Crazies sent on buses, up here to find you(RxV)

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whoever gets the title reference, comment and i will PERSONALLY make your perfect oneshot of any kind. (unless its smut. yOu kNOW HoW I FeEL.) also i KNOW its longer than the gr8 wall of china, dont come for me 

Once and a while, Virgil got a little extra cuddly and clingy during the night.

i mean, roman wasn't opposed to it, and he was completely fine with spooning. (but only if he gets to be the big spoon) Roman was pleasantly surprised when Virgil slipped into his regal room, and proceeded to snuggle up to the prince, grabbing desperately for some pure cuddle action.

He was totally down for it though.

until he started hearing faint sniffles and hiccups coming from underneath his head. 

"Virgil, love, why are you crying?" he said softly.

there was only the occasional sniffle once and a while, but eventually Virgil started to speak up.


"My love, its OK. I would never hurt you, we've been through this. I would never judge  no matter what. I promise you can trust, and tell me whats wrong" he cooed, running his fingers slowly through his lovers hair.

Virgil sniffed once more, then took a deep breath, scooting backwards into roman, so they were spooning pretty intensely.

"its really stupid roman, don't concern yourself with me or my problems..." he murmured, pulling away from the prince.

Roman frowned, turning Virgil over so he could truly see what damage was done.

Upon seeing his dark princes red, puffy, eyes. swollen lips (from chewing), and just messy and mangled hair he took a sharp intake of cool air.

"oh poor prince, come here honey..." he muttered, wrapping his long arms around Virgil, pulling him close, and breathing in his scent.

"did you use that coconut shampoo i told you was specifically mine, Virge?"

he hid his eyes behind his bangs


Roman rolled his eyes "you smell amazing, my love" he purred, nuzzling into Virgils hair until all he could smell was coconut and mangos.

"gasp. did you also use my mango conditioner?"

The dark trait giggled a little 

"no." he said, nuzzling further into Romans chest.

"GASP! Did the menacing and oh-so-cute Virgil just....giggle? Or do my ears betray me?" he mocked, kissing the top of his head softly.

Virgil shook his head, and Roman could already feel the heat from his cheeks coming off of him.

"is my Virgil blushing, perhaps? id better go get a camera!" he exclaimed, pulling away and out of bed.

Virgil sat up, chasing him, and tackling him to the ground with a loud 'thud'.

"" he panted, out of breath.

Roman shrugged, sitting up with Virgils limbs draped across his body. Untangling the wild Virgil, who had failed to capture his prey, he propped them up against the bed, properly cuddling.

With Virgils head on his shoulder, and the rest of his body in Romans lap, he began to hum to himself, no particular song in mind.

Roman stroked the smaller traits back softly, whispering in his ear.

"feel better, my prince?"

He felt him smile softlty "Yeah, thank you for being....uhm....mine?"

Roman knew that Virgil was no romance expert, and clearly new to this whole relationship thing, but that would never matter to Roman. He loved him, and any attempt made to woo him, charm him, and just love him would never be under appreciated.

"mm. Thanks, love. I'm glad that you're mine too..." he purred.

they cuddled like that, the hum slowly Turning into a hit Eagles song slowly.

Best of my love, or something like that.

"i see you're a man of great music taste, Virgil."

"only one of the best bands of all time." he murmured in Romans ear, continuing on with the song.

He paused to listen to the melodic sound, humming the harmonies at the chorus.

"You do get the best of my love though, you know." Roman purred after a while of laying there.

But the dark prince couldn't hear him., for he had fallen peacefully asleep.

Roman kissed his head, picking him up and taking their cuddle-fest to the bed, where they could actually get some rest.


i was feeling sad, so i decided what better way to brighten up than;

1) updating my oneshots and brightening others's day

2) reminding me that i'll never have this

3) and gushing over my own fanfic.

au revoir my loves. i wish you all sweet dreams or an amazing day...

Also CHEERS to 11k, i never would have thought to ever have this many people reading my stuff....let me know if you enjoyed, and go read @corgiphann dan and phil story. its gucci.

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