Jason is trash.

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This chapter and basically the rest of the book will include an OC belonging to the amazing unofficialargent , Alison. So a special thanks to her and go follow her. Thank you!

Also, I'm on a trip. It's mostly off road and I barely get wifi. I finally did so I can post this chapter. Yay! So just a warning. Chapters may be sorta delayed but, I will post again ASAP!

Ashlyn's POV (as always)

"VALDEZ! BROOKS!" Shouted Hedge.
Yep, that's my name! No need to tell the world!
"God, you two, how did you do that?" Asked Piper while chuckling.

Leo pulled a small screwdriver from his sleeve and I pulled out a small tape recorder.
"We're special kids." I replied smirking.

"Guys, seriously!" Jason pleaded "what am I doing here?" "Being a pest, apparently." I replied, rolling my eyes.

Leo and Piper shot me looks to shut up. I put my hands up in surrender.

Piper turned back to her boyfriend and knitted her eyebrows. "Jase, are you joking?" Jason looked at her in shock.
"No! I have no idea-"

"He is so joking!" Leo interrupted "He's trying to get me back for the shaving cream on jell-O thing!"
(Just like to let y'all acknowledge the fact that I'm an Aussie and it pains me write jell-O and not jam...or jelly? What is jell-O? Jam or jelly? Someone really needs to tell me.)

Jason stared blankly.
"That was hilarious, Leo! Like he'd fake having no memory because of something like that!" I stated.

"Exactly!" Said Jason, relieved.
"He's doing it because of the spit wads!" I smirked.
"Guys, I think he's serious!" Cried Piper.

I softened. Piper is my best friend so I guess I have a soft spot for her. I sigh.
"Fine!" I mumble "if you say so. But, I still think Jason is full of trash."
I still wasn't buying it though. He was totally faking it...right?

Piper reached for Jason's hand but, he pulled away.
"I'm sorry!" He stammered "I don't- I can't-"

"THAT'S IT!" Boomed Hedge.
Oh. I forgot about him.
"Looks like the back row just volunteered to clean up after lunch!"

The rest of the bus cheered. "Always a pleasure to help the environment!" I growled back.
The popular girl, Isabel, threw an old makeup container at me.

"Put that in the trash for me, hon!" She said with mock sweetness. I frowned at her. Her group of friends snickered.

"I don't think it will fit down Jason's throat." I stated casually "and your head is pretty big but, I don't think it'll fit down yours either."

She growled at me. "Just kill yourself!" She hissed at me "I'm sure that's what your mum did as soon as you were born. Giving birth to satan is a traumatic experience."

I froze. Did she really just say that? To kill my self? You don't say that! Like, 3,300 people do per year.

"As soon as I met you I considered suicide." I snapped "and if I were to kill myself, I'd climb up your ego and then jump to your IQ."
Isabel growled.
"What IQ?" I heard a girl from the front of the bus shout back to me "last I checked, her big head was just filled with air. You'd be falling forever!"
Oh, I liked that girl.
The rest off the bus shouted 'BURN!!!'.

Mental note: find who ever helped you roast that cow and give her a high five.

"Alrighty!" Hedge exclaimed "find your partners!"
As soon as he said that, satan appeared. And his name was Dylan.

"Yo, Piper!" He called to my best friend "don't talk to these bottom feeders. You're my partner, remember?"

Oh, he wishes someone would let him feed on their bottom, that pig! The only thing that managed to get me and Jason to get along: hating Dylan.

"Go away, Dylan." Piper grumbled "I didn't ask to work with you." Dylan only beamed. "Ah, that's no way to be. This is your lucky day!" He hooked his arm around Pipers shoulders.

"Leave her alone, you perv!" I snapped at him. He ignored me and dragged Pipes away. She looked back at us like '911'. "It was nice knowing you!" I shouted after her. I give Leo a hug, Jason a glare and walk off to find my partner, Alison.

"Hey, Ali." I said to her once I found her.

The short brunette turned to face me. Her silver eyes seemed to stare daggers at me. She was intimidating, no matter how short and I would never tell her to 'stand up'. She was a very observant and understanding person though and seemed pretty nice. She had long dark brown hair, silvery blue eyes and olive skin and she spoke in Spanish at times. I knew it was Spanish because Leo sometimes spoke it too...I kinda think she liked him actually. Note to self: set them up ASAP.

"Hi, Ash." She said calmly "it was fun roasting Isabel with you before."
I grinned. "Oh, so it was you!" I beamed "great job!" We high fived. Suddenly she froze. "I'll be back." She said and quickly walked off.
Wow, quoting the terminator already. We were seriously this far in our friendship? I was curious... and board so I followed her.

It's not stalking. It's just...following stealthy.

I followed her all the way to coach Hedge. Wow. She had guts. Hedge was talking to Jason. Ooooo! Somebody's in trouble! I smirked and tip toed closer to get a good hear of Hedge scolding the boy whom I disliked so heavily.

"Did you do this?" Hedge asked Jason while pointing up to the raging storm forming above us.
Wow. He was crazier than I originally thought! How can Jason create storms?

Jason stared at the coach, obviously thinking the same things as me.  But, for some reason, Hedge wasn't buying it. "Don't play games with me, kid!" Coach growled "what are you doing here and why are you messing up my job?"
Wow. Someone has a screw loose.

"You mean...you don't know me?" Ask Jason. Alison frowned. "I've never seen you before in my life." She stated "I know you must be confused but, I need to ask you how you bent the mist so well! I'm a daughter of Hecate and I've been training for about two years now so it didn't effect me. But, damn. You did a good job!"

I was confused. Welcome to my life!
Jason looked so relieved that he could burst out crying any second. "Look, sir, I don't know how I got here!" He explained "I just woke up on the bus. All I know is that I'm not supposed to be here!" "Got that right." Murmured Hedge. I held my breath to stop myself from laughing.

Alison put a hand on Jason's shoulder but, didn't talk. Still, it was a comforting gesture. "You've got a powerful way with the mist, as Alison already mentioned. But, you can't fool me! I've been smelling a monster for days but, you smell like half blood. So, who are you? Where did you come from?"

"I swear I have no memories what so ever!" Jason said.
"He's telling the truth." Alison stated. "I know that!" Coach snapped.

His suddenly outburst surprised me causing me to trip and fall. I must have made a lot of sound because they all turned. Then, Alison's bag turned into a quiver and her ring expanded until it was a full on bow. "Oh." Said Alison "it's just you, Ash." She lowered her bow.

I looked around me. No one else seemed to notice. WHAT!?! ALISON RAMIREZ IS HOLDING A BOW AND NONE OF YOU NOTICE?

"How much did you hear, Brooks?" Coach Hedge asked.

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