Episode 17 - The Official Couple

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 Thank you so much Capriya for reading my work. This is dedicated to you. Happy reading :D

The wedding day was approaching and Mohit’s mom had already called up home a several times to invite my mom to the wedding and not only that but she also somehow managed to convince my mom on letting me stay for the whole wedding process i.e. for one previous night and the next full day. Frankly my mom would never let me go. But on finding out that their family was of same culture and background as ours, she half-heartedly gave a yes.

“Are you sure there’s nothing else going on with you?” mom asked with suspicion.

“No Ma. It’s just Mohit’s cousin sister’s wedding and me being one of his friends, his mom likes me.” I said.

“Ya, but his mom seemed to like you a lot. Besides, where exactly did you meet this Mohit again? I have never heard of him. Whatever going on between you two, keep it minimum” She said. I had never lied to her before, not to this level. So a slightest though brushed my mind ‘Mohit is well educated, well mannered, well behaving, good looking, sensible guy and like a cherry on the top he is of same culture as I am. Plus, he’s the son of a businessman and if needed can work anywhere through his M.B.A. So should I tell her?’ was what I thought. Mom found me thinking to myself and caught the point.

“What’s so much to think? Is really something going on between you two?” she asked. I was about to open my mouth when the landline rang. It was my mom’s eldest sister. As a chance of slipping away from the situation I picked it up, Spoke for a while and handed it over to mom.

The situation had slipped once but I can’t always keep away from it, not for long. What had to be done was the problem. I thought and thought and came to this conclusion that I break up with Mohit. But how could I? He was the one. He brought me back to my senses and he was the only guy who had his presence in my future life. My day started with him and ended with him. I picked up my phone and searched his number. It was the very first in my receivers list but I purposely took the long cut so that at any moment I could stop and get some idea for it. I dialled his number and waited. The call was busy once and second time it was put on waiting. Out of frustration, I left him a text.

“Hey whenever your free, give me a call. It’s something important” I sent it and kept my phone aside.

I waited and waited for a long time. But no sign of his call or reply to the text. So I decided to wait for some more time. I hardly ate and was lost at the thought of the situation. In late evening, I received a call. I ran to my phone with pace. It was him.

I picked it up and told him every single thing that had happened with tears emerging from my eyes. He kept silent for a while and then when he spoke, he spoke the most wonderful words I could imagine. I was so happy that everything inside me went numb for a while. I had tears in my eyes that rolled down till my chin and then helped themselves further and fell on the floor, finally my lips curved into a smiled.

His words were “Tonight, instead of Nisha I’ll come to pick you up. I will speak to mumma and tell her the truth. I can’t lose my life. I love you and always will.” This made me calm and I heaved a sigh. In minutes, I started imagining our life together. The small things like his phone charger and my phone charger together, his laptop and mine together. That room, where in I took a tour, will possess the smell of my perfume that I use and most importantly that wardrobe will look just fine with some girly touch to it. ‘Stop imagining things, Ma has not given a yes yet’ I said to myself

Evening arrived and there was no level of my happiness. I had packed a blue coloured bag with wedding clothes in it and some other homey clothes that I wore at home, some jewellery in addition to my perfume. Dad arrived in the afternoon when mom was busy over phone and me in my thoughts. In minutes I heard beeps of a car and ran out to the door. I saw him coming and ran inside the house. He parked his car outside my house and everyone was just staring their eyes out at him and the car.

“Ma, Dad, have a seat. There’s something you two need to know about me. I want you to meet someone really special. You guessed it right in the morning about me and Mohit, Ma. He’s here and has come o talk to you about us.” I finish speaking and the door bell rung. I ran to open the door leaving mom in the living room. I opened the door to him. He wore light blue coloured t-shirt and black jeans. He smelled perfect and looked nonetheless then prince-charming. He took off his goggles and smiled at me. I smiled back.

From the smile, he understood that I was satisfied with the situation. He entered in and we walked towards mom. As we approached her, she slowly stood and looked at Mohit with flat eyes. I knew the look. She was utterly pleased with his looks. He came closer to mom, touched her and dads feet and didn’t rise until mom kept her palm on his head. Dad on the other hand was so confused of the whole situation that he hardly was in his senses and was trying to relate things out.

“God bless you” mom said and he stood up. There was an awkward silence. I broke the silence and spoke “So Ma. This is Mohit”

“Hmm. Have a seat. I’ll get coffee.” Mom said and went inside and signalled dad to accompany him.

“No, Aunty. Wait. Please hear me out” he said and continued speaking “I know your daughter is young. But trust me; in my case she has made an exquisite choice. I am Mohit Naik. My dad is a businessman. We own a business in manufacturing clothes in India and to foreign countries. We also own two factories in this city and 3 more around India. Apart from this I am an M.B.A graduate and won’t hesitate to work elsewhere if required. I love your daughter and want to marry her and also promise to keep her safe till the last breath of my life. My Ma already loves her and dad is also very proud of my decision.” On hearing these words mom looked at me. I felt chills running down my spine. I thought the situation was out of my league anymore and I had almost given up until mom smiled and said “Please, call me Ma”. When I saw her smile, I smiled too and felt as if a huge burden was relieved my shoulders.

Mom went inside to get sugar to sweeten our mouths and official make us a couple. I knew it was more difficult for dad to accept all this. He spoke to Mohit and found out that Mohit’s dad was one of my grandpa’s friend’s son. Dad trusted me to the fullest and never had a problem with the couple thingy. Mom took dad inside and explained to him everything. Dad also officially accepted him. Mohit and dad were out in the hall and I was with mom in the kitchen looking out towards the two of the three protective men in my life, sitting together, talking.

“Mohit is a very handsome guy. But, he is very lucky that he found you. You are my angel.” She said and cupped my cheek.

“Ma, Mohit’s mom also called me the same” I said and blushed.

“Ahh, What a blush.” Mom said and I replied to it with “Ma, you and your teasers.”

“My little girl, who crawled on the floor till some weeks before, has grown so much and blushing in front of me with the lowered eyes. So Beautiful” she said and we hugged.

Soon it was late. I had to leave to go to Mohit’s place. We left and mom started giving me instructions as to how and what care I should be taking. “Ma stop it, I am just going for a night.” I said. I sat into the shining car and waved mom dad a bye. Mohit looked at me with those tinkling eyes and smiled as I was busy thinking of the whole situation. My thoughts were interrupted by Mohit’s Titanic ring tone.

“Yes Ma, mission accomplished” He said and partly smiled and blushed looking at me with love. 

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