Chapter 34

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"Hey Ev, you busy?"

"Hey Del, I'm at work, but I can talk. What's up?"

"Think I can see you tonight? My parents called me and asked me to come home for Christmas break. I won't be back until after New Years."

"Awe, so I'm not going to get to spend New Years with you?"

"Please tell me you guys don't do anything for New Years at the club."

"Nothing really. We just get together and fuck until midnight."

"Haha-haha, fuck you. But seriously?"

"Seriously, we don't do anything. Against the rules for employees to date or hook up."

"Okay. Anyways, tonight, you think you can come over? Maybe spend the night?"

"I can't promise to spend the night, but if you give me an hour after I get off work, I can definitely be there."

"Great! Did you want me to make you something for dinner too?"

"You really don't need to do that."

"So yes, got it. I love you, baby."

"I love you too, babe."

"Awe, so this is what you've been doing all night," Ze laughs as he reads my texts. "You were planning a little date."

"I swear to god, Ze! Give me back my phone," I yell before I jump over the couch to try to get my phone back from him.

It's a slow day at work, so I spent a good chunk of my night both working on my classes for school and texting Jon. However, everyone noticed this. Scotty and Tyler started hovering over me to see what I was doing, which quickly started to annoy me. So, I dumped my tables on one of the other servers while I hid in the VIP room. The room is soundproofed, so it helped me get more into my work; however, this had quickly turned into a bad thing. I somehow didn't hear the door open or anyone walking up behind me. And because of that, when I switched over to text Jon, the second I sent the text, someone ripped my phone out of my hands.

As thankful as I am that it was Ze and not Tyler or any of the guys that don't know about Jon, when he started scrolling through, reading my texts, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed. It's not like there's anything to actually be embarrassed about, but still.

Anyways, after I jump over the couch to try to grab my phone, Ze quickly backs away, before he jumps over the couch so that he would be on the other side. This started a game of me chasing him around the VIP room, which quickly gets annoying after about five minutes. Eventually, I get him backed into a corner, and I'm only a few feet away from him.

When I start to step towards him, the door to the room opens again, and someone walks in. Ze smirks before he throws my phone to the person, and yells out, "Chilly Willy! Catch!"

I turn around just in time to see the phone reach Chilled, who tries to catch it. However, I watch in horror as he starts to juggle the phone, trying to get a hold of it, but failing horribly. I quickly run over and jump to the ground, sliding on my stomach as he misses the phone a final time, causing it to fall into my hands.

I sigh and groan as I push myself up to my knees and look down at my stomach and see that it's red. "Oh god," Chilled gasps before he kneels down to my level. "That looks really bad."

"It's just rug burn," Ze replies, walking over to us. "It'll go down in a few minutes if you ice it."

"Guess I'm lucky that we're in here then," I say before I stand up and walk over to the bar. I open the cooler that we kept in the room and pull out some ice. I then start to rub it on my stomach as I lean against the bar, sighing in relief as the stinging pain starts to go down as well.

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