Chapter 6

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Tyler sat on his bed staring at his phone, should he call him again? Tyler doubt he'd pick up. He let out a sigh and heard a knock on his door.

"Come in," he said kind of softly.

"Hey, Tyler," Andy said and came into the room, shutting the door.

"Hey...." he said and looked away.

"What's wrong?" Andy walked to the bed and sat down next to Tyler.

"I think I just lost my best friend," Tyler said and looked over to Andy and saw a pained reaction.

"Damn, I don't think I'll ever be able to live without David, what happened?" Now he was paying close attention.

Tyler showed Sam the story, which told him about Sam and how he confessed his feelings towards Tyler. It showed how Tyler left Sam by himself. Finally, it told him that Sam doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.

"I just feel really stupid, what kind of best friend am I? I just left him, I shouldn't have done that. no matter what he did that day, I should have stuck by his side." Tyler said, regretting all of his actions.

"Tyler, it seems to me that, that Sam is really upset and he just needs time to himself. I don't know him personally, but by the way, you described him, he wants to be bold on the outside, but on the inside, his feelings are still there."

"I just don't know what to do."

"Give it time." He said and placed a hand on Tyler's shoulder. Tyler felt a shiver run down his spine. Andy's touch was electrifying. They both stared at each other for a while. Tyler finally thanked him and Andy left back to his own room.

Tyler laid down again and stared at the ceiling.

--- 1 week later ---

"Tyler how are my clothes?" David asked as he fixed his hair, making sure nothing was sticking out.

"All there checked the room three times already." He responded.

"OK good," they heard Davids name being announced. "Wish me luck"

"You don't need it." He said while David ran on stage. Today was the first day of his tour. Tyler's first time actually putting himself to work in a concert.

Tyler sat down with Andy while David was onstage. "He's really pumped," Tyler commented.

"I'm sure he is. He's more nervous than anything though," Andy said with a chuckle

"Really?" he asked

"Tyler, why don't you go in front of those thousands of people and sing for who knows how long and hope you don't mess up. " Andy said looking at him.

"You're right, I wouldn't be able to do that," Tyler said chuckling.

"So, where is this tour taking us?" Andy said, changing the topic.

"Well first here, Washington. Then to California, then to Chicago, then to New York, and finally to Florida, by my hometown. That would be my last stop. From there I stay home for school. "

Andy looks shocked. "Wait, you're still going to school?"

"Yeah, don't you?" Tyler asked.

"I'm getting tutored. Like homeschooled. " Andy said.

"Since when?"

"Since I was 15, been on the road with David ever since."

"Woooow." Tyler couldn't believe it. He could never do something like that. School was important to him.

"Yeah I just turned 18 the day before you came and I only got one year left before I quote on quote 'graduate' haha."

"If you want, you can come with me after this tour. Finish school properly." Tyler said looking at Andy. Andy looked back at him and they stared at each other a couple seconds before Andy looked away

"Not sure, it'll be a huge change. I'll think about it though. I've always wanted to be in Florida."

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