Chapter 15

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"What's for breakfast?" Andy asked as Tyler cooked some eggs and bacon.

"Green eggs and ham." He replied looking back at Andy.

"Mmm tasty." He laughed.

"Hey Andy, I want to take you out later tonight okay?"

"Sure thing." He said.

All day Tyler had been preparing the perfect evening. He was taking Andy to a city fair tonight. That would be when Tyler will ask him If he wants to be his boyfriend.

Tyler did a lot of thinking yesterday after their first time and he decided that Andy was the one. He knew Andy was the one. He didn't care what Sam would think, He will tell his mom about his relationship with Andy if he said yes. Nothing was going to stop him. Tyler was crazy for this kid.


It was 8 pm and they were walking out of the hotel and towards their car.

"Where are you taking me?" Andy asked.

"Don't worry about it," Tyler responded.

"You aren't going to kill me right?" He asked jokingly.

Tyler laughed, "Maybe."

Andy laughed and kept quiet. As they drove down the city they started to see the bright colorful lights coming from the distance. Tyler parked in front of the entrance and Andy was amazed.

"You brought me to the city fair?" He said with his mouth opened.

"Mhmm. I sure did."

"My inner child loves you."

"Haha c'mon." Tyler and Andy walked inside and admired the view. Kids ran around having fun and playing with toys. Tyler saw a few couples walking around holding hand and that got him jealous.

Tyler's hand moved toward Andy's. Their fingers touched and Andy looked at Tyler with some doubt. After a minute of self-argument, Andy gave in and intertwined his fingers with Tylers.

Tyler smiled and they soon started walking around. They played a few games, each taking a turn to see who could win a bigger or better prize.

It didn't turn out well for them since they found out they both sucked at the games and neither won anything.

"Hey look a photo booth!" Andy pointed it out after they finished playing ring toss.

"Wanna go in?" Tyler asked.

"Sure let's go," Andy said walking towards it, Tyler followed him and couldn't help but smile at Andy's innocence.

When they got in Tyler paid the 2 dollars for 5 pictures.

The first one they were sitting next to each other smiling.

The next one Andy kissed Tyler's cheek.

The third one that was taken showed Tyler and Andy looking at each other with desire.

The fourth one was with Andy on top of Tyler, both of them smiling and laughing.

Finally, for the last picture, Tyler pulled Andy towards him and kissed him on the lips.

When Tyler and Andy got out, the booth printed out two copies of the pictures, so Andy and Tyler got to keep their own copies.

Tyler intertwined their hands again as they walked around. He saw a cotton candy stand and got a big one for them to share.

"Thank you for bringing me." He said.

"No problem," Tyler responded as he took a small piece of cotton candy.

They kept walking a while longer until Tyler stopped them at a bridge. It was now or never.

"Andy I have something to ask you."

"No I didn't have sex with anyone before you, you were my first Tyler. I know you hear me make fun of David because he's still a virgin but truth is I was a virgin until yesterday."

"That was not my question but good to know" he laughed but then stopped. "Do you want-"

"Watch out!" A lady yelled. Tyler turned around towards the woman and saw someone out of control with a motorcycle. He jumped out of the way before the motorcycle could hit him and he pulled Andy with him.

"That was close," Andy said looking at the idiot fall down. "Thank you."

"For what?" Tyler asked getting up from the floor.

"You just saved my life," Andy said.

"Anytime babe," Tyler said with a smirk and pulled Andy up from the floor.

Andy raised his eyebrow when he heard Tyler call him 'babe', "Let's go to the hotel, I'm pretty tired now." Andy said, maybe it didn't mean anything big.

Tyler was a little upset Andy didn't confront him about calling him 'babe'. It came out of nowhere but Tyler hoped it would make Andy curious.

They drove back to the hotel and Andy dragged Tyler to his bed. They laid down and cuddled until they soon fell asleep.


David came back to the hotel late at night. Kelly was asleep so he had to carry her. David carried her to their room and went to check on Andy and Tyler. He missed Tylers birthday yesterday and he felt bad so he brought him a gift.

David went into Tyler and Andy's room and left the present on the table. He saw them sleeping on the same bed, something must be wrong with one of the beds, that or Andy was being a baby again.

David was about to leave when something on the table caught his eye. It was a picture from a photo booth. They must have gone to the fair today or yesterday.

David looked at them and his eyes grew. Andy was kissing Tyler in the cheek, no biggie. Andy was on top of Tyler and they were laughing. It had to be a joke then, but the next picture caught him off guard.

Andy and Tyler were kissing, on the lips.

Andy has some explaining to do.

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