8. Broken kisses

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I feel wonderful as I watch the beautiful person sitting across the table.

We are currently in a restaurant in the middle of dinner and I'm surprised at how well it's going considering that Dean is such a shy person and so I've kind of expected him to be quieter around me.

When we first arrived at the restaurant the boy was visibly nervous, but as time went on, he slowly started to relax and open up.

"How do you know my brother, if you don't mind me asking? He said very little when I asked him about it. And to be honest, he was kind of cagy about the whole thing." I say and notice Dean immediately tensing up, so I instinctively put a hand over his smaller one and start rubbing a thumb over his wrist in slow circles. The motion manages to calm him down and he whispers,

"I met Michael a little over a year ago. I was homeless at the time and he took me off the streets, gave me a job and a place to stay until I was able to afford my own. I owe everything to him."

"You were homeless?" I ask, absolutely shocked at his confession. I've long suspected that Dean has had a hard life, but the fact that he had been homeless before meeting my brother catches me completely off guard.

Dean is such a gentle, sweet person and I can not picture him out in the streets completely alone. Just the thought of it makes me want to hug the boy and protect him.

"Yes, for a little while, six months maybe but I am not sure." he says quietly after a few moments, avoiding eye contact, clearly feeling uncomfortable with the topic of our conversation.

I would be lying if I said that I'm not curious, wanting to know more, but I also know that I shouldn't push. I have to give Dean some time to get used to me and start trusting me enough to tell me his story.

So, instead of pushing, I touch Dean's red cheek, caressing it softly for a second, which makes the boy finally look up.

"I will be there to listen, when or if you are ready to share your story. I would never pressure you to say or do something you do not want to do. And I apologize if my questions made you feel uncomfortable, that was never my intention." I say.

"Thank you." he whispers, touching my hand for a second, before quickly pulling away, a soft smile playing around the corner of his lips.

As I stare at the little piece of skin that was until a moment ago covered with Dean's hand, I realize that my heart is in danger because the petite boy has somehow managed in a matter of weeks, what no one had in years; He makes me feel.

What, not even I'm sure, but something nonetheless.

I have been in love only once in my life, and it had made me feel invincible. I loved and cherished that person and I've done everything in my power to make them happy. But certain things happened and all our plans for the future along with all of my hopes and dreams were crushed with a snap of a finger.

Afterward, the disappointment and hurt made me grow colder with each passing day and I had sworn never to fall in love again. But just like years ago, life has other plans for me.

Now, as I look at Dean, I realize that I had been wrong and that I could feel again and the thought makes me strangely peaceful.

We stay at the restaurant for a long time, talking and laughing, as neither wants the night to end. Dean is telling me funny stories about his best friend Misha, the redhead from the previous day, and I can see that Dean loves him very much by the way his eyes sparkle and his smile grows wider whenever he talks about him.

He also talks about his school, his job, and his dreams of traveling the world; visiting exotic countries, and learning their customs, which makes me silently vow to make it happen someday if Dean somehow ends up being mine.

I, in return, tell Dean about my company, and about being adopted at the age of six and I can tell that Dean didn't know that by the look of shock on his face.

"So, you and Michael are not blood-related? He talks about your family all the time, but he never told me that both of you were adopted."

"Michael doesn't like to talk about that part of his life. He was in foster care much longer than I was and he had a tough time, but not even I know to what extent."

Dean just nods with a sad smile on his face and something tells me that the boy now feels even more connected to my brother than before.

Once I realize that we are the last ones in the restaurant, I quickly pay the bill, leaving a hefty tip, and then we leave.

In the car on our way back to Dean's apartment, we sit in comfortable silence. Dean is looking through the window with his head pressed against it and a relaxed smile on his face. I keep stealing glances at him, Dean's face pulling me in like a beacon and I barely manage to avoid crashing the car a few times.

When we finally arrive, I step out of the car and quickly jog to open the door, offering him my hand, which Dean surprisingly takes.

"Thank you for letting me take you out tonight. I had a wonderful time, and I hope you did, too."

"I... I did." Dean whispers while peeking through his lashes, his cheeks reddening by the second.

I step closer to him, pulled in like a moth to a flame, invading his personal space as I wrap a hand around his small waist. My fingers run gently up and down Dean's back, coaxing shivers out of him. With his cheeks still blushing hotly, the boy glances back up into my eyes as I lean down, resting my forehead against his.

The boy looks breathtaking as my eyes study him with silent intensity. His warm breath ghosts across my lips making goosebumps spread across my skin.

He shuts his eyes, letting out a small whimper, his following gasp muffled by my mouth, as his soft lips are captured by mine. The heat seems to travel through my veins, warming me as I pull the boy closer. Just as I feel a rush of arousal trying to overwhelm me, Dean draws away. I smile in pleasure before opening my eyes but what I see makes me freeze instantly.

Dean is shaking; his blue eyes full of tears, making my stomach fill with dread.

"Dean, are you alright? I am so sorry if I overstepped by kissing you." I quickly say as dread washes over me at the thought of hurting or offending Dean.

"No, it's not that. You did nothing wrong, I just... I am sorry Damien, but I can't do this."

"What do you mean? Look I am sorry if you felt pressured or something, it will never happen again, I promise you. I won't even touch you until you say otherwise." I promise, feeling a bit desperate by the dead look in Dean's eyes.

I'm sure that Dean enjoyed our kiss as much as I did, but something had scared him and I can't understand what. I watch with wide eyes as the boy keeps going backward, shaking his head, while tears run down his face.

"I am so sorry Damien. I just can't. Please, just leave me alone. I don't deserve you, and sooner or later you would have realized that. Please don't hate me; I am doing us both a favor." he whispers, and then quickly steps into his apartment and shuts the door in my face.

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