2. A work of art

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Please, Master, please!" the petite, blond boy screams, writhing in pleasure as I suck him deep into my throat.

He's on the edge and I know it, smirking in pleasure as his desperate pleas hit my ears. I ignore him, continuing to tease him until the boy becomes a sobbing mess and only then, after deciding that the blond has suffered enough, I finally put the condom on and slam right into him.

"Yes, Master!" the blond cries out, his back arching from the mattress and his head falling back, exposing his beautiful neck to my teeth. I snap my hips harder, and every time I slam against the boy's prostate, he screams gibberish, making it obvious that he is barely holding himself off from finishing.

"Cum, pet, now!" I growl, speeding up and grabbing a hold off his cock, and with that, the boy starts shooting between our chests.

After we are both finished, I rise to my feet and go to the bathroom to clean myself up, leaving the boy spent in bed.

I take a look at the mirror, my eyes meeting with a familiar face. I'm dangerously close to forties, not that I mind since age is just a number in my books and, after all, I don't look a day over thirty.

No, I look fine, but what does draw my attention are the bags under my eyes and the hollow look in them that I'm sure only I can see. None of my supposed friends sees it and certainly not the blond currently laid out in my bed.

Not that it matters, I think, since the boy is just another one in a long line of blonds and brunettes that have passed through this house, writing and moaning underneath my skillful hands for one night, never more, and then forgotten as if they were never there.

I splash some water over my heated face, washing the sweat off of it and pretending, for just a second that I could also do that with my morose thoughts.

I take a cloth-wash and a glass of water and bring them back to the room and then proceed to clean the boy up. I then prop him up on my lap and bring the glass to his lips.

"You were great, pet." I whisper with a small smile that I know doesn't quite reach my eyes.

"Thank you, Master Damien." the boy says and gives me a small, proud smile, before quickly going back to sleep.

I watch him for a few minutes, his face looking so peaceful and sated. I cannot deny that the boy is beautiful and that he is a very good Sub. I'm sure that, if I bothered to give him a chance, the blond would be very good to me, but I can't.

I've made the mistake of trusting someone once before and after what happened, I could never allow myself to put so much faith into another person again.


"Good morning Mr. Jones." I hear the greeting before I even have the time to exit the elevator. As soon as I see her, I smile at the short, middle-aged woman and nod.

"Morning, Maria. How are you this morning?" I ask her while taking the coffee she's offering as we walk through the main floor of my apartment building.

I open the glass door and motioned with my hand for her to go before me, which earns me a proud smirk from her.

"I am fine, Mr. Jones. How about you? Slept well?"

"Quite well, thank you. The previous evening was very relaxing." I say, a smirk playing around the edges of my mouth as she huffs and gets into the car; her opinion about my nighttime activities as further from positive as possible.

"And, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Damien, Maria? It sounds weird when you call me Mr. Jones, I feel ancient, especially since you are older than me."

Baby Boy (Whip 1) SAMPLEWhere stories live. Discover now