Chapter 41

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*Trigger Warning*

My heart jumps up to my throat as I feel the car come to a stop. My palms start to sweat, my stomach starts to twist, and the blindfold around my eyes starts to feel itchy. My nerves are starting to eat away at me as I hear the car door open and shut at the driver's side, leaving me in the car alone.

Soon after, I hear the door on my side open and I feel a pair of hands slide across my lap before it gets to the seatbelt. After they unclip it, they then pull me out of the car, shutting the door behind me. Putting their hands on my shoulder and the middle of my back, they then lead me forward. As we walk, I can't help but notice just how quiet it is.

The only noise that I can hear besides our footsteps are crickets, which honestly makes me even more nervous. I've lived in the city for a long time. It's never this quiet.

"Where are we," I ask, but I get no answer. They keep leading me to where they wanted me to go before we finally stop. I'm then pushed onto a rock and told to wait here before I hear them run off.

I take a deep breath and do as I was told, sitting uncomfortably on the rock as I wait for them to come back. After a minute, I hear them walking back over to me. Taking my arm, they pull me up and push me forward, towards where they had just came from. Then, they have me stop before they finally pull off the blindfold.

I gasp loudly as I see a blanket laid out in the middle of a grassy clearing, just before a huge dip of the hill or mountain that we're on. On the blanket are a bunch of fake candles and a picnic basket, and the view from here overlooks the lights of the city.

My eyes light up and I feel my heart start to beat harder before I turn around and face Jon, who has a nervous look on his face. "I know it isn't fine dining, but-"

"This is amazing," I yell out as I hug him tightly. "This is the most romantic thing anyone has ever done!"

He lets out a sigh before he hugs me back and whispers,  "Happy Valentine's day, Evan."

After our hug and a couple of kisses, Jon and I walk over to the blanket and sit down. We have a simple meal that he packed, stare off to the city for a bit, and then decide to pack up our mess and put it back in his truck. However, after we put everything away, I can't help but look around and see how high up above the city we are. Even from the truck, this city was more breathtaking than I had ever thought it would be.

Jonathan sees me looking around and walks over to me, loosely wrapping his arm around me. "You know, at the end of the road, the view is even better than this."

I look over my shoulder at him. "Than why did you pick this spot for the date?"

"Because," he starts before he starts kissing the back of my neck. "That spot is more known for being called Lover's Cliff."

My eyes widen and I instantly start pushing him away. "You took me on a date to Lover's Cliff!? Are you fucking kidding me!?"

He laughs and lets me go, watching me fall to the ground as I push myself away from him. "No, I took you on a date half way up to Lover's Cliff. And I want to show you the view from up there."

I pick myself up pat the dirt off of my pants. "I'm not going."

"Evan, come on," he continues and he walks over and puts his hands on my hips. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you."

"Then come on. I want you to trust me with this. I promise, we won't do anything you don't want."

I raise an eyebrow at him, but I quickly agree. We then turn around and walk back to his truck, getting in and starting the drive all the way up to the end of the road, which comes to a large clearing. Jon the parks the truck in the middle of the clearing.

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now