Tears pour down my face like raindrop down a window, but I can't even find the strength to move my head as lips force themselves onto mine again.

Thunder and lightning crash around me, knocking down everything that made me feel happy. Everything that made me feel safe.

My body feels like ice as lips press against my neck and chest.

The darkness starts to crawl up my legs. I try to kick it off, but it only continues to crawl up, trying to swallow me like how it swallowed my parents.

Hands crawl all over my body and around my neck.

The darkness crawls up my torso, up my neck. I let out a scream as I feel it inch its way onto my face. I feel it move around me, its edges feeling like the ends of a spider's legs. As I scream out, feeling it all start to burn, the edges crawl into my mouth, around my nose, making it impossible to breathe.

I look around, hoping and praying for someone, anyone to help me, but I see no one.

The edges of the darkness start to crawl around my eyes. I can see it. I try to shut them, but...




Everything goes dark.

My memory cuts out.

I feel... like I've been cut open and ripped apart.


"You will be okay. You will make it through this."

My mother's voice echoes through my head. She's telling me a lie... How can I make it through something like this? I feel robbed. I feel disgusting. I feel like cockroaches are crawling all over me... The darkness had finally caught up to me.

"Not yet."

I feel my body flowing through the darkness. My mind and heart have stopped. Everything I once had is now gone... How can I ever get past this, when I can't get past what drugs did to my family?

"With help," a new voice says... a voice I haven't heard since I left...


My eyes shoot open, and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I instantly sit up and cover my mouth as vomit shoots up my throat and tries to force it's way out. Before it can break through, someone pushes a trash can into my lap, and I don't waste a second. I bury my face in the bucket and throw up everything I had in my stomach. I throw up the disgusted feeling boiling in the bottom, but I can still taste it on my lips and feel some of it still resting there, like mold on food that was left untouched for weeks.

Will that go away... What happened?

"You feeling better," I hear a familiar voice say from my right. I slowly turn my head to look and am surprised to see that it really is Mike.

Shocked, I look around the room and see white walls, a window, and... And medical machines... With an IV bag hooked up into my arm.

"What am I-"

"We're trying to put the pieces together in order to help you, Evan. I'm going to need you to answer a few questions, and please don't hide anything." I blink, confused, but nod my head. "Can you tell me what the last thing you remember from last night was? What do you remember at all about yesterday? And I'm telling you this right now, just in case. Jonathan will not get in trouble for you two dating or doing anything. You're eighteen now, it's legal."

I nod and look down at my lap as Mike grabs the trash can and puts it down on the floor. "Uh, I woke up at Jon's place, and we talked and had a really late breakfast. When we were done, I had him drop me off at my apartment and I started packing my things, knowing that I was going to get kicked out."

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now