Chapter 33

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My phone buzzes loudly on my nightstand as someone calls me to wake me up. Only two people come to mind as to who would call me, and honestly, I feel like it would actually be for the best for me to talk to them, even if only one of them knows what's going on. 

Picking up my phone, I look at the screen through squinted eyes and see Brock's name. I answer the call and roll onto my back before I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Did you just wake up?"

"It's been a long night."

"I know, and that's what worries me. I don't want you to try to lock yourself away. You need to get out of your apartment for a little bit."

"I was going to see Jon later tonight. He has class today."

"I still don't want you to mope around in your room."


"I already spoke to Ze. He said he needed to do something, and he offered to take you with him."

I groan and roll over, pushing myself up, so that I could sit on the edge of my bed. "I'm not a kid, you know. I don't need you to make play dates for me and my friends."

"I know, but I don't want you to sit around, thinking about what had happened to you last night. As hard as it is, you need to push that to the back of your mind. That's something I've noticed you have a huge problem with. So, go out and do something. Anything to take your mind off of what James did."

I sigh and stay silent for a bit, trying to get as much of my mind and my energy together. Then, I stand up and ask, "When was Ze leaving?"

I hear some light mutters in the background, and after a few seconds, Brock comes back and says, "He says he'll be over in an hour."

"Alright... Thank you." I then hang up and drop my phone back on my nightstand before I walk over to my bathroom, stripping off my clothes as I walk.

Turning on the water, I turn away from the shower to give it some time to warm up, and I look at myself in the mirror. My eyes are still bloodshot from crying most of the night. I feel like I look paler than normal, which makes me wonder if I'm still in shock from what happened.

All he did was grab my face... Am I overreacting? I mean, he didn't pin me down, point his gun at me, or force me to do anything. He just... Grabbed my face...

Letting out a heavy sigh, I shake my head. "I'm so fucking stupid. Just because he could have done anything, doesn't mean he was going to do anything or that he would. I freaked myself out. I scared myself, and overreacted to him flirting with me."

I turn back to the shower and step in, feeling the hot water pour onto me. And I just stand under that water for a good minute before I start actually cleaning myself.

Once I was done, I turned off the water, dried myself off, and walked back to my bedroom, picking out clothes to wear for the day and just throwing it on. Then, I walked into my living room and just laid on the couch, staring up to the ceiling.

I was overreacting... I am overreacting. Overthinking everything. Freaking myself out. I have no proof that James would have done anything, and he had the chance to do whatever he wanted... I'm just overreacting to nothing.

"Don't think that."

I gasp and sit up a little too fast, making me light headed. However, when I lay back down, I instantly start looking around my apartment.

I know that voice.

"Never think like that. You were only trying to keep yourself safe, which you did. No matter what, no one, man or woman, can put their hands on you without your permission. So don't think you were overreacting. You did nothing wrong."

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