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// 6 months later \\

Everything was the same. Kyle and I had been together for over 9 months. Bastille had released a new hit and on the verge of their new album. I was officially living with him now. Everything was great.

"Mans, I've got something to tell you." Kyle said to me.

"What? Are you breaking up with me?"

"No way." He rolled his eyes. "But it's about the touring. Dan plans on releasing the new album in September, and not too long after that, we're scheduled for a world tour."

My eyes widened. "You're kidding! Kyle that's great!"

I hugged him tight. "Yeah, I'm happy too, but, you know what that means."

I pulled away. "You'll be gone a while. I know."

"A long while, Manda."

"How long are you talking about, Kyle?"

He hesitated. "About a year."

My heart sank. "A...year?"

"Yeah. We'd be starting in October and I wouldn't be back home until Christmas, and then I'd go back, all the way until the end of May."

We were both silent. "Wow...Kyle, that's good. You're in a very popular band, so it's your job."

"Yeah, but we'll be apart for months. It's gonna hurt me, and I don't want to hurt you."

"As long as you don't cheat on me or anything, I'll be fine."

He laughed. "I've got the most beautiful girlfriend in the world, Mans. I'd never cheat on you!"

"Actually I think that's Dan, Kyle. I'm a blank canvas in comparison to Rose. Not just her, Will and Woody both have extremely beautiful women."

"To them, yes. To others, yes. But to me, Mandala Dianne Queen is the most beautiful."

I smiled. "I'm glad you think so. Everyone's always thought my sister was the more attractive one."

"I don't see how."

"Blonde hair, hot body, big blue eyes."

He shrugged. "There are tons of those, Mans. You're unique, and definitely not a blank canvas."

"Thanks, Kyle."

"And don't you forget it." he kissed me gently. I planted my fingers in his beard, and then his hair.


When I got off from work, I went shopping for new art supplies. Kyle was planning on turning one of the rooms in his house into an art studio just for me, since I never wanted anything else. I found an amazing store in the mall that sold nothing but paints, tools, and all kinds of pastels.

I bought lots of watercolors and paintbrushes, since I was low on them. I felt happiness whenever I was taking care of my art life, since art was my passion. When I left, I went into a photography store, just to browse.

"Having fun there, Mans?" I heard someone say. A female voice. I had only heard that voice once in my entire lifetime.

I turned my head to the right to see her. Icy blonde hair, leather jacket, and sexy eyeliner making her blue eyes stab mine. Janna. I stood there, expressionless, not wanting to give her any sign of how intimidated I was.

"It's...surprising... to see you again." I said, swallowing down my anxiety. "I see your lip has healed."

"Oh, please, don't act like it's nothing but a thing."

Sunlight (Kyle Simmons)Where stories live. Discover now