Chapter 16

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"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" Tyler asked Andy, they were at dinner in a restaurant and Tyler couldn't wait any longer.

"Tyler I'm sorry but I don't want a relationship. Goodbye." Andy stood up and left Tyler by himself. Tyler felt a huge pain in his chest as he watched Andy walk out.

Tyler's eyes shot open and he noticed he was in bed. It was a dream. It felt so real. He looked around and saw that Andy was out of the room, the shower was on so that must have been him.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a gift on the table by the bed. He opened it and saw a brand new black wallet with $3,000 inside. He also saw a note and took it out.

Happy Late Birthday Tyler!
Thank you for everything and I'm glad I met you :)

There was also a picture of David that was signed, He was sure his sister will love this.

Tyler walked out of his room and saw David on the couch.

"Welcome back," Tyler said smiling.

"Sit," David said seriously.

Tyler felt the uneasy feeling in the air, was he going to get fired? Did he do something wrong? Did he want the $3,000 back?

"What's up?" He asked as he sat in front of David.

"I was going to wait to talk with Andy about this, but this also includes you," David said as he sighed.

Tyler waited for what was going to be said.

"What is up with you and my best friend?" David asked looking at Tyler.

"What do you mean?" He asked, now confused.

"I saw the pictures Tyler."

I try to think of what pictures he could be talking about. But nothing came to mind. David sighed again and handed Tyler the photo booth pictures.

Tyler saw it were the ones from yesterday, it clearly showed him and Andy kissing. Tyler had no idea how to respond, how to react.

"These were photoshopped."


"Yeah, I mean do you really think Andy will kiss a guy, especially me?"

"No I didn't think he would but now I am not so sure."

Tyler didn't know what to say, so he stayed shut.

"I don't care if you and him are together and stuff but I just wished he could have told me about it instead of going behind my back, but I am serious, I'm glad that you guys found each other and are happy, I can see how much he cares about you by these pictures."

Tyler sighed with relief, great David was on board.

"Oh and Tyler, I'm sorry I gave you a sucky gift. 3,000 dollars really isn't anything. I just didn't know what to get you."

"Okay one, $3,000 is a lot so shut up. And two, You gave me a great present, and I don't mean the money. You gave me this job which led to me meeting Andy. I promise you that I will do my best with him if I and he ever become serious."

David smiled and nodded, Tyler walked back to his room and saw Andy walking out of the shower with a towel on.

"David knows about us," Tyler told him.

"He what?" Andy stopped in his tracks.

"He knows that I and you are interested in each other, he isn't mad but you should still talk with him."

"Yeah, thanks for letting me know." Andy changed real quick and kissed Tyler on the cheek before he went off to talk with David.

"Hey, buddy," Andy said as he walked towards David. He honestly was really scared to talk with David. He had been his best friend for so long and he was keeping this a secret. It's not going to look good.

"Sit," David said really serious.

Maybe Tyler was wrong, maybe David was mad.

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry for what? For kissing a guy? For keeping that a secret from me? For fooling around with my personal assistant? I'm not worried or mad about that. Do you know what you are doing?" David sounded concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," he paused, "Tyler is going to go back to High school soon. You don't have months or years with him, you have weeks. 3 weeks exactly. He told me you guys aren't official or in a serious relationship, but what if you guys fall for each other more than expected? You can't expect Tyler to leave high school behind just to be with you."

"I didn't really think much about that."

"Then start thinking, you might break his heart, you might even break your own. I just want what is best for you and him. I'm not telling you to end things with him or anything, I just want you to know what you are doing and think before you act."

David got up and walked into his room. Andy stayed and let that all sink in.

He was right. Tyler was leaving soon. Andy can't be selfish and ask him to stay. But at the same time, Andy really liked him. He wanted to be with him.

How can he make this work though? Andy didn't want this to be like a one night stand. He wanted something more, something he never wanted with anyone else.

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