After he messes with the lock, he opens the drawer and looked back to Bunni. "What did you need?"

Bunni then smiles a weird, somewhat creepy smile as he then says, "LSD."

My jaw drops and I snap my head around to look at Panda. I watch as he then reaches into the drawer and pulls out a box before he throws it to Bunni. "Make that last. I don't want to see you back here at any point this month for more of that shit."

"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!" Bunni then quickly runs out of the room, shutting the door behind him, leaving Panda and I alone.

I just stare at him in shock and horror as he calmly shuts the drawer and puts the lock on it. He then takes a deep breath before saying, "I wish I had a better way of telling you this."

I blink and shake my head. "The guys... They've been getting this shit from you?"

"They didn't always get it from me. We had a regular that would stop by just for the boys. Never sat at the tables. He only got into the VIP rooms.
However, the son of a bitch fucked the boys over with a few bags. I'm worried that he may have caused Bryce's and Brock's overdoses. After I started suspecting shit, I found a guy to buy from. So, I buy the shit, watch the dude as he gets it to me to make sure he doesn't fuck with it, and then I sell it to the guys."

"Why didn't you just ban it all together?"

"I told you why, Evan. And even if I were to stop selling to them now, I would then have to worry about them buying from somewhere else and getting ripped off again and possibly dying."

"Well, how can you trust that this guy won't fuck you over?"

"Well, for one thing, he's a pharmacist. Pushing drugs is his job no matter what, and fucking someone over and possibly killing them when they are your best customer is a bad move to make. Plus, as I said, I watch him when he gets everything packaged and weighed out."

I gulp and stare at the drawer. "I... I-"

"Look, Evan," he then says, turning to face me and taking my hands. "I know drugs are something you can't stand, but it is a huge part of the club's life. Dancers have to go through a lot, and drugs help calm them down."

I start thinking about everything he told me before, and a question comes to mind. "... Did you ever use?"

"No. My mother did and all of her friends, I think I remember some of my old coworkers use to as well, but I never used. And you won't have to either if you don't want to." He then puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. "I know you hate them, but in this field, you can't fight against them. You can make a rule in your own building where they can't do anything in front of you, but that's the best you can do."

I sigh and hang my head before I think back to the day of Mini's attack. Think about how those men treated us. Treated him...

"I understand... And if they feel like they need all of that crap in their bodies... I won't try to stop them."

I then look up as Panda stands straight up and wraps his arms tightly around me. I hug him back and soon after, he starts to rub my back. "You've grown up so much, Evan. I'm proud of you."

I blush lightly before I start to pull away. "Was there anything else you wanted me to do, sir?"

"Oh please Evan," he starts as he pulls his chair back and sits back down. "We're going to be partners someday soon. Please, call me Anthony."

I gulp a bit before I say, "Okay. Was there anything else you wanted me to do, Anthony?"

"Of course," he then says before he rolls backward and opening one of his filing cabinets. "I'm going to go tell everyone the order they'll go on for the night. So if you could, I need you to start going over all of these." He then pulls out several files filled with sheets of paper.

He puts them on his desk before he reaches over and takes the clipboard. "What is all of this," I ask, grabbing the first file.

"These are resumes for a security position. I need you to just check the experience of these guys and separate them into three groups. One for people who have experience as a security guard, one for people who have experience as cops, and one for people with no experience at all."

"Alright, sir. I can do that." He then puts his hand on my shoulder and gives it a squeeze. "Oh, I'm sorry. Alright, Anthony. I can do that."

He then pats my shoulder before he walks around me, and I take a seat at his desk. "I should be back up here in five minutes. That should give you a good start."

"Alright, Anthony," I simply reply before I open the first file.

Darkness in the Neon Lights (H2OVanoss)Where stories live. Discover now