Sports (Request)

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Virgil had a secret.

You see, you'd think Virgil would be the least sporty out of the sides, but he'd had a lot of free time, and a lot of practice. What did you think he did for 20 years of Thomas's life? Wallow in his own sadness?

Nah, but it happens sometimes, less often though.

Now, over the many years Virgil had picked up a lot of sports, these including Ice-Skating, Soccer, gymnastics and basketball, he never bothered to learn football, it was to touchy for Virgil.

This all came up when Roman decided to kick a soccer ball at him saying "think fast!"

Virgil looked up from his phone to see a soccer ball flying at him a gazillion miles an hour.
Quickly Virgil threw his phone to the side and angled his foot upward so the ball would go above him. He watched it soar above him, hit the ceiling and  dropping down into the waiting crook of his foot. Juggling it, then kicking it straight back at Roman.

With no warning.

It hit the stunned Prince, sending him stumbling backwards and into Patton.
The whole thing was over so quickly, It took all three traits a moment to process what just happened. Logan ran up to him, asking Virgil all sorts of scientific questions that he decidedly didn't have the answers to.

"What force did you hit the ball?"

"What's your technique?"

"How do you have such a fast reaction time?"

Next was Patton's turn, he helped Roman up, but thankfully only asked him one question with a classic star-struck face,

Roman never asked him a question, he only stared and babbled like an idiot.
"Whats a matter Princey? Cat got your tongue?" Virgil quipped. This seemed to snap Roman out of it, as he just gazed at him with what seemed like surprise, awe, envy, and...recognition? In his eyes.

Finally, he spoke.
"That's was amazing....Virgil...I never knew you could do that!"
Virgil shifted, all this attention was overwhelming, he felt a light blush grace him.
"Oh...wellyaknow" he trailed off, looking at the ground



"What other tricks are up your sleeve?"
Virgil rolled his eyes and decided to show off a little. The look on Pinceys face was priceless.

"Back up" he said with a smirk.

The others did as they were told. Virgil walked backward until he brushed the wall, taking a deep breath he tried not to think of all the horrible outcomes. Broken foot. Embarrassment. Whichever, or, both.

Now or never
He ran, and did a front flip, landing it smoothly
"Is...." he paused for a breath, "enough proof?"
All three nodded.
He sighed and gave into the tiny feel of satisfaction.

The shocked expressions on all of their faces said it all. Logan, curiosity and puzzlement, Patton, pride and love, and Roman, suspicion and awe.

"Anything else?"

*EDIT* it's currently September 6th, 2019. I fixed it a little, because every day I get notifications on people reading and voting on this horrendously CRINGEY story. At least the old chapters. *EDIT OVER*

This is shorter that I'd like, and I just looked up sports and picked which ones fit him XD. so all of this fanfic isn't completely accurate. Whoops.
Thanks for the request!
Au Revoir!!

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