Ice skatin' (Poly if you want)

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What a terrible idea it was.
Logan groaned as he thought of it.
"It's just weight ratio and momentum" he told himself
"Use your brain." He said
"Why Patton, why??"
Ice skating.

Logan had never been on the ice before, and he was sure he would fall. Topple over. Complete wipeout. Whatever you'd like to call it. He certainly wasn't the most sporty type, and he had never tried anything of the sort before.
But here they all were.

in the imagination.

Going ice skating.

What a dream.

Roman was exited, for he had done it once or twice, but he was always up for an adventure!  How hard was it, it was just ice! He could handle absolutely anything the world threw at him!

Patton was beyond happy, finally something they could all do together, but poor Logan he decided.
Doesn't seem like hes enjoying it. I'll have to keep an eye on him.

Virgil was, for once, happy. He loved ice skating, he loved Yuri on ice and adored everything about it. The calming sound of skates on ice, the beautiful, graceful moments of the skaters as they performed to the music.

And he considered himself good at it! In the mind scape, it was often boring so when Virgil saw Yuri on ice, he wanted to try it out. He'd had enough time, so he'd ended up watching a million tutorials on YouTube and learning through trial and error. But now he could actually spin, he could really land a triple axel. He was curious to see how the others would preform. And he was anxious, the others might tease him for his skill, or get jealous, or he might fall,

"We're here!" Roman sang, cutting off his train of thought.
Surely, they arrived at the ice skating rink. Nobody was there, but it was Romans creation in the imagination so that was expected.


Black Ice skates appeared on Virgil's feet, nearly tripping him. Gold for Roman, plain white for Logan, who fell over after the jarring experience, and light blue ones for Patton, who started to help Logan up.

"Alrighty kiddos! Who wants to start?" Patton cheered, eyeing the rink with glee.
Logan grumbled while Roman raised his hand eagerly, hopping around and most-likely breaking his ankles.
Ice-skates hurt!

"Let's do this!"

They entered the rink one at a time excitedly, Virgil leaning up against the wall, waiting for the others to start. He felt a small pang of worry but shrugged it off, putting up his guard non-chillantly.

Logan and Patton were by the wall, Patton helping the logical trait stand, while focusing on staying steady. Roman was left skating around the edge, he wasn't bad even! in fact, Virgil guessed it wouldn't take him long to start skating smoothly.

"Virgil! What is the matter? You can skate right?" Roman called to him, whilst skating over.
Virgil gave him a small smirk while looking away, hiding all the doubts and worries in his mind.

"What's that face supposed to mean?"

"It means watch, sir sing a lot"

Virgil began to gracefully skate around the rink, skating backwards to see the others faces. He wasn't much for bragging, nobody liked those kinds of people. This, however, felt nice. Some recognition.

Roman: jaw dropped

Patton: smiling widely

Logan: scowling while trying to regain his composure.

Virgil smirked again, zipping by them. He began to pick up speed, preparing for his triple axel that he had worked so hard to perfect.

One two....

"Three!" He whispered to himself.

Virgil pushed off the ice, managing to rotate the necessary three and A half turns, dropped back onto the ice. Splaying his arms out to land with balance. He skated away, leaving the others in awe.

Skating up next to Roman, he leaned against the wall once more.

"W-wh-how-ehgehen????" Roman sputtered, mouth still open.

"Your attracting flys with that gaping hole in your face, Princey" he quipped.

Patton skated over to him slowly, supporting a star-struck Logan.

"How and when did you learn to do that??" Logan spoke in disbelief, a surprising tone coming from him.

"Congratulations Virgil!!! I'm so proud of you! That was too COOL! When did you get the time to do that?" Patton bombarded him with questions, beaming like the proud dad he seemingly was.

Virgil felt his face flush, embarrassment washed over him as Roman patted him on the back.
"A stupendous display my Emo Nightmare!"

He ducked his head, shoving his hands into his pockets and smiling softly, "It's nothing, I just sorta had a lot of time, and the Imagination was always open...." he trailed off, glancing up.

Jesus, Three pairs of eyes were looking at him, one with jealousy, one with curiosity, and one with pride. However, all three held admiration.

"How about you give us a little display of your skills?!"

Virgil smiled

EDIT: one year later, I realize that this was terrible. I made revisions and now it  should be good!

hooray! i really like this one, and I FREAKING LOVE YURI ON ICE AND FIGURE SKATEEHBJHUBBS idk, but I had my eyes glued on the screen during the olympics. AND ADAM RIPPON MY LITTLE AMAZING SKILLED SWEET GAY
Also requests plz, I'm running out of original ideas (as if these were completely original)
Au Revoir!!

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