(Not So) Anonymous Flowers

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A few weeks had passed, and I continued to work and take care of my mother. I worked part time at a CVS pharmacy in town, so I had my hands full every day. It was late May, 2016, and I would be starting community college classes in the fall. Being a pharmaceutical tech was great, but I wanted a different job. So many options I wanted to have; nursing, designing, even teaching; I wasn't sure, but I'd find out sooner or later.

"Hey, Manda." I heard my coworkers call my name. It was Jewel, Crystal, and Jimmy.

Jewel was holding a bouquet of sunflowers. "These were sent to you."

My eyes widened. "Really? Who are they from?"

"Who knows." said Jimmy.

"One of the workers from the florist house walked in with it." said Crystal. "There's a note attached to it."

I took the flowers and examined the note attached to it.

I remember these being your favorite. I hope they still are! Have a nice day! Can't wait to see you again!
P.S., I remembered you said this was where you worked!

"It doesn't say who it's from." I said.

Sunflowers. They were still my favorite. They were perfect.

"Well whoever it is, he's into you." said Jewel.

"No he's not." I said. "Whoever it was, he's probably just being generous."

"Mandala, please don't pretend you don't know who sent them." she said.

"What're you talking about?"

"I saw you and that Simmons guy hitting it off last month."

"I wouldn't say hitting off. He was my best friend when I was a teenager, and we were just catching up."

"You were together for hours. And he sent you these."


"So...why don't you call him?"

"He has my number. If he wants to talk, he'll call me."

"At least call to thank him for the pretty flowers."

On my break, that's exactly what I did. As soon as it started ringing, Kyle was quick to answer. "Mans!"

"Hi," I said. "I just want to thank you for the sunflowers. Yes, they are still my favorite."

"Anytime, Mandie. I thought it only seemed appropriate."

"Why so?"

"Because you're flawless and all. So I thought I'd send them. They had to be nothing but the best."

"But why would you want to send me flowers?"

"An offering, Mandala. An offering."


"Meet me at six this Friday. I'll send you the info."

"But why?"

"Just trust me." And then he hung up.

Great. What the hell? What did he want from me? He was my friend, once a long time ago, but now, I was confused.

"What'd he say?" Jewel asked.

"He wants to meet Friday. I don't know. He's always been a little weird. He still is, apparently."

"He's into you, Manda. I know. He asked me about you the day of the funeral. He wanted to know if you were single or not."

"Seriously?" I turned my head. "He was legitimately my best friend from the time I was eleven to the time I turned fifteen. It doesn't make sense."

"Just see what happens Friday."

I shrugged. I didn't see how Kyle Jonathan Simmons from ten years ago could want clumsy little Mandie. True, I had crushed on him a little bit back then, but I soon realized that I wasn't his type. But now, I couldn't deny that he was incredible looking, but in comparison to me, I should've been hallucinating. The thought of him being attracted to me was unthinkable.

"What the hell, Kyle?" Will yelled so loud the studio shook. "You're starting to cheat on your girlfriend of three years, all for someone you only just met?"

"I know it sounds bad, but it's not like we're happy anymore. We fight almost every night, and I can't take it. I want to break up with her, I just don't know how to do it the right way." 

"Just do it." said Dan. "I'll stand by your side if you agree. Think of how terrible a person people will think you are."

"I'm just meeting an old friend for now. I have to see her again. I can't explain it right now."

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