cow goes moo

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I stared out the window and frowned. The bus was slow and rickety. I sat next to Leo as he built something. In front of me was my childhood friend Piper who sat next to her boyfriend Jason who was asleep. I silently chuckle and then remember our first day.

I got of the plane with my hand tightly grasping Pipers. I'd never be so scared and angry at the same time. A man in a suit and sunglasses held up a sign with our names on them. I recognised him unfortunately.

"Uncle Shawn." I said glumly. I wanted to punch the sunnies of his ugly face. It wasn't even sunny! The sky was literally grey!!!
You may be thinking, why would you hate your only uncle? The answer: he moved after I was born just because he was sexist and hated my dad for having a daughter and not a son. What a douche bag, right???

So uncle Shawn drove us to a dark damp boarding school.

When Piper and I arrived at the boarding school we were greeted by a water balloon nearly hitting Piper but, narrowly missing. I turned to see it hit a jock like kid with blinding white teeth. He a Gucci shirt and a really expensive looking pair of shoes and his hair had way too much hair product in it. Just by the way he smiled but, had hatred in his eyes I could already tell he was a rich jerk.
I immediately was best friends with whoever just threw that water balloon. And it just happened to be a scrawny Spanish boy with curly brown hair and warm eyes who looked somewhat familiar.

"Hi, I'm Ash." I greeted the boy "great prank by the way."
He beamed back at me. "Thanks. I'm Leo." Then he froze. "Hey, have we met???" And then I froze. Now, I know why he looked so familiar. My dad was on tour when he got lost and the car broke down. We bought it to a woman named Esperanza who had a son around my age. A son named Leo. And he was my first crush when I was ten years old and stuck in the middle of nowhere. We had only known each other for a week and I'd never dreamed I'd see him again.

"Oh, yeah." I said, trying to sound casual "your mum fixed my dad's car when he was on tour. She even let us stay with you for the week. Remember?"

He went stiff. "You're Denver Brooks daughter?" He whisper shouted "as in the world wide famous daring illusionist himself?"
I just nodded. Well, here I was thinking 'no, I can hide my identity and my fathers fame!' But, nooooooo. I had someone figure out my identity in the first thirty seconds, if not, less.

"And I'm Piper McLean." Piper said shaking Leo's hand. "So, have you made any other friends yet?"

Leo smiled. "Oh, yeah!" He said "almost forgot. Jason, get over here!!!"
A tall blonde jogged over. I frowned. I wasn't sure about him. He was too...perfect. And I didn't trust anyone who didn't have a flaw... and he kinda looked like a arrogant kid that used to bully me when I was seven. I hated bullies.

"Hi, I'm Jason." He beamed.
"Ash." I mumbled.
"Piper McLean." She stuck her arm out and blondie shook it. I looked at Piper. She was sooooo hitting on this guy.

"So, what are you here for???" I asked.
Then it all went blurry.
Flashback end.

I frown. Wait, was Jason even there???, he was, right? I mean, I can't remember how he answered but, that didn't mean anything...wait, how did he get here. I don't remember him ever telling me now that I think about it.

I look next to me to see Leo making something with paper clips and rubber bands. He was a miracle worker that kid. He could make seriously anything.
He had taught me quite a few things... including pranks.

I look forward to see Piper and Jason facing me and Leo. Jason was asleep and Piper was next to him grasping his hand. I hated that guy. Pipes was dating him but, that didn't mean I had to like him. We always argued and he was so annoying sometimes. Thinking he was some special star and all of us were just like grains of sand compared to him. I glared at his fingers which were intertwined with my best friends.

I took the opportunity to pull out my sheet on the Grand Canyon and made them into spit wads and a small pipe.
Piper didn't seem to notice. Leo did. He chuckled and did the same.

"On 3." I whispered. I signal: 1,2,3. And we fire. I make sure not to hit Pipes and only Jason. He sits bolt right up and Leo and I burst out laughing.

"Oh my gosh!" I laughed hysterically "you poor idiot, Jason!"

I waited for him to shout at me. To glare. Or maybe even be offended. But, he just sat there. Sat there looking confused.

"Guys!" Pipes scolded.
Then she noticed Jason's confused face.

"Jay bird, you ok?" I asked in mock concern "you got hit by spit wads! It was horrible!!!" I put my wrist against my forehead dramatically.

Now, don't think I'm mean or rude or a bully. Because I'm not. And maybe I was exaggerating when I said I hate Jason but, I really don't like him. So, you must understand I'm simply pranking and annoying the hell out of him!

Jason suddenly let go off Pipers hand.
"Uh, I don't-" he stared.

Coach Hedge interrupted. "All right, cup cakes, listen up!" He was incredibly short and Leo and I shouted "stand up coach Hedge!" The coach glared. "I heard that!" He snapped.

Yeah, mate, that was the point.

"We'll arrive in a few minutes! Stay with your partner. Don't loose your worksheet and if you cause trouble I will personally give ya a beating!" Hedge shouted.

Jason frowned. "Is he allowed to talk to us like that?"
"He always does so I assume so." I replied honestly.
"This is wilderness school." Piper shrugged.
"Where kids are the animals!" Piper and I chorused. I smirked. It was an inside joke with us four.

Jason frowned. "This is some kind of mistake." He stated.
"Yeah, we were all framed!" I said dramatically.
"I didn't run away six times, Piper didn't steal a BMW and Ash didn't go rage and attack a news reporter on camera!" He chuckled.

Piper blushed, embarrassed and I glared playfully at my joker friend.
"Leo you know we didn't!" I stated.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot!" Leo said with sarcasm dripping from his voice "what were your stories? Piper, you just talked the guy into giving you a car? And Ash, you just saw a flash of light and magically the reporter was on the ground and an entire stage was destroyed???"

"Exactly!" I stated, pretending I didn't notice his sarcasm.
"Anyway, I hope you have the worksheet, Jase." Leo said to Jason "Ash and I turned ours into spit wads."
I smiled at him mischievously.
"Yep!" I said, popping the 'p'.
Jason said nothing. Now I was kinda concerned. But, I wouldn't let him see that.

"Why are you looking at me like that for?" I chuckled "did Leo draw on my face again?"

"I don't know you." Jason said blankly.
"Oh, I wish." I said glumly.

"Yeah, you don't know us!" Leo grinned "I'm not your best friend, I'm his evil clone! MWAHAHA!"

I giggled at Leo's antics.
"Leo Valdez! Ashlyn Brooks!" Hedge shouted "problem back there?"

I looked at Leo. He nodded with a sly grin. "Watch this." He whispered to Jason with a wink.

"Hey, coach!" I shouted, acting like I was confused. I'm a great actress by the way. "I'm having trouble hearing you! Can you use your megaphone?" I asked sweetly.

He did. Oh this was gonna be golden.
His voice came out like darth vader's. The coach tried again. "Cow says moo!" The megaphone blared.
Everyone in the bus cracked up laughing and Leo and I high fived.
"VALDEZ! BROOKS!" Hedge shouted.

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