Chapter 7

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Tyler sat with Andy watching the performance, David was really good. Tyler tried to keep his mind concentrated on the show but Sam always popped up. Tyler missed him, a lot. He had to make it up to him somehow.

*buzz buzz* *buzz buzz*

His phone started vibrating from an incoming call, who is it? He picked his phone up and answered.


"Hello is this Tyler Hunterson?" Some female voice responded

"Yeah, that's me."

"Oh good! I just wanted to call you to let you know that David has been accepted to model some Calvin Klein products."

"Really? That's great, when is the appointment?"

"I was thinking next week, how does that sound?"

"Uh... yeah, of course, ill check back with you to let you know the days and times we are available, thank you so much!"

"You are welcome, bye."

She hung up and Andy looked at Tyler with one eyebrow raised up. "What was that about?"

"Oh nothing much, just that David got accepted in Calvin Klein!!"

Andy stood up almost immediately, "Shut up!! No way!" Andy was getting really excited. "David has wanted to model for so long and now he has the chance!!!"

"Yeah, I know. But let's not say anything until after the show okay?"

Andy nodded, "yeah, yeah of course."

~*~After the show is over~*~

David walked towards the two guys looking really tired. "Carry me." He said once he reached them.

"Dude, we got amazing news," Andy said.

"My girlfriend died?" David asked in a whisper.

"Uh. . . No... Not yet anyway." Andy said. We all chuckled.

"You got accepted to be a model of Calvin Klein," Tyler said and Davids' mouth dropped.

"Are you serious?"

"100% serious."

David smiled so big Tyler thought his face was going to rip off. "This is amazing."

"You start next week by the way," Andy mentioned.

"Let's go celebrate!" David announced.

They cheered and walked towards David's car. Ellen was waiting for them outside. "You did great!" She said and hugged David.

"Thanks, oh and I got accepted to model Calvin Klein products!! Can you please make the appointment?"

"That's what a manager is for isn't it?" She said with a smile.

David, Tyler, and Andy headed down the parking lot in the back and got into Davids car. Tyler was in the back while David was in the driver's seat and Andy was in the passenger seat.

"Where should we go?" Andy asked.

"I am honestly really tired but I feel like bowling," David said. He looked at Andy and he nodded.

He looked at Tyler next, "sounds good to me." He said, and David drove to the nearest bowling alley.


They walk in and see a couple of old people playing all the way in the corner.

"Three games please," Andy says to the cashier while Tyler and David go get their shoes.

"Your first time bowling?" David asked as he looked at the shelf where the shoes were.

"Nope. I'll kick your ass at this, you count on that." Tyler said and grab a number 8 shoe. He and Sam have been bowling since they were 10. Not saying they were good at the age of 10, they just started practicing at that age.

They would always play the first Friday or Saturday of the month. This would actually be Tyler's first time bowling without Sam.

Tyler can hear David chuckle as he walked away. Tyler roamed around trying to find a good ball, he found a black and blue one. The design on this ball was either. A black ball with blue smoke or a blue ball with black smoke.

He chose it and saw Andy waiting for them at the number 10 isle. When Tyler got there he saw Andy had already gotten his shoes and a green ball. David came a minute later with a red ball. Tyler took out his phone and opened Snapchat. He took a picture of his ball and the alley in the background. He typed, "not the same without you." And sent it to Sam.

"Okay, so who is going first?" Andy asked.

"Why don't we just do it in Alphabetical order," Tyler suggested. he just wants to see how they bowl first.

"Sure," David says as he puts his name on the second slot. Andy puts "BigAndy;)" on the first one and Tyler just put his name on the last.

"You guys are lame," Andy says looking at the screen. "I expected more from you." With that, he was off. Walking towards the lane. He aims and swings his arm, the ball fall from his hand and about halfway down the aisle the ball falls in the gutter.

Tyler and David burst out laughing as Andy waited for the ball to come back. The ball returned and Andy shot the ball again. This time it hit 7 pins down.

David got up and grabbed his red ball, he aimed and shot the ball, he hit 8 pins down but still had 2 in the corner. He hit the two pins in his second turn. Earning him a spare.

Tyler got up and checked his Snapchat. Sam opened the snap "just now." he kept my hopes up as he grabbed his ball, he went up and let his instinct kick in.

He let the ball go and watched it roll. it hit all the pins down and it put a smirk on his face as he turned around. "And that's how it's done."


After the first game, Andy got himself 98 points. David got himself 120, and Tyler got 300. Yes, that's correct. he got all strikes!! This was the first perfect game he's ever bowled in his life. He took a picture of the screen with the scores and posted it on his Snapchat story.

Sam never snapchatted him back. He was hurt but didn't show it. The next two games he let David win as he was a better bowler than Andy, Tyler wasn't in the mood to bowl anymore. Somehow though he still tied with Andy in the last game.

"What's up with you dude?" Andy asked as they walked to the car.

Tyler looked at him, "Nothing, just a little disappointed at your bowling skills, I expected more from you." he said with a chuckle.

David laughed and Andy pouts as they get in the car.

They drive towards a pizza place and get two pizzas. They get to Davids house and head to his room.

"To today's success," David says with a grin. Holding his slice of pizza in the air.

Tyler chuckled and followed his lead. Andy does the same. They ate and chatted. Talking about their lives. Bonding and stuff like that. At 12 am they decided to go their separate ways and they all left to their rooms, well except for David since he was already in his room.

Tyler got in his room and stripped to his boxers. He let his eyes fall and soon he was fast asleep.

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