Chapter 43

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*Jonathan's POV*

Final question for this thing; finally! Okay, "how was hospitality important in The Odyssey?" Alright... well, the men made themselves at home in the dude's house and tried to shack up with his wife. They literally eat and drank all his shit and made the place a mess while they expected Evan to...

I stare at the paper in front of me for a minute, my pen hovering over the sheet I was going to write on once I had my thoughts in order. However, that isn't happening anymore.

"... Penelope... her name was Penelope."

Shaking my head, I drop my pen and start walking around my apartment, trying to put my mind back together. It's been two days since I learned the truth about Evan's age. Since I broke up with him. Since... since I most likely made a huge mistake.

I've been fighting with myself for the last two day. Part of me wants to sit down and try to think this whole thing through. But another part of me just wants to put this whole thing behind me and move on with my life. After all, what I had said wasn't a lie. If I were to have gotten in trouble for doing things with Evan or if I would have had sex with him, my life would be over. My dream of joining the military would be destroyed, and my family would be so disappointed in me that I would be lucky if they didn't disown me this time.

But... I miss him.

No matter how much I focus on the lie and what could have happened, I can't lie to myself. I miss seeing Evan. I miss calling him, texting him, kissing him, everything. No matter how I spin this situation, I can't stop loving him... but at the same time, I don't know if I miss him or the him he was pretending to be.

Groaning loudly, I fall face first into my couch and start screaming into the cushions. My mind and my heart are at war. I knew that Evan had changed my life when he came into it, but I didn't know he would affect me this much. That losing him, even when I was the one breaking up with him, would hurt so much that it would feel like someone was using my heart to make wine. That every thought would somehow include him, even when it has nothing to do with him.

I want to call him, go see him, go beg for him to take me back... but he's so young. Same age as my sister. How could I justify dating him, when I would want the head of a fucker for doing the same to my sister. How can I justify dating him now that I actually know that he isn't legal.

My thoughts thankfully get interrupted by a loud knock at my door. Groaning again, I pick myself up off of my couch and walk over to the front door. When I open the door, I jump back at who I see and try to shut the door in his face, only to have him stop it by putting his hand in the way. I try putting my weight into the door to close it, but the fucker on the other side slams his body into the door a few times and pushes me back until the door is open enough for him to slide in through. I gasp and quickly try to run back to my room, but he grabs me by my shirt and slams me against the wall.

"Tyler, please," I yell out as he slams the door shut with his foot. "I'm sorry! I won't ever go behind your back to date someone ever again! If you say someone is off limits, I won't even dream of looking at them!"

"Damn fucking right you won't ever do this shit again," Tyler growls at me. "But that's not why I'm here," he then says before he throws me to the ground. I look up and watch as he walks past me and he grumbles, "Fucking retard," as he sits on my couch.

Confused, I stand up and walk over, rubbing the hip that I landed on. "Then, why are you here?"

"What; I'm not allowed to see my fucking friends?"

"N-no. That's not what I meant. I mean, I didn't think you would want to see me after-"

"What the fuck is this," Tyler interrupts before he reaches under the coffee table and pulls out the teddy bear Evan got me for Christmas.

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora