6. Barbeques and whispers

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I'm finally in my new office, working hard to catch up since I have three weeks worth of work piled up. Having a ton of paperwork, which I loath, and angry clients calling me constantly, it is safe to say that I'm not in a great mood.

I've pressed charges against Mr. Norman, the contractor who robbed me, but the police haven't found him yet. As far as I know, the man could be across the world right now, enjoying the money he has stolen.

I'm brought out of my musings by the phone ringing.


"Hi bro! What's up? Don't tell me you are still at work?" Michael says, making me roll my eyes at the question.

"Then I won't tell you I am still at work."

"Damien! It's 8 pm on a Friday, for God's sake! Go home."

"Did Maria ask you to call me?" I ask, even though I'm sure of it since the woman has been bugging me about the same thing until a couple of minutes ago when I finally threatened to fire her and she relented and left in a huff, muttering angrily in Spanish.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But seriously, go home big brother."

"Did you want something, Michael, apart from annoying me, because I am about to hang up."

"Fine, fine, you grumpy! I wanted to tell you that I am hosting a barbecue tomorrow afternoon at my house. Everybody from the club will be there. So, you should come, meet some people, eat some food. You know like a normal person. So, what do you say?"

People from the club?

Does that mean that he would be there?

My mind immediately starts buzzing at the possibility of seeing Dean again since the boy has been on my mind almost constantly. I've tried to talk to him after the night at the 'Whip', but Dean always managed to avoid me.

At first, I decided to just let it go since the boy screamed trouble. So I went to the club, had my fun with available Subs, but my eyes still always found their way back to Dean. And even though he kept his distance, I still caught him looking at me on more than one occasion which told me that he wasn't as indifferent to me as he wanted to appear to be.

I keep remembering the feeling of Dean's tight, little body wrapped up in my arms; his pale skin, so smooth and soft and just begging for me to touch it, mark it. And, God, those lips!

I have to see him again.

"What time should I be there?"


Michael's house is about an hour's drive from my apartment and by the time I arrive, I'm baffled about the reason why my brother would buy a house so far away from everything.

Of course, Michael would say that it is because of the peace that this neighborhood provides, but that is not how I operate.

I love the noise, the crowds, and the feeling of the city that never sleeps; I thrive on it. But to each their own, as my father used to say.

Pulling up to the driveway, I turn off the radio and get out of the car where I can already hear the laughter and music drifting from the backyard, making me smile.

Since I'm new in New York, the only person I know is my brother, so I'm actually looking forward to meeting some new people with the same interests as me and maybe even making a new friend.

Looking around as I step out of the house, I have to admit that Michael has a point; the place is beautiful. I can see the appeal, but still not enough to convert, of course.

Stepping into the backyard, I see around twenty people mingling around, eating and drinking while some younger-looking boys and girls are in the pool, playing around and laughing, and judging by the hungry looks heading their way, I realize that they are the Subs.

I finally spot Michael tending the grill with a tough-looking, giant of a man while drinking beer and talking, but as I look around, I can't find the one person I so desperately want to see.

Maybe Dean is just late; I try to console myself as I make my way through the grass.

"Hey man. Nice house." I say once I'm in Michael's earshot making my brother smile widely at the sight of me.

"Hey! You are here, where there are people and conversations. I am proud of you, big bro!" Michael says and immediately ducks when I go to hit him at the back of his head.

"Oh, shut up, you menace, and introduce me to your friend. Hi, I am Damien, this idiot's older brother." I say, shaking the tattooed guy's hand.

"Nice to finally meet you, Damien. My name is Jack. I am the idiot's best friend and the member of the Club." the guy says and smiles. I remember Michael talking about his best friend, the brilliant trauma surgeon, and I barely manage to hide my surprise. The tattooed, biker-looking giant in front of me is not how I envisioned him at all.

"Oh, so I take it that you are Dom as well?"


"Are you a part of our little single's Club, or do you have a partner?" I ask him and watch as Jack shakes his head.

"I have, his name is Misha, and we recently started living together. He is a piece of work, but that's why I love him." Jack says and winks as we all laugh.

"Did you bring him with you? I want to meet this little spitfire you two talk so fondly about."

"Sure, um, there he is, the redhead currently screaming in the pool." Jack snorts and points with his finger toward the boy in question.

I turn around and once I see him, I realize that Jack is right; the boy is a piece of work. He's screaming and jumping around while laughing like a lunatic. From where I'm standing it looks like Misha is trying to convince someone to join him and that's when I see him.


He's sitting on the chair near the pool, partially hidden from view, in black shorts and a white t-shirt that shows off his toned little body, making me almost moan out loud.

Misha is telling Dean something while the other nods a few times before making his way over to the bar.

This is my chance, I think as I quickly excuse myself and hurry in the same direction.

Baby Boy (Whip 1) SAMPLEजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें