What a boring Sunday. (RxV)

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Virgil was bored.

Infinitely bored.

After him and Roman had hooked up last night on the couch (Long story short, cuddles and comfort was experienced) He'd assumed that Roman would want to spend some time with him, but alas, he was off frolicking in his imaginary fields.

He'd survive. He'd never wanted to be the clingy hold-you-back boyfriend, figuring it would just be annoying to some.

But Roman hadn't been back for at least an hour....

What if.....what if Romans frolicking had been interrupted buy the Dragon Witch? Or some other shit like that?

Virgil wasn't going to stand by and let his boyfriend be eaten by a monster!

"Hehe....boyfriend. I could get used to that" he snickered to himself.

Pulling out his phone, he quickly made a Spotify playlist for his adventure.

"Going to save my Prince" he titled it. (If anyone's curious, no, that's not actually a Spotify playlist I've made. I will if anyone wants me to tho.)

It featured your basic boost-your-mood songs, most of his favorite bands, and some Queen. What a bop.

Standing outside Romans room door, he steadied his breathing. 

Losing his confidence suddenly, he slumped, sliding down the wall and grumbling. "What am I thinking? Rushing in, to save someone who never needed saving." He was stronger than Virgil, so not li,e he could be of much assistance. Narrowing his eyes, he shook the conflicting and negative thoughts from his mind.

"Fuck it. Let's pay him a visit."


Finding Romans domain turned out to be easier than expected, as it was a fucking castle right smack dab in the middle of a fucking FLOWER field.

I'm getting a bit out of hand with the cursing.

It's your own thoughts. Just say fuck. No body cares. Not like anyone's listening.

Good point, vague, unidentified voice in my screwed-up head.

Get back to the mission Virgil.


Walking up to the castles bridge, and it must be addressed, this castle was decked-out. Virgil must have spotted at least four different vine-draped balconies overlooking each direction.

He arrived at the front gates, and the guards immediately bowed low to the ground.


"King Virgil, your highness, and ruler alongside King Roman, we are honored to stand before you." They said with shaky voices.

"Uhm...at ease? No need to be so....inferior, guards. I just need to see Princey. Er, King Roman" he stuttered out. Man, these guards spouts already think he was some sort of joke.

"Your majesty, of course, you are welcome in the castle at any time" they said in unison, giving some sort of signal to watchers to open the gates, because that exactly what they did.

As the gates opened, Virgil pondered over how much Roman had told them about his new-found Boyfriend.

Virgil shrugged, slowly walking into the huge kingdom.

"Thank you....?"

"Sebastian and Daniel"

"Thank you, Sebastian and Daniel."

As he walked away, he faintly heard squeals of excitement.

"Jesus Roman, how much did you sell me?" He muttered under his breath, looking for someone to get directions to where Roman was.

No luck, Damn.

Oh well, he'd look for Roman on his own. Starting with the room to his right.

"Wow, a golden door...this must be important." he grumbled, fed up with having to look for his boyfriend. Oh well, He could give himself an exploration tour while he looked.

"ROMAN, BABE...YOU IN HERE?!" He shouted, opening the golden door slightly.

What he saw was...confusing, to say the least. Roman, hanging up a banner with Virgils name and face on it. The room was decorated with purple, pink, and black.

"Goddammit Roman. What are you doing up there?"

"aH...My dark and stormy knight! how did you get in here??" he said, face freezing with panic while he dropped a tack.

Virgil slunk over to the tack, picking it up and palming it "Your guards let me in. Quite the worshipers you've got there." he said, leaning up against the shimmery gold wall, beginning to pick at his nails. Roman climbed down from the ladder he was on, wiping his forehead and snapping two glasses of lemonade into existence for the both of them.

"Wow. i told them about you, but i didn't think they were listening to me! No matter, did they happen to tell you their names? I may need to tell them its not ok to let people in my castle when i specifically tell them that i'm planning something important for that particular person." he grumbled, gritting his teeth.

"uhm, ok? It was Sebastian and Daniel."

"Which one? We have three of each" Roman responded, snapping a clipboard into his hands.

"Daniel with blond hair and green-ish eyes, and Sebastian with dirty blond hair, and hazel eyes. They were fine, don't yell at em. But why weren't you letting me in? And what the hell is with that banner....it has my face on it, Princey..." Virgil sighed, he'd never tell Roman, but that banner was ugly (Probably because it had his face on it).

"Oh, i might as well tear it down. it was a one-day anniversary party for us, but i guess my guards need a lesson on how to do their job." He said, ruefully snapping everything to oblivion

"No, its fine...i don't really like party's, but come on. One day anniversary? I don't need that, Ro." Virgil chuckled, grabbing Romans hand and leading him out of the bright room. "I love you. i don't need a party of appreciation. Just you talking to me is enough. I was lonely today without you here to annoy me" Virgil snickered, looking his boyfriend in his eyes.

"OH! i never ever said good morning to you my love!" Roman fretted, pecking Virgils face all over. "its fine, Ro. Thanks though."

Roman cupped Virgils cheek and kissed his reddish nose, pulling Virgil into a comforting hug.

"Thanks Virge" Romans muffled voice sighed

Virgil sniffed Romans coconut scented hair, furrowing his brow.

He used my shampoo again.


hEY if ya like klance check out my two-chapter oneshots series. its got sum good Keith angst and a missing moment. too bad i cant keep things consistent. sorry. ALSO this story is 1024 words. i've been only hitting 700 lately.

Au Revior!! 

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