••• Chapter 10 •••

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I'm now laying on my bed, face down, smiling into my pillow. In the past five minutes since I got off the phone with Tobias, I have squealed at least three times; probably more. I'm surprised no one has come upstairs to see about me.

This has definitely been the best Christmas ever.

I still can't believe it. It's weird. Being this excited to hug someone. If I told a random stranger that I've been squealing of excitement because I get to hug my boyfriend, they'd probably think I was crazy. Some people aren't even this excited about their first kiss. This is a hug.

But this hug means everything to me. That first hug will only mean more hugs, and more hugs means more time with him.

I bet he smells good.

I sigh and sit up. I pucker my lips, furrowing my eyebrows while I try to figure out something to do. My calendar beside my bed catches my eye. I smile.

I grab a Sharpie for my nightstand and get on my feet. I grab the corner of the January page that I have it set to and flip through. I stop when I see June. I open the Sharpie and draw a heart around the '30.' I write my boyfriend's name in the square.

I take my phone out my pocket, go to Snapchat, and take a picture. I type, "6 months and 5 days. Countdown starts now." I add a heart emoji before posting it on my story.


It's been about two hours since I posted on my story. I'm still having the best Christmas of my life just thinking about meeting Tobias.

"Don't let me fall in love again if he won't be here next year," I sing quietly along to the Santa Tell Me by Arianna Grande. I stop when my music is interrupted by my ringtone.

I look at the name that is now on my screen. It's Christina. This is when the interrogation begins. I sigh and click accept.

"He-" I don't even get to finish the word, 'hello,' when Christina's loud scream of excitement comes through my speaker, hurting my ears. I cringe away from my phone briefly before putting it back against my ear.

"Explain!" Christina yells.

I smile and decide to play dumb. "Explain what?"

"Tris," she groans, dragging out this 's.' "You know what I'm talking about. Is Tobias coming?" I don't answer and my smile grows wider even though she can't see. "Oh my lands. Tris. He is, isn't he?"

I can't help it. I squeal again. "I'm so excited Chris." Another tear of happiness escapes my eye. "He got tickets as his Christmas present. He's coming on June 30."

"I'm so happy for you, Tris," she says.

"Me too," I tell her honestly.

"Well. I have to go eat dinner before my family leaves. Merry Christmas, Trissy!"

I roll my eyes. "Merry Christmas."

A/N: I'm so excited for Christmas you guys. (14 days. That's 2 weeks. TWO) I know this chapter's short, but I wanted a chapter about Tris and Christina's friendship.

488 words

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