Chapter 17

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Tyler was sitting on his bed reading a few contracts for David when his phone lit up. He looked at it and saw it was a call from Sam...

He grabbed my phone answered cautiously.

"Hello?" He said

"Hey Tyler its Sam, I just wanted to call you to apologize. I haven't been a great friend or a friend for that matter. I'm sorry for the way I acted. I overreacted after you left."

"Why call me now?"

"Because I just noticed that I do want you in my life, I know you're straight so having you in my life as my boyfriend is not happening, but I still want my best friend. Besides, I have a boyfriend now."

"Really who?"

"Remember the day when we kissed? Well, I kissed you? The guy from the coffee shop. He noticed how upset I was and he helped me get through it."

"Sam I want you in my life too, I've known you for way too long to let you being gay ruin our friendship."

"Yeah, thank you for answering, by the way, haha, I didn't think you would. Oh and Happy birthday! I'm so sorry I missed it! I hope you had birthday sex or something."

He laughed at his comment."Hey Sam, I have something to tell you." He was careful with my words

"What is it?"

"I'm Bi."

"I thought you were straight."

"And people before thought the world revolved around the earth."

"How'd you find out?"

"Well I sorta experimented when I got here, not right away and I didn't do it on purpose, it just sorta happened."

"Omg, you didn't do your boss did you!?!?!"

"Nooooo haha, that would be really weird."

"Then who?"

"His best friend...."

The line was silent.

"Uh, Sam?"

"I'm here... that's, wow. So you're into guys?"

"I don't wanna say I'm into guys because he is the only guy I'm attracted to."

"Tyler. You are not bi if you are only attracted to one guy."

"I forgot to mention that I think I'm falling for him. . . Hard."

"Wow, I miss two months of your life and look what happens. How did it happen tho?"

"I don't know honestly, we were just friends and then one day at the beach he kissed me. I liked it and kissed back until I remembered that you kissed me and I felt like I was betraying you. Then we took a shower the next day, together. Then so on and on. Oh, and we may or may not have had birthday sex..."

"Tyler I want to kill you."

"I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. There is a part of me that is jealous but I have my own piece of meat now."

"So are we cool?"

"Of course, I'm glad that you are falling for a guy that makes you happy."

"We need to hang out soon dude."

"When are you coming back? Are you coming back?"

"I'll be back in 1 week, I'm heading to Florida tomorrow since David finished his concert at Chicago today."

"That's great, I'll see you then, I have to go, I got a date tonight. Goodnight Tyler."

"Goodnight Sam, nice talking to you."

He ended the call and sighed in relief, He and Sam are cool now. Tyler heard the door open and saw Andy walking in.

"Hey, I heard you on the phone and I didn't want to interrupt so I stayed outside waiting."

"Did you hear anything?"

"Just something about going to Florida tomorrow and you said goodnight but I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh, well I was talking with Sam."

"Sam? Like in your ex-best friend Sam? The Sam that has a crush on you? The Sam that-"

"Yes, that Sam."

"How did it go?" He asked now sitting next to Tyler.

"Really well, he apologized for the way he acted and wanted to be friends again. "

"Oh cool," Andy said, he could sense that he was a little down.

"I also told him about you," Tyler said smiling.

"Really?" He asked shocked.

"Yeah, I have no reason to hide how I feel about you."

"Tyler, please stop," Andy said smiling at first but then frowning.


"I told you, we have very little time together and I don't want to keep Falling for you more than I am, soon I'll be heartbroken when you leave."

"Andy, we are still going to talk, it's not like I'm losing contact with you forever."

"But I will never get to see you, you just saw right now how much we travel and how busy it gets."

"I just don't want to lose you."

"I can't lose you either," Andy said kissing him.

"What are we going to do?" Tyler asked him.

"I don't know. But you are all that matters to me right now." Andy replied as he kissed Tyler again.


David stared at Kelly with disbelief.

"I remember after our first kiss you said that you had been wanting to do that for a while, now I'm wondering if you were thinking the same thing when you cheated on me."

"David please trust me," Kelly begged.

"How do you think I can trust you after this? We're done."

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