You're the clingy drunk for sure (prinxiety)

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Warning: dangerous amounts of drunk, stupid Roman. Read at your own risk.
Virgil had just finished washing some dishes with Patton when Roman stumbled In.
"Hey virgie...." He said, with red eyes.
Patton looked furious "Roman Sanders! Are you intoxicated?"
Virgil snorted as Roman looked at Patton and said;
"It's 420 broooooooo"
Virgil laughed so hard he had to bite his tongue to shut himself up.
Patton wasn't amused "not funny, Virgil."
He rolled his eyes "it so is. How do you think he got the drinks? And what are we going to do?"
Patton opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Roman
The drunk trait tapped Virgil's shoulder "thanks.....stash in your..... s'room"
Shit. Patton wasn't supposed to find out about that whisky....
Patton turned on him with accusing eyes "I suppose since it's your alcohol, you can take care of him for the night. He's definitely going to have a hangover....oh, and your not allowed to just drop him off in his room, I'll be watching"
Virgil groaned "that's not fair. He shouldn't have been snooping!"
"I don't want to hear it mister. Take him away before i get Logan level mad"
Virgil widened his eyes "have a good night Patton!" He said, putting Romans arms on his shoulder, and trying his best to carry him to his room. He got half way up the stairs when Roman decided to go rouge and pretend he was Spider-Man.
Roman grabbed onto the wall, shooting his arm out.
"It's webbing time!"
Virgil rolled his eyes "no, it's not. It's bed time fuss-pot. (Get reference?) and besides, you don't have any web shooters."
Roman frowned sloppily, but it turned into a grin a few painful moments later
"Ur pretty cute virgieee"
Virgil flushed, while dying on the inside
SQUEEEEEEEE. drunk words are sober thoughts right????
"No, you don't. Your just drunk Princey" He said, words betraying his thoughts.
Roman wailed "b-b-b-b-but-"
He squinted, no doubt losing that train of thought.
"Let's go to the beech beech, les go gettaway. Dey say what the gunna say, grab a drink!"
He gestured to Virgil
"Ugh, I hate you."
"Clink! Found a bud light! Bad bitches like me is hard to come by"
Roman squealed "you actually finished the songggg!!!" He clung onto Virgil's waist, nearly dragging them both down the stairs.
"Alright, we are going to your room"
He dragged Roman the rest of the way, getting protests and clingy threats from him, they had no effect of course, but it was enough to make Virgil speed up. They arrived at the fanciful Sides room, stepping inside and being hit with a wave of light
"AUGHHHHHH" Roman screeched, covering his eyes while kneeling down dramatically.
Virgil toned down the lights, changing it to a soft glow. He threw Roman onto the bed, sighing and stretching his back.
"You. Are one heavy prince."
Cute prince.
No, no no no, get your head straight Virgil.
Heh, I'm not even straight.
It's not the time for gay jokes Sanders.
When is it never the time for gay jokes!?!
Ok, Virgil stop having a thought conversation with yourself. It's really sad...
Touché. Alright, back to the task at hand.
Thank you.
"Oh boy, I need help." Virgil murmured, throwing a blanket onto the prince.
Roman decided that instead to a real pillow, he wanted Virgil. Princey grabbed Virgil's arm and yanked.
Virgil fell onto Roman, suppressing a groan of pain and embarrassment.
"S'cuddly mee"
He quickly got off of the drunk prince.
"No, Roman your drunk, and not thinking straight."
Heheejheheheheheheh, HES not straight.
(Sry) Virgil sighed, looking longingly it the whimpering trait.
The dark sander side left to get Roman a glass of water, with ice because he knew Roman hated just water. He looked around quickly, bending down and giving him a soft kiss on the forehead
He readjusted Roman so he could sleep.
Virgil waved goodbye to the sleepy Roman, softly whispering 'I love you' before closing the door.
~ The next morning ~
The first thing Roman registered was the intense pounding in his temples.
He groaned, trying to recall what had happened the night before.
Roman opened Virgil's door slightly. He wasn't in the mind scape, so Roman was free to snoop uninterrupted. He  knew it was wrong, but he just couldn't help himself. He wanted to know what secrets the dark traits room held.
Roman stepped in, immediately noticing a sketch pad on his desk.
He picked it up, vaguely aware that this was violating Virgil's space and privacy.
He flipped was amazing! Sketches of Roman, Logan, Thomas, Patton, Joan,  Sleep, and all of Thomas's friends! But one that had particularly caught Romans eye was one of himself... it was absolutely beautiful (after all, this was a picture of Roman) but right next to his face were hearts and sparkles....
Roman closed the book. His cheeks turning red
"Could Virgil's feeling be requited??" He shook his head, walking over to search Virgil's closet.
He saw a strange sight, pillows and blankets were strewn about with fidget toys and earbuds laying there.
Above was a sign that read
Anxiety Corner
No entry from other traits.
Roman silently pondered, for that was a smart idea, but did he really need a corner?
Roman mentally slapped himself
"Of course he does Roman, he's the lord of anxiety himself.
He turned to leave, when a familiar sight caught his eye.
"No way, Virgil's stash of drinks!? I thought this was a folklore"
He picked up a bottle of wine, and another bottle of fireball (whisky).
Inspecting it, he tried some.
And tried some more...
And more...
And moreee.
D s'moreeeEe...
"This room, is a true treasure trove."
"Ooommmmmmm Haha! SPLENDID OMMMMM"
He rambled for about ten minutes, then tried to make his way down stairs. He was confused as to why Patton was so mad.
"Hey virgie...."
He couldn't remember anything other than that. All except for....
He jumped out of bead, hurting his brain in the process.
"Oh no....what did I do to Virgil....he probably thinks im a creep!!"
Roman heard footsteps coming from outside his room, he quickly buried himself in the blankets as soon as the door opened.

from what he could hear, it was JD himself

"psst. Roman. Are you awake? if he doesn't answer then he isn't Virgil, probably doesn't even like you..." Virgil whispered to himself.

Roman heard Virgil grumbling fade away as he closed the door.

He sat up.

He started to sweat.

"Is that what he really thinks??" Roman said, horrified.

He sat there staring at the ceiling for quite a bit before coming to a conclusion.

He blinked aggressively.

"Ive got to talk to my spicy boi"
Part two, anyone? I've had this fic in the works since my first chapter soooooo.
Au revoir!

Sanders Sides One-shots (Mainly Prinxiety)Where stories live. Discover now