Jennifer Check Lemon

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    You'd been dating Jennifer for 6 or 7 months and you've gotten used to being with her. As odd as it was at first, she's done nothing if not love you unconditionally and show you how special you are to her. Honestly, you feel more loved than you ever expected.
     There was only problem: still being in high school. It wasn't enough that the teachers were homophobic assholes and PDA was always something they'd get in your face about (you can tell I hated high school my loves) but the bullies were relentless.
     Not only did they not see you as a couple because most of the school was a homophobic hellhole but you were the dorkiest, geekiest nerd whereas Jennifer was the hot cheerleader. The bullies didn't understand how you had ever managed to get her to go out with you.
      On the bright side, since you had an equal friend in Needy and she was in a similar boat, whatever you told her would immediately be brought to Jennifer's attention. And then Jennifer would go all succubus on their asses, making them learn the hard way to leave you alone.
     It was almost comforting in a way.
     In any case, one day things took a turn....
     After a particularly intense workout from gym class, you were the last of the girls to slip into the shower. The other girls had long since left for lunch so it was only you in there.
     Once you had stripped down and got in, you took a few minutes to enjoy the warm water soothing your aching muscles. It was quiet and peaceful and you were starting to relax some. Just as you reached for the soap, you heard the sound of the heavy door to the girl's locker room opening.
      You didn't think anything of it at first since any number of girls could've come through that door for whatever reason. So you grabbed the soap and was about to start washing off when you heard someone approaching the shower you were in.
      "Someone's in here!" You shouted, followed by, "Occupied!"
      The person didn't pay any heed to your words, instead slipping in the shower behind you. You turned to see Jennifer right behind you, a sultry grin on her face.
      "Jen, I didn't realize it was you!" You said.
      She shushed you, stepping closer and you were suddenly very aware of how naked you both were. Glancing a peek, you saw just how beautiful she was, all luscious curves, pretty pink lips, and long black hair. You started to feel self conscious.
     Jennifer cupped her face in her hands, pouting at you slightly. "Why does my precious baby look so sad?"
     "It's just...I don't see why you like me. I'm not pretty like you or..."
     Her expression darkened. "Has anyone been bullying you again?"
      "No!" You shook your head. In truth, no one had other than a few sideways glances.
     Her expression softened. "Then why would you ever think such a thing? You're beautiful to me, sweetheart. Let me show you."
     With that, she leaned forward and kissed you sweetly. When you gave in and kissed her back, she pulled you closer, pressing her breasts against yours and ran a hand down your body to grab your ass, making you squeak into the kiss.
      After a few minutes, she broke the kiss and took a good look at you. She twirled a strand of your hair around her finger, smirking at you. Before you could wonder what she was doing, Jennifer grabbed the soap from your hands (you'd forgotten you were even holding it) and began washing you up, pouring it over your breasts and massaging them roughly, peaking your nipples into peaks.
      She poured more soap on you, rubbing it into every inch of you she could reach. A finger slipped into your pussy and began thrusting quickly. You bit your lip to keep from making any noise, leaning your head back against the shower wall.
      Jennifer added another finger, swirling them around inside of you. Your chest heaved with sighs and she took the chance to nip and suck at your neck.
     A few moments later, you came around her fingers. She pulled them out and licked her fingers clean. "C'mon." She said. "I think we're both clean enough."
      She helped you rinse off the remainder of the suds before shutting off the water. You both grabbed towels, wrapping them around yourselves.
      You went and sat on a bench for a second. Jennifer walked to the door, opened it and glanced around before closing the door again. "No one's even noticed our absence." She whispered. "Let's have some more fun." She winked at you.
      Walking back over to where you were, she unravelled your towel, causing it to fall to the floor before tossing her own off. She wasted no time pressing a kiss to your lips then down your neck to your breasts. She began sucking at a nipple, pinching the other one then switched.
      You leaned your head back but subconsciously grabbed her own breasts, massaging them before a hand slipped down to her core. You rubbed and pinched at her clit, making her shudder against you.
      "Fuck this."
      She knelt between your legs, lifting them up onto the bench, flicking her tongue across your folds, teasing you, nipping at your clit. After a few minutes of that, she stood up, wrapped one of your legs around her hip while one of hers went on the bench and pressed her core against yours, rubbing against you desperately.
      You tried to hold back your moans but that was very hard with the pleasure you were experiencing. You kept kissing each other, over and over. Finally, you both came hard against each other.
      Just then, you both heard footsteps approaching. Quickly, you put your towels back on just as your coach walked in.
     "Girls." She stated. "What are you doing?"
     You were like a deer in headlights, unsure what to say but Jennifer beat you to it. "Sorry, coach. The other girls took forever cleaning up. We just got the chance to do so ourselves."
     Your coach narrowed her eyes as if to figure out if Jennifer was lying or not then shrugged. "Alright. Just hurry up getting dressed then get to class! I got another class coming in soon."
     "Yes, coach." You both said respectively.
     Coach left the room, shutting the door behind her. You took one look at Jennifer and you both started laughing.
      "So...tonight, my house or yours?"
      "Yours." You said, grinning.

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