Chapter 14

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Weeks have passed by and Today was Tyler's Birthday. Sad to say he spending it in a Hotel alone.

"Hey, mom." He said through the phone.

"Hey, sweetie, Happy birthday!"

"Thanks, mom, how's my other half doing?"

"Her leg is better but she can't go back to camp, anyway she's having a little hang out with some of her friends today. What are you up to today?"

"Nothing really. David wanted us to watch a movie but he had an urgent family thing and his girlfriend went with him. So I'm stuck alone with Andy. Which is out at the moment."

"Oh well, I'm sure you'll have fun! Honey, I have to go and cook some food for your sister's friends I'll see you when you come back."

"Yeah, I'll see you in 3 weeks mom."

"Okay Honey, have a nice day, I love you."

"Love you too."

It's crazy how Tyler was heading home in 3 weeks. It was already the end of July. Tyler and Andy have gotten really close, Tyler was really going to miss him. David gave him the offer to come back next summer if he wanted to but Tyler doesn't know if he will. He had to think about his future.

"Hey, Tyler," Andy said coming into their room.

"Hey, goofball." Tyler joked. He was glad Andy was back.

"Happy birthday man." He gave Tyler a gift-wrapped present. He took it and opened it. It was a picture frame that had a picture of the two of them. It was the picture that they took when they were at the beach before they left for tour.

"I love this." He said and hugged him.

"Well I wanted you to remember me," Andy replied smiling a bit.

"Andy, I don't want this to just be a summer romance thing. I really like you."

"Tyler, you're going back to school in 3 weeks. There isn't much we can do during the time we have together. So let's cherish this moment. I'm with you on your birthday. Let's make this special."

Tylers P.O.V (smut starts here.)
I smiled towards him and he gave me another hug. Then Andy kissed me and I kissed him back. My hands wrapped around his neck while his wrapped around my waist.

He pushed us down on the bed and I leaned my head up to him and kissed him. His mouth felt beautiful as we both began to kiss each other with more confidence. His soft full lips brushed against mine and hung there on the edge for a second before redoubling again in pressure and force. Our mouths began to open and our tongues began to touch a little.

I moved my hands down to the back of his hips and held him to me, wanting to feel the curve of his ass, but unsure how to convince myself to do it. Our mouths opened wide, and for several minutes our tongues danced in unison against each other, his warm breath occasionally sliding past my cheek. I began to realize that my boner was pressing against him, and a tinge of shame swept through me until I realized that I could feel him pressing and pulsating into my thigh. I reached down and clutched at his perfectly curved butt cheeks with my hands, and he placed his hand on my chest. I thought he was going to stop this before it went any further, but when I broke the kiss he reached down and began to pull up on my shirt. I let him lift it over my head and went for his shirt as well.

As we came back together, I could feel his warm smooth body pressing against mine. He wasn't massively built, but the form of his muscles was so hot. I felt a desire I had never felt before. I noticed that as we were kissing, we were thrusting our hips into each other slightly, and it felt so good I thought we were in heaven. I began to almost quiver all over, and an unknown force seemed to take over me. I wasn't in control of myself. Raw urges seemed to fill me from some mysterious source and I began to caress his back and his shoulders, I grabbed at his ass, I placed my palm on the side of his head to hold him in place while I tried to tongue his mouth as deeply as I could.

We were breathing heavily. I found myself reaching down toward his crotch, letting the top of my hand brazenly caress his stomach and brush through his treasure-trail until I reached the button in his pants. He lifted his hips up to give my hand room to maneuver and held his breath as I unbuttoned and then unzipped his pants. Together we slid them down until they were gone. For a fleeting second, I noticed that his bulging boxers had their own wet stain where he had soaked through.

He reached down to undo my pants, and they slid off. But then as he began kissing me again, he moved off of me to one side and began sliding his hand down my stomach. I got nervous and excited and I almost felt uncontrollably ticklish as he slid his hand into my boxers, found my throbbing dick, and drew it out. As he began to caress it and move his hand around on it, I moaned without meaning to. I lost all control. Before long, I began kissing his neck...biting him, sucking a little. I moved down toward his bulge, kissing his chest, and then his stomach.

I pulled his penis through his boxers, and it was more beautiful than I had imagined. I paused for a moment, breathing gently on his pulsing cock as I held it in my hand, then I put my mouth around the top of it and slid it into my mouth. I was surprised by how hot it felt against the inside of my mouth, and how natural it felt to have him inside my face. His moans practically made me cum in my boxers, and I began to slide up and down on him even faster. He began to hump my face, and my heart raced with increasing speed as I felt the tip of his glistening rock-hard dick sliding back and forth on my lips.

His moans became more intense, and then with heavy draw-out breath laced with total pleasure, he said my name. "Tyler." I went down on him and took him into my mouth as deep as he would go...all 9 inches. I felt him hit the back of my throat but discovered that this felt good. I pounded my head down on him as his stomach tensed and his hands clutched at the sheets. He began to writhe and moan, his mouth hanging open and repeating my name over and over...slowly at first but with increasing intensity and pitch.

Finally, he was repeating my name as though he was losing control. "Tyler, Tyler! Tyler! Tyler! Tyler!" Then he paused and every muscle in his body went tense. His hips arched up off the bed, thrusting his penis deep into my face. It exploded into my mouth, and a load of hot cum seemed to fill it completely. It exploded again, sending a large portion directly down my throat. The next explosion came with such force that I choked a little and some leaked out of my mouth onto his stomach.

My reflexes told me to take my mouth off of him, but an unknown force made me engage my mouth completely around him and suck all the harder, begging for more. His dick exploded into my face several more times, and I swallowed every bit. When he stopped, I pulled back, noticed some had stuck to my chin, and as he looked down at me grinning with pleasure but a bit sheepish that he had just enjoyed head from a guy so much, I used my finger to put that bit into my mouth as well. He laughed.

"What now?" he asked. "Roll over." As he rolled over and came up to the doggy position, I slid his boxers off and slid mine down as well. I licked his tight, winking hole several times, and then moved to put my already dripping penis into it. It took some maneuvering, but I slowly pressed my dick into that spot until it swallowed my head. I pushed in deep and he moaned as a rested my chest against his back. There was a long pause. "Andy?" "You feel really good," he answered. "You do, too." I began to fuck him.

He was so tight that I felt like I must be hurting him, but he began to push back into me. After a few minutes of this, he said, "Hold on." and pulled himself away. I popped out of his hot ass, and he rolled onto his back and lifted his legs up. I slid into him again, and both of us moaned. I thrust into him repeatedly, kissing his mouth, staring into his eyes, totally disbelieving that this was happening. I suddenly noticed how sweaty we had both become, as I slid with increasing speed in his tight little hole.

Then, without any warning, he looked up at me, deep into my eyes. It felt like my penis was struggling to hold itself in as it had never been so hard. I felt that feeling in my stomach, and my ass began to tighten. "I think I'm going to cum," I said. "Tyler?" "Yes." "Happy Birthday." I was so shocked and yet so turned on by what he just said that I found myself answering, "Best birthday present ever."

I tried to say his name again, but my stomach turned over, and all I could get out was "An-" before I slid all the way into him and my cock pounded load after load of cum into him. He moaned with surprise at the force of every blast and kissed my wide open mouth as I collapsed into his arms.

"I love you," Andy said as he kissed Tyler.

"I love you too," Tyler replied and he meant it.

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