Feelings (Prinxiety)

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Virgil POV:

I heard a loud knock on the door. It was late, almost midnight. Well, I'd stayed up much longer than this before, so it wasn't like it was waking me up, but I was still annoyed. "What?" I grumbled in response.

"It's... it's me," I heard a certain obnoxious, obnoxiously beautiful (what?) prince say from outside of my room.

"Why?" I inquired, before I stood up and swung open the door to see him smiling nervously, wringing his hands.

"I, uh... I just wanted to talk to you." Involuntarily, my body tensed, as if expecting the worst. Roman noticed and said quickly, "It's not bad, promise. Might be a little awkward, but... it's not bad."

"Oooo... Kay?" I continued uncertainly, gesturing for him to keep talking.

He rushed out the sentence, but after living with all these crazy people for almost two years now (well, they're not really people, but  you know what I mean) I've become quite fluent in garble-speak. "Ikindalikeyoupleasedon'thatemedoesthischangehowyoufeelaboutmeatallI'msosorryIshouldgonow," he mumbled, and while it took me a second to process what he'd said, I grabbed his wrist as he turned to go. He looked up at me, blushing intensely.

"It's alright," I said, giving him a small smile. "I return your feelings." I grinned, ignoring the fact that I was blushing immensely and didn't have any makeup on.

"Really?" Roman exclaimed, looking ecstatic. "You really do?" I nodded.

"I don't like to lead people on. I know I'm extremely sarcastic most of the time, but in some cases it's really important to just be honest. Like now," I explained, surprisingly calm.

"I just... wow. You have no idea how long I've been crushing on you. And now that sounds weird, and... oh, geez, I'm rambling now. I can't stop. I freaking can't shut-" So I kissed him on the lips.

It was more of a peck, really. Not even a second long. "What?" I asked the flabbergasted prince. We were both blushing furiously.

"I... uh... thank. You," Roman stuttered.

I had to restrain from bursting out laughing. "You're so cute. And being the creative side, I would've thought you could come up with something a bit more, well, creative than 'thank you,' Roman," I giggled.

"Um... I just wasn't expecting it, that's all," he mumbled, regaining his composure. "D'you want to do that again?" Princey asked, and I smirked.

"Thought you'd never ask."

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