12. Counting Nights

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I wanted to take a break from my fanfic, so here's an Adrienette oneshot. I'll post Chapter 12 after this.

Adrien ran towards Marinette, who was walking away. Rather slowly. He reached her, a panting and breathless mess, and Marinette turned around to see her long-time crush. "Adrien, are you okay?" she asked nervously. She still couldn't calm her jittery nerves whenever it came to him, but she managed to control her stuttering across the years. Adrien put a finger up, taking deep breaths for a few seconds, and stood up. "Yeah, I'm okay, Marinette. I just wanted to give you something." Marinette raised her eyebrow in confusion. "What for?"

"Well, it's just you're so nice and help everyone, so I thought I'd return the favor." He held out a small box. Marinette shook her head. "I couldn't take it, Adrien. It wouldn't be right. There's nothing to return, anyway."

"No, take it! Please? For me?" Marinette reluctantly took the small box, sighing. She opened it and gasped. Inside was a beautiful necklace, with a red jewel hanging from it. It was gilded with real silver, and the chain was silver, too. "Adrien, I can't take this!"

"Of course you can! Here, let me help you." Adrien took the necklace and fixed it around her neck. Marinette couldn't help the blush that was spreading across her cheeks. A loud beeping sound interrupted her thoughts, and she checked her phone. Oh god, lunch break is almost over! I have to get to class!" Adrien chuckled. "Go ahead. I'll see you later."

"Goodbye! And-um..." Marinette reached up and kissed his cheek. "Thank you!" Adrien blushed as she ran to next class. "Your welcome..."

12. Counting Nights

I'll skip our little talk and get to the point. It's what you want, anyway.

December 20th. 2:48 AM.

Plagg has arrived at his destination. He makes sure that she's asleep before phasing through the window. He looks around, a worried expression on his face.

Plagg: *whispers* Sugarcube? Are you there?

Tikki hears Plagg's voice and turns around, worry etched into her face.

Tikki: Plagg... She's getting worse. I don't know what to do anymore.

Tikki starts to cry and flies over to where Plagg is. She leans on him and cries. They both float down on the floor. Tikki wipes her eyes.

Tikki: Should I wake her up? So you can talk to her?

Plagg: I think I'll do it. Take a break, yeah?

Tikki: If you say so...

Plagg goes to where Marinette is sleeping. Her back is slightly hunched as she is propped up against the wall. She is breathing heavily. Plagg taps her cheek.

Plagg: Marinette?

Marinette flutters her eyes open and jumps as she sees a glob of black hovering in front of her face. Her face softens and she relaxes as she sees that it's Plagg.

Marinette: What are you doing here?

Plagg: I kind of wanted to get away from my owner. Figured I could come here. Why are you sleeping down here?

Marinette looks around in confusion. She looks down at her lap, where her sketchpad was open and her pencil was in the middle of it. Tikki placed it there not too long ago.

Marinette: I don't really remember... I guess I was sketching and I fell asleep?

Plagg: Hmm... Okay. Do you remember anything?

Book 1: L'ombre De La DameWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt