Halloween Special(III)

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Yoongi P.O.V.

"Yoongi, Don't play with me get out"
"I'm not those girls, You aren't about to see me naked"
"You're right but you're wrong"
"You arent the other girls but I will see you naked"
"Shut up and get out"
I decided to leave and let her get dressed


Y/N P.O.V.

I finished putting on my clothes and went to look for Yoongi
I had found him but not in the way I wanted
For some reason I decided to run down the stairs and apparently Yoongi thought the same thing
He was coming up the stairs and I was going down and in the end we both ended up on the floor
Oh and Lisa and Jungkook woke up but then they went back to sleep like two robots

Meanwhile I fell on top of Yoongi and he was just staring at me and I noticed after looking away from
I immediately rolled over all the way into the kitchen
(Don't ask why)
I got up from the floor and somehow ended up in a chair In the kitchen

"You good?"
I nodded answering Yoongi's but secretly dieing inside

Yoongi got up from the floor....that he was still on?
And walked over to me and just stared again

"Stop looking at me like that"
I covered my face and the blush

"Like what?"
"You know what I'm talking about"
I peeked through my hands at the smirk on his face

"It's 3am, Why are you two still up?"
Lisa said rising up from the couch

"Says the person that was asleep with Jungkook this whole time"
"Shut up Yoongi"
"Now is the part where you struggle to bring Jungkook upstairs to your room"
"You shut up too Y/N"
Lisa stood up and tried to get Jungkook off the couch but it didn't work

"Seriously Lisa"
Yoongi went over to Lisa and took Jungkook upstairs himself

"Which room is it"
"The first one on the right"
Lisa yelled back to Yoongi

I looked at Lisa and she looked at me with a huge smile before running upstairs
After a couple minutes Yoongi came back down

"Why did she want Jungkook in her room"
"The same reason why I want you in mine"
"And what might that be"
"Information not available"
I turned my back to him and went in the refrigerator

"I have a idea"
Yoongi whispered into my ear a he back hugged me

"Yeah I do to and it involves you letting me live long enough to eat my ice cream"
"Forget it but give two feet I might pass out"
I was so happy Yoongi was clueless to what I meant

Yoongi stepped back and I opened my pint of ice cream and stabbed the spoon into it

"Okay now what did you want"
I said with a spoonful of extremely cold ice cream in my mouth

"Wait why are you eating ice cream at 3am"
"That's like asking why are you acting so dominant at 3am...there is no answer"
"Anyway I was gonna say that we should go on a date tomorrow"
His eyebrows furrowed and I stabbed the ice cream again

"I said no we shouldn't go on a date tomorrow"
"Why not"
"Because one: it wouldn't be good for my health and two: I can't, tomorrow Jennie said that I'm gonna have to do some training stuff tomorrow"
"Come with me"
I offered him some ice cream but he didnt take it

"Who do you think you are turning down rainbow sherbert"
"I'm a person who just got rejected"
I put my ice cream down on the table and gave him a hug

"No you weren't rejected"
"Says the person that just rejected me"
"Where did the 'Joker' go? The one talking tough at the party"
"He was gone when I washed the make-up off"
He finally wrapped his arms around me

"Stop being sad I wanna eat my ice cream"
"Well you just made me sad so.."
"I got a question.."
I grabbed my ice cream from the counter

"What now"
"Where did my daddy go"
After I spoke I stuffed another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth

"That wasn't fair Y/N you can't say stuff like that"
He showed off his gummy smile and little blush

"Why not you're my daddy aren't you"
"You should know the answer to that not me"
"Well who was the one that demanded it"
"Usually its the other girls"
I stopped eating my ice cream and glared at him

"Only I can say that"
"Oh so you wanna be dominant now"
He tried taking away my ice cream from my hand but I didnt let go but he eventually let go

"Me or your ice cream"
"Give me five minites and I got your answer"
"You'll be done with it then"
My phone vibrated in my boobs because that was my only pocket

"Yes it's called a bocket"
"What the hell is that"
"Its a boob pocket"
I looked at the text I got from Hoseok it said that he was coming to America

Hoseok was one of our "clan" you could say that was an idol along with Jimin, Youngjae, and Jaebum
They choose that as a cover because they didn't really want to be involved
And I forgot Jennie had explained to me all the little details about a week ago
But what does he have to do with me right well me and Hoseok met in Korea in a coffee shop about 3 years ago
Him being an idol he had to hide his appearance
He was about to get caught but he sat at the table with me
And stole my first kiss and it was him that decided to keep in touch after our situation

"Who was that"
"No one"
Yoongi looked at me slightly confused

"If it's no one then tell me"
"Why do you wanna know"
"I can't know who my girlfriend is talking to"
"Don't make it seem like I'm the bad guy when you would do the same"
I put my ice cream away knowing I would not be finishing it

"Actually I wouldn't because I have nothing to hide"
"That would explain why I didnt know about the other girls"
"That was just something you didnt need to know"
"Exactly same as this"
I walked away from him in hopes he would let it go

"Its not the same"
For the hundredth time today he grabbed my arm

"Why is it not the same"
Once again I flung my arm out of his grip

"What I did was two years ago what did was 2 minutes ago"
"Lets just say this you aren't the only one"
"What's that supposed to mean"
I looked at him and ran upstairs and locked my door

It was fun messing with Yoongi but it had to end somewhere
I looked at my phone and it was 5 in the morning so I really had no choice but to go to bed

"Goodnight Yoongi"
I said as I heard him banging on my door

A/n: Harr~ Srry this took so long but I'm lazy and I literally do nothing so yeah there my excuse bai~

I probably won't be doing these "Holiday Specials" anymore unless I'm determined to do it

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