He's Got Purple Eyes

Start from the beginning

"What kind of fanservice is this, 1-A?!" I hear Present Mic cry over the intercom, and I silently regret all of my choices up to this point.

I look around us, and my eyes land on Kaminari and Mineta thumbs up-ing each other in delight, and then my head puts two and two together.

"Hey, Kaminari, Mineta, you tricked us!" Yaoyorozu accusingly cries, falling to her knees in deafeat.

"Why is always me who gets trapper in Mineta's sick plans?" She whimpers.

Uraraka and I both squat down to comfort Yaoyorozu, patting her back sympathetically.

"I even used my quirk to make these outfits.." She mumbles in disdain.

I let out a small smile as I rub her back.

"This is stupid." I hear Jirou mutters as she throws her pompoms away with angry, vigorous motions.

"Alright, alright, let's move on, ladies and gents!" Present Mic says, ready for the final event.

Well, my stomach isn't.

"Now, we will be moving on to the last part of the tournament! All teams that have passed in the previous round will seperate, and from there, they'll fight each other one-on-one, tournament style."

My stomach lurches.


We all crowd around in front of Midnight, and she begins to explain. "Okay, we're going to draw lots to find out who you'll be fighting against. And once the bracket is determined, the recreational games will begin. You can choose to participate or not, but I bet most of you would like to save your strength!"

"So, up first-"

"I'm sorry, but I'd like to withdraw."

I swear, it got so quiet, but then everyone at once began talking.

Our heads turn around to see Ojiro, head down in shame, hand up.

"But why?" Izuku asks in disbelief.

"Ojiro, you realize this is one of your only chances for a pro to see you in action?" Iida asks, like a mom softly lecturing her child.

"I... During the Calvary Battle, I can barely remember a thing..." He explains. "I think it was.. That guy's quirk.." He mumbles.

I trace my eyes toward the general directiom where Ojiro's eyes went to, inadvertently. There's the guy, you know, the one who declared war 1-A. We hold eye contact for a moment, and I think he realizes why I even turned to face him, because he quietly clicks his tongue, shoves his hands deeper in his pockets, turns and walks away.


"But... Ojiro, Iida's right. This could quite possibly be one of your only chances.." I say quietly.

"I...I know, [Last Name]. And I know I'm being an idiot, but all you guys.. You got here by your own means, you gave it your all.. I wouldn't be able to cope with myself... knowing what I did to get here.."

"It doesn't matter. I think as long as you give it all you've got during these rounds, then you may as well be making up for what you didn't in the cavalry battle!" Hagakure says, and I think it's a pretty good argument.

"I...it's not that...it's my pride." Ojiro chokes out, putting his hand on his face, almost like he was hiding in shame.

Oh. That's pretty valid, too.

"Also, why are you guys wearing cheerleading uniforms?" He adds, not lifting his head up.

We all freeze and avoid eye contact.

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