Chapter 9

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"Thanks for agreeing to help us, Smitty," I say as I pull out a chair from Ohm's room.

"No problem," he says as he walks into the apartment. "Besides, you have no idea how many people would kill for the chance to get some one on one time with you guys, let alone a lap dance. This would give me some serious bragging rights and get me some more tips from our customers," he laughs as he sits in the chair.

Ohm rolls his eyes and says, "Of course that's why you literally ran out of you apartment when I asked for you help."

Shaking my head, I walk over to the stereo, plugging in my iPod and I start scrolling through my music. "By the way, Smitty," I say as I look for something good to play. "How are things going with that guy you met online?"

"Pretty good," he tells us. "He actually told me he was thinking of moving down here so we could meet in person."

"You told him about the club rules, right," Ohm asks.

Smitty sighs and says, "Not yet. He just seems so excited, I don't want to tell him."

I then turn around and say, "You have to at some point. It's going to hurt him even more if he tries to move in with you and you tell him once he gets to the door that he can't stay. Or if he tries to work for the club and he finds out that you guys would have to break up."

"Or that if he comes around enough, you guys would have to break up because he would be considered a customer."

"Okay! I get it! I have to tell him, I know. I promise, I'll tell him soon."

Looking back to my iPod, I finally find a good playlist of songs and start it up, turning to volume up enough for the music to fill the room, but low enough so that we don't have to yell over it to talk to each other. Ohm then tells me to go sit on the couch, which I do. He then moves Smitty and the chair up a bit so that I could get a better view of them.

"An important thing to remember," Ohm tells me as he steps in front of Smitty. "Is that lap dances are mainly used for teasing. Although a lot of the guys will get on the customers and starts grinding on them, it isn't the only way to dance. Some guys will barely touch the customers they're dancing on, and sometimes that works, if done right. What I like to do though is mix those together." He looks to Smitty and asks him, "You ready?"

"Let's just start this so I can get blue balled and go home."

I chuckle, but quickly stop when Ohm turns away from Smitty and I see his body seemingly loosen up when he takes one quick breath. The three of us go completely silent, making the music feel much louder than it had less than the minute ago.

His face seems to relaxes a lot more, his eyes becoming half closed and his lips parting just a tiny bit, barely being able to be noticed. His hands move up to his hair and he gently starts to mess with it as he squats down, looking like he's about to sit on Lucas' lap. However, Ohm is just far enough away from him that he is barely touching his knees when he squats down, but I can tell that that's what he wanted. As soon as his ass is close enough that Lucas can feel him, he swings his hips to the side and stands back up. He does this same thing three more times, swinging his hips from side to side as he moves before he turns around and gets onto his knees. Even from here I can tell that Ohm has locked eyes with him, and it's got Lucas' attention fully on him.

Ohm places his hands on Lucas' thighs and he slides them up, standing and leaning towards him as he does so. For a second, it looks like Lucas tries to lean forward towards Ohm to kiss him, but before their lips can touch, Ohm pulls away, putting a hand on Lucas' chest and pushing him back in his seat. Ohm then starts to walk around him, keeping his hand on Lucas' chest as he goes behind him.

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