It's Over(II)

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Wednesday-Mark POV

After the day me and Jisoo kissed
I kinda fell for her yes of course
I feel bad about it but I don't feel like it is my fault
In my defense, Y/n only pays any attention to me when we are at school even though we live
on the same street. I felt that she had been distancing herself from me and Jisoo noticed and she was trying to comfort me and I ended up kissing her. Then I turned the corner and saw someone walking away. It looked like Yoongi but didn't really think it was Yoongi until I heard about it at school the next day.

So I ended up confronting Yoongi about it then Y/n pops up out of nowhere and me being the boyfriend that I am I walked her to her class and then disappeared and as you can guess I went off to Jisoo - correction the class that I have with Jisoo


Thursday Y/n POV

*Why am I seeing his face again*

I thought as I was attempting to get through this last class and since I don't have classes on Friday's this would be my last class to start my weekend actually not because I have to go to work

\\Time Skip//
(After Class)

Once again Mark offered to walk me home and I actually decided to accept but only to question him. As we were walking out of the school gates I started conversation.

"Mark...Can I ask you a question"
His head shot up from the ground as we crossed the street

"Yeah, babe... What is it??"
I could see on his face that he was trying not to show the nervousness he was holding in but that was always hilarious and adorable to me

"Why do you always want to walk home with me. Everyday. Consistently."

"Well, I just assumed that since we live next to each other and we're together there wouldn't be a problem right??"

"Yeah I guess so but what did you think I was gonna ask you??"
This time his expression was flat out on his face with no intention of hiding


"Stop stalling and say it already"

"I thought Yoongi told about something he saw and that was what you were asking about.."

"What might that be??"

"Uh no-"

He stopped walking but I kept walking not noticing it until I looked in his direction so I turned and walked back to him to catch his shocked gaze which staring at something
Correction SOMEONE

She was standing on his porch peering through the windows looking for him until she turned and me and him then she ran down the stairs towards us waving saying "hey babe"

"Move Mark you're in the way"
I grabbed his arm and pulled him behind me and Jisoo fell on her face in the grass sadly

"Oh Jisoo when did you get another boyfriend, oh and where is he"
I already knew what was going on but I wanted to see how long it would be until Mark said anything

"Behind you"
She only spoke blankly

I glanced over my shoulder past Mark giving him a quick glare then looking past him across the street at the tree

"Really wow I didn't know you were that weird but okay"
"How bout his name then"
I said looking but back over to her

"Mark his name is MARK"
"The tree's name and your boyfriend name is Mark"
"Why isn't that so similar to yours Mark"
"Anyway let's go meet him now~"

With that I dragged her across the street to the tree wondering if I've gone too far I looked over to Mark but he just a little lost so I continued

"Hello Mark I'm Y/n your girlfriend's friend(not)"
"Um...Jisoo he isn't responding"
Mark said from across the street I heard it but it was barely audible

"Oh Jisoo come on we have to go to my boyfriend said something"

And I dragged her back across the street by this time a car had pulled up

"Whatcha say I couldn't hear you because I was meeting Jisoo's boyfriend"
"I said STOP"

He slapped my hand from Jisoo and grabbed it himself
And I slapped him but in the face. Hard.

"Are you stupid, don't ever fucking touch me again"

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