Chapter 2

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Tyler heard the doorbell ring and he opened his eyes. He had fallen asleep after his quarrel with Sarah. He walked down the stairs and opened the front door. Standing in front of him was a girl around his age with blonde hair. "Um, Can I help you?" Tyler asked. She blushed a little. "I'm looking for Sarah." Tyler nodded and got out of the way as she walked in.

"She's upstairs. You will know which door it is because it will have a poster on it saying 'this is Sarah's room enter if you dare'" the blonde chick chuckled at what he had just said and goes upstairs.

Tyler walked into the living room and checked the clock that was on the wall. It was barely 11. Tyler turned on the t.v and skimmed through the channels, nothing good was on so he decided to go out for a walk. He stood up and walked to the door. "Sarah I 'ma go on a walk I'll be back in an hour!" He yelled.

"Okay." Was the only response Tyler heard from her. He walked out the door and started walking down the sidewalk. Tyler looked around and admired the sight. There were young kids running around chasing each other. Parents were sitting on their porch watching over their kids. He saw a couple dogs playing with their owner. He has always wanted a dog ever since he was 10 but his mother didn't think he was responsible enough.

He walked by a coffee shop and decided to go in. It was a new one in town, it opened up two weeks ago. Tyler could feel the cool breeze once he stepped in. He walked up to the front and waited his turn.

"Hello welcome to Cindy's coffee shop what can I get for you?" The cashier asked. Tyler looked at her and smiled. "Just get me today's special."

She nodded and left. Tyler turned around and sat on a seat next to the window. He watched as cars drove by, kids playing in the park across the street, and people walking by. "Um here's your coffee." Tyler heard a husky voice say. He turned around and saw a guy probably the same age as Tyler. Tyler smiled and took the coffee. "Thanks." He pulled out his wallet and gave the guy a $10 bill. "Keep the change dude." He smiled at the generosity "thanks man," and left.

Tyler took a sip of his coffee and felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He pulled it out and saw it was a text from Sam.

Sam: where are you?

Tyler: in a coffee shop...why?

Sam: which one?

Tyler: The new one that opened up by the park.

Sam: okay I'll be there in a couple minutes

Tyler: Alright, I'll wait here then

Tyler wondered what Sam wanted. The guy that brought Tyler his coffee passed by and he called him. "Sorry, but can I get another coffee? My friend is about to come."

"Um, yea I'll bring it right up." He said and left back into the kitchen. Sam came in right after. His black hair was in a quiff. He was wearing a white shirt with black jeans. Tyler couldn't help but think that if he were gay he would probably have a crush on Sam. He is what everyone wanted. He is a great charming guy. He sometimes would take Tyler out and they would hang out and at the end of the night when Sam drops Tyler off at his house he would always ask. "How was our date?" Tyler would always laugh when he said that. But Tyler knew he wasn't gay. He never had an attraction to a guy. Even so, Sam isn't gay either.

"Tyler I need to talk with you." He said as he sat down in front of Tyler. "Sure Sam, what is it?"

"Well I can't tell you here but when we get into your house I'll tell you." He said.

"Alright, but are you sure you want to do it at my house? Because my sister and her friend will be there." Tyler said.

"Oh, right I forgot about your sister. Okay, let's go to my house because no one is home." He said. Tyler nodded and the guy came back with the extra coffee. He gave it to Sam. "Don't worry it's already paid for."

"Thanks, man." The guy nodded and left back to work. Tyler watched as Sam kept his eyes on the guy who was leaving. Tyler cleared his throat, "Do you want to go right now?"

"Yeah come on my car is in the parking lot." Sam stood up and Tyler followed him out of the coffee shop. They reached Sam's car and they both got in. Sam started the car and drove out of the parking lot. They listened to some music and Tyler closed his eyes to enjoy the ride. Before he knew it the car had stopped in front of Sam's house.

They got out of the car and Sam opened the front door to his house. They walked inside and Sam leads Tyler towards his room. He opened the door and Tyler stepped in. Tyler sat down on Sam's bed and Sam stayed standing up.

"So what's up," Tyler said noticing how awkwardly Sam was standing by him.

"Please don't hate me Tyler," Sam said, and Tyler could see how troubled his friend was.

"Hate you for what?" Tyler was confused, what can Sam do to make Tyler hate him?

"There is something you need to know about me."

"Dude just tell me."

"I'll show you instead." At first, Tyler didn't know what Sam was talking about but then Sam grabbed the back of Tyler's neck and kissed him on the lips. Tyler was so shocked he didn't move. "Tyler I think I'm in love with you." He said.

Then something snapped in Tyler. "What?! Dude, what the hell are you saying? You can't be in love with me. You can't be gay or bi or whatever. I'm not like that. . . I have to leave." Tyler looked at Sam's blue watery eyes and saw that he was hurt. "I'm sorry Sam. Really I am."

Tyler walked out of the room and out of the house. He walked home feeling really confused. Was Sam really gay? How could he not notice it before? Tyler walked inside and saw his sister on the couch with her friend. "Hey, Sarah I'm going to be in my room." He said and quickly ran to his room.

He shut the door and locked it. He couldn't believe it. It was just a dream, he had to still be sleeping. Tyler laid down in his bed and stared at the ceiling. This was not going to ruin his friendship with Sam. He won't let it.


Tyler was asleep when his sister came in to wake him up for dinner. She called out his name and kept nudging him until his eyes opened. "What?" he said still sleepy.

"Tyler mom is here and it's time for dinner so get your lazy ass downstairs."

"Fine, I'll be down in a bit," Tyler said getting up. Sarah exited his room and headed downstairs. Tyler got up and fixed his bed hair. Once he was done he walked downstairs. "Hey Mom," he said as he walked into the kitchen. She turned to Tyler and smiled. "Hey Tyler go sit down dinner is almost ready," she said. He nodded and sat down on a chair in front of Sarah.

Tyler's mom soon came in with a tray of spaghetti and sat down. Once they have all been served she speaks up. "Tyler what are you doing this summer?" She asked.

"Just hanging out with friends at the beach or at the gym. I'll find something to do."

"Or I can just hook you up with a really cool job."

"What do you mean?"

"David Ruiz's last personal assistant quit because of family problems, his manager called me if I knew anyone willing to work with him since his manager is full all summer with other clients so I had the great idea of signing you up."

Sarah's eyes got huge. Tyler just sat still. "Who is David Ruiz? And you did what?" He asked, maybe he didn't hear it right.

"Mom maybe I should take the job, I'm just as equally qualified as Tyler," Sarah said.

"I'm sorry Sarah but you had already signed up for a summer camp, and Tyler this will only be for the summer. Think of it as an internship, all three of us know you want to do something with music in the future, I just want to help you with that. This job will prepare you for the real world." His mom said.

"This is not fair." Sarah pouted.

"Mom, I don't know what to say. . . Thank you." Tyler was shocked.

"I'll call his manager and tell them you will be there tomorrow morning." She said and walked out of the dining room and into the kitchen.


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