We talk about how my session went as we walk out of the building, stepping into the busy downtown streets. Normally we would walk to the parking garage to just get in Jon's truck and leave, but today is a special day. We were going to meet up with a few friends for lunch, and it was honestly something I've been looking forward to.

As we walk down the street, cars pass us so fast that all we can feel is the wind each of them creates. When we are less than a block away from the restaurant, we notice a Lamborghini pass us and quickly stop just a few feet ahead of us, the tires practically screaming as the driver slams on the brakes. I let out a loud groan when I see this, realizing the car that is now in our way to what was going to be an amazing time with my oldest friends.

When we walk up to the car, my worst fears roll downs the window and sticks it's annoying blond hair out of it as it starts to hold up traffic. "Well, well, well, look at what the whore dragged in," Jake yells so loudly that the people in the next city could hear him. 

Jake is a guy from Jon's college. He's only a second year, but his money makes him think he's untouchable. Unfortunately, someone from Jon's school found out about me and my past, which made Jon the butt of all jokes. Jake was one of many assholes that seemed to get off on talking about how much of a whore I apparently am, which has quickly become annoying and borderline harassment at this point. "Hey, Jon; how much can I get your boyfriend for an hour? Around the world."

"You can get him for the low cost of my foot up your ass and your face under your car!"

"Oh come on, man. You know it's only a matter of time before he starts walking the streets. You're better off getting some money out of him before he leaves you for the pole."

"I fucking swear to-" he growls before he takes a step towards the car, which Jake starts moving forward a bit to keep him away. I could see how quickly Jonathan was starting to get heated, so I quickly grab his arm and hold him back.

"He isn't worth the jail time," I whisper to him before I get him a small peck on his shoulder to try to get him to relax a bit.

I then look towards the car as Jake opens the driver side door and sticks his body out, popping his head over his car as it starts rolling towards the intersection. "Hey, Vanoss! Whenever you're ready to jump back on the pole again, just let me know. I have a big meaty pole with your name written all over it for you to take a spin on!"

I scrunch up my nose in disgust as I tighten my hold on Jon's arm to keep him from trying to chase off this fucker. We then watch as he jumps back into his car and slams on the gas, speeding up to get through the intersection, which I just noticed was red for him. Before I could even blink, I hear a loud screeching of tires as a truck tries to stop before hitting Jake. Keyword being "tries".

I cover my mouth in shock and horror as I see the accident happen so fast that my heart literally drops out of my ass. I mean, the guy was annoying, but this isn't what I had hoped would happen to him. I was hoping for something like, maybe him getting kicked out of school...

I'm snapped back to reality as Jon pulls my arm and drags me the opposite way of the accident, saying that we don't need to see that. I agree, and he and I take a much longer route to get to the restaurant than what we would have liked. However, the second I walk in and see everyone by the bar, the thought of what we had just witnessed slipped my mind as I happily run over to hug everyone.

I start with Ohm and Luke, who are in the middle of a conversation about what they were planning for their wedding since they have officially gotten engaged a few days ago. The second I wrap my arms around Ohm, he holds me so closely that we might get confused as the couple to be, however, I couldn't really care. Even after reuniting when I was in the hospital, every second we are away from each other feels like forever for us. Those few months of not being about to talk or see each other were harder on me than words could describe, but knowing that he also had a hand in saving me made me see just how much he cared about me.

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now