned brightly above his head.
I always knew that kid was a hammer head.

But, as usual:
No one believed me.

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