11. Hidden Answers

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You want to know. You hate when I leave you on cliffhangers. You must think I'm evil. That I'm doing this on purpose. I am. Hah! I wonder if I'll do that again. To watch you suffer.

Marinette: It's already sundown? It's been like, half an hour.

Alya: You can stay longer. It's not so late, and didn't your parents allow you to stay after sundown?

Marinette: I didn't say I would leave, just that it was fast.

Alya: Well, it's almost winter.

Marinette: I'm just saying!

Alya: Okay, okay, do you want to... What do you want to do?

Marinette: How about we just go on Youtube? I'm sure something interesting will come up.

Alya pulls up Youtube on her computer and quickly goes to search something up to cover what is in her recommended. Marinette sees, though, and exits out of search.

Marinette: What was that?

Alya: Oh, um-

Marinette: Is that Peppa Pig?

Alya: That's for my sisters. They-

Marinette: And is that Mickey Mouse and Peppa Pig fused together?!

Alya: Uh... that was... probably me?

Marinette: I worry for your sanity.

Alya: So do I. Anything in particular you wanna watch?

Marinette: Eh, riddles are cool.

Alya: Okay.

They watch videos and laugh as new videos pop up, showing videos that Alya usually watches. The strange Peppa Pig videos. Soon it gets very, very late and Marinette says goodbye. She hides in an alley and transforms into her alter ego. She lands on her balcony and slips into her room, not releasing her transformation.


Kasdeya: You ready?

Lila: Of course.

Kasdeya: Let's go.

Ladybug narrows her eyes at her trapdoor.

Kasdeya and Lila arrive.

Lila: I'll pick the lock.

Kasdeya: Go ahead.

Kasdeya and Lila head inside. They go up the stairs. Kasdeya is grinning like mad, knowing this is her chance.

Ladybug: Get. Lost.

Lila: Two birds with one stone, eh? I like this.

Ladybug shoots Kasdeya a look.

Ladybug: You...

Kasdeya puts a finger on her lips.

Kasdeya: I haven't said a word. I keep my promises.

Ladybug wraps her yoyo around Kasdeya and brings her closer. She lifts Kasdeya's chin up.

Ladybug: *growling* Get the hell out of here.

Kasdeya: With pleasure.

Kasdeya pulls out a knife and with the space she has, stabs Ladybug. Ladybug lets go of her hold and Kasdeya snaps her fingers and her and Lila disappear. Ladybug detransforms.

Book 1: L'ombre De La DameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang