9. Hide and Seek

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He was hiding under the bed, his breath coming out of his mouth in gasps and his body shaking as the sound of them laughing and calling his name and treating this whole thing as some sort of a twisted game of hide-and-seek echoed around him.

"Come out; come out wherever you are!" Dean heard their voices from the other side of the door and whimpered, his breathing becoming harsh and broken, as he tried to muffle the broken sobs aware that he needed to keep quiet lest they found him.

"Why is this happening to me?" The question kept repeating in his mind.

Was he being punished? He didn't know what he did wrong if he was since he had tried to be a good boy.

"Just leave me alone!" he desperately wanted to scream out, but he didn't want them to find him.

The door creaked and he froze.

"I know that you are here pet; you can't hide from daddy. You have been a very bad boy Dean, and bad boys deserve to be punished..."


I wake up feeling exhausted once again, since the dreams keep repeating every night, now even worse than before, leaving me tired and depressed more than usual.

I climb out of the bed and drag myself into the bathroom. Splashing cold water over my face I look into the mirror and grimace; I look horrible. The bags under my eyes keep getting bigger and my face is all blotchy and pale.

The last couple of weeks have been bad and I've been an emotional mess ever since my failed date with Damien. I feel so bad for rejecting him like that and for intentionally leading him on, but letting him go was the right thing to do.

When Damien kissed me that night, I felt incredible. I felt desirable and cherished for the first time in forever. But that is when I realized something. Damien wanted me, and if not that night, then soon he would want more. But once he saw me, truly saw me, he would certainly run for the hills, leaving me heartbroken.

And the worst part was that I wouldn't be able to blame him, because who in their right mind would want to be with someone as ugly and damaged as me?

So, I told him to leave me alone and thought that that would be the end of it, but the stubborn man has proved himself insistent. For three whole weeks, he kept calling me, leaving voicemails and urging me to call him back.

My resolve was slowly starting to crumble as the days flew by, but then yesterday it all stopped.

Damien left one final message, telling me that it would be the last one and if I didn't call him by the end of the day, he would give up.

And he did.

I know that I should be relieved since that is what I've wanted, but all I did for the entirety of the previous day was cry because I had ruined everything and had no one else to blame but my pathetic self.


Looking at the blackboard I can feel my eyes starting to drop; it's the last class of the day, and I can't wait for it to end. I feel tired and irritated and all I want is to go home and sleep for the next two days. And to make things even worse, Brian has picked this day of all days, to sit next to me, flirting and trying to pull me into some sort of a conversation for the past two hours.

By the end of the lesson, I've finally had enough, so as soon as the teacher dismisses us, I turn to face the blond boy.

"Brian, I will say this only once, so listen carefully. I am not interested in you. I was never and I will never be interested in you, so could you please, for the love of God, leave me the fuck alone?!"

I know that I hurt his feelings and that Brian has done nothing wrong except liking me and being slightly annoying about it, but at that moment I can have cared less, as I grab my bag and run out of the classroom, leaving the boy behind.

A few hours later, after taking a nap, which was thankfully nightmares-free, I take a quick shower and get ready for work. Tonight will be my first time back at the 'Whip' since the 'date', and I'm praying for everything to go smoothly.

Michael had assured me that I could take as much time off as I needed even when I wouldn't tell him why I was unable to come to the club, but it has been three weeks since then, and I know that it is time to grow up and deal with the consequences of my actions.

"Whip" is packed as usual, and for the first time since I started working there, I'm grateful for it. Keeping busy keeps my newfound depression at bay, and I feel relaxed for the first time in what feels like a million years.

"Hey, Dean!" I hear Ash, another waiter, calling me from the other side of the bar and turn to look at him.

"Could you get these drinks to Master Michael? He asked for them a few minutes ago but I am swamped since Isaac took the night off. Please?"

I grimace since I don't want to do it because I hate leaving the bar and mixing with the crowd, but in the end, I just nod, not wanting to come off as rude and flat-out reject the guy.

So, in the end, I take the tray and start to walk toward the VIP booth and as I get closer, I can see Michael, sitting with some Doms, joking and laughing, so I approach them slowly, with my eyes glued to the ground.

"Dean, what are you doing out of the bar?" Michael asks me as soon as he sees me.

"We are short one waiter tonight, so Ash asked me to bring you this myself." I say and see that Michael is worried for me, so I quickly set the drinks on the table anxious to leave as soon as possible.

Just as I'm about to excuse myself something catches my eye. I see a new Sub that I have never seen before, kneeling to my left by Dom's legs, which is anything but unusual at the Whip. No, the thing that stops me in my tracks is the Dom in question.

I raise my eyes slowly for them to be met with cold, green ones, and my stomach drops. I can feel my heart breaking into a million tiny pieces and my eyes starting to water so I quickly look away, pulling myself together and trying to act like nothing is wrong, even though I know that anyone could see the turmoil written across my face if they wished to look closer.

"Do you need anything else, Mike?" I whisper and when Michael says no, I immediately turn around and run to the closest bathroom.

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