Chapter 51

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*Trigger Warning*

Lights... Shadows... That's all I can see. Lights and shadows.

My head is spinning. Everything is blurry. My body feels heavy, and I can't tell anything anymore.

I don't even know where I am anymore.

"Fight it, please," I hear my mom beg...

But I don't know how to fight this. I don't know what I'm fighting anymore... I don't... Where am I?

I try to lift my head to look around, but my body feels like it's paralyzed. I can feel bouncing, but I don't remember getting into a car... Did I even leave the club? Why do I feel like a rag doll? Why am I bouncing?...

I look around as much as I can, but I still don't see much. Flashes of light every once and a while, but not enough light for me to make anything out. After... After some time, I feel everything come to a stop. I try to lift my head again but still have no luck. I can't even turn it to the side.

I hear something open next to me and light breaks through it with a single shadow in the middle of it. I hear laughing. It's evil. Kind of like those laughs the villains have in cartoons.

"It's funny how good you look, even when you're not there," I hear the shadow say before I feel a pair of hands on my hips. I can feel my body get pulled closer to the shadow. Closer to the darkness.

My mom starts screaming in my head, sounding like an alarm, telling me I need to fight whatever's wrong with me. Screaming that I need to get away. However, all the screaming does if give me a headache.

"I wish you were smart enough to realize just how much I would have taken care of you," I hear the shadow say. I feel my legs get pulled apart and feel pressure against my crotch and thighs. The shadow looms over me, blocking out the light that is shining around it in an eclipse. "You and I would have made amazing business partners, and with all the hours you would have spent with me, you would have learned to love me the way I love you." The shadow grabs my shirt and pulls the top half of my body up, my arms and head falling limp the second I was forced up. A hand roughly grabs the back of my head, wrapping its fingers in my hair, and it pulls my head up. Rough lips slam into mine, a tongue pushes its way into my mouth and another kiss is stolen from me.

Once the shadow is done with the one-sided kiss, it pulls away and I feel arms wrap around me before I'm lifted up into the air. The shadow turns around, shutting the car door before I feel it bounce me up and down a couple of time, making sure it has a tight hold of me from under my legs and around my back. Once it's done, I feel it start to walk forward, into a dark room... Or maybe it's a cave. The blinding light disappears as I hear a roar shake the darkness and causes something behind us to hide the light, allow the darkness to fully overtake everything.

Soon after, the shadow takes me into a new room, and then another, and then another. It takes me into a room on a different level before I feel my back finally touch something soft. I see the shadow remove things off of it, but it just looks like it is removing pieces of itself. I feel hands run up and down my body. I feel my clothes being ripped off of me. I feel a hand wrap around my member and start to stroke it.

"St-stop," I say, tears rolling down my face, trying to move my hand, but it feels like it's chained to weights.

Suddenly, I am brought into darkness. My memory becomes hazy. I am brought out into the park with my parents, but the darkness quickly starts to swallow them whole.

I scream out as I feel something forced into me.

The world starts to shake as the darkness drags my parents to hell.

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now