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   "No... wait... Gray! I-I... it isn't-"

"'It isn't what it looks like?' I'm not blind, Juvia. I know that just a moment ago you were kissing him." Gray stood where he was, his back was all Juvia could see. He was shaking.

He was right. Juvia did kiss back. She starts trembling, feeling as though her world was crumbling as each minute passes by. She swallowed her saliva.

"I... I did. I kissed Lyon back..." She replies staring down at the floor guiltily. Juvia felt tears forming but fought the urge to break down.

"Why did you do it?" Gray asks, turning his head a bit so Juvia could see his clenched teeth.

"Gray... it wasn't intentional. I... we..." Juvia trailed off.

"Stop trying to dodge the question. At least answer saying that you don't want to tell me if you don't want to." Gray says, turning his head back to where it was originally.

"I-I'm sorry... I'm really sorry Gray..." Juvia says as tears started to fall down her cheek. It's all my fault... I shouldn't have - I'm so stupid...

"I... don't know if I can forgive you, Juvia. I love... I loved you and I was so sure you loved me too, but I suppose not." Gray spoke as he started to walk.

"N-No, Gray - I love you! You mean so much to me and-"

"If you really loved me then I don't think any of this would've happened. I know what was going on these past few months, you've been lying to me. Saying that you... that you..." Gray spoke through clenched teeth, "that you were going out with Lucy or helping Levi... but those were just lies to cover up the fact that you were out with Lyon doing things, right?"

He was right again.

"I was only trying to help him at first..." Juvia replies quietly, walking at a fast pace to catch up to Gray.

"At first?" Gray says, walking faster.

"W-What...? No! I mean-"

"You know what, let's just stop." Gray stops walking, "lets just stop everything, I just can't do this anymore."

Juvia freezes, her world had finally crumbled into dust. She felt a stab of guilt hit her in the worst way possible. He was right about everything. The lies... the dates... and the kiss. He. Was. Right. I'm so stupid... I - he's right... I don't deserve him... I don't deserve anyone after what I've done to the only person I've ever loved.

"Yeah... I suppose that would... be the best for both of us..." She could feel her voice crack as she spoke. The tears were forming at a faster pace, and soon... one by one... they started pouring out. She had submitted to her feelings, her depression that she had tried to suppress moments ago.

"I have something to do, bye..." Gray says as Juvia watches the man's retreating figure with sadness. There wasn't much she could do, after all, she had cheated on the one she had loved the most. And she regretted everything.

Author's Note
Hey guys, you've reached the end of this chapter! Please comment your thoughts on this week's chapter - constructive criticism is very much appreciated! Let's meet again in the next chapter (:

Thanks for reading!

- author

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