Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guys, Cry here. I am so sorry for leaving Y'all for so long. For like the past week or two my depression has been constant, and normally it isn't. On top of that, I've lacked motivation. But here I am now, I want to write for you guys again. Thank you so much for being so patient. I can't thank you guys enough for that. Also, prepare for some angst next chapter *finger guns*



Light shined at her face as (Y/n) peeled a document off her face, exhausted. Her watch ticked by her ear, and (Y/n) realized she had been asleep for several hours. The night was arriving, and she had only finished a quarter of her paperwork. A small mirror she had set up in the corner revealed the pencil marks staining her face, and she quickly tried to rub them off.

A lack of patients made (Y/n)'s motivation and energy take a nose dive, which probably led to her falling asleep in the middle of work. She had been working nonstop since morning when the Commander found her in the training room. (Y/n) stretched up in her chair, feeling sore and hungry.

So hungry... Surely Commander Reyes wouldn't mind if (Y/n) made some food, it was about time the day-shift agents were released of duty for the day, anyway.

Using her finger to get knots out of her hair, (Y/n) briefly sorted through her work into to-do piles, snatching her mug and heading towards the door. She noticed a surprisingly small amount of people in the halls. Lightly padding towards the cafeteria, her stomach made a twist at the almost eerie silence. It was just her, a few dozen tables, and an empty kitchen. Over in the Overwatch base, this room was never empty. They even had a kitchen system of who made food and cleaned up and whatnot!

"Weird..." She mumbled, wandering into the kitchen and putting her mug into a sink that apparently had never been used.  Rummaging through the cabinets and pantry, (Y/n) huffed when she only found non-perishable canned foods, frozen stuff, and bags full of cooking material. Did nobody on this base eat?

(Y/n) approached the communication tablet attached to the wall, entering some food requests. No signs of fingerprints were on it either. Now that she thought about it, every agent she reviewed had some form of malnourishment, even though all were physically fit.

Mentally stowing away that information, (Y/n) now had to figure out what to eat. A sparkle appeared in her eye when she zeroed in on a giant box of pancake mix. It wasn't as good as the real deal, but it would do with what she had now. Thankfully, (Y/n) brought some personal materials for food, she just didn't expect to need them so soon.

Besides, breakfast for dinner was the best.

Tugging out a pack of bacon, she let it sit under warm water in the sink as she put together the pancake batter.

"I've never heard so much noise in here before."

(Y/n) shrieked, raising a batter-covered spatula in defense. She relaxed when she saw it was just a cowboy out of time, blushing a little when she realized she pointed a wooden spoon at a trained Blackwatch agent.

"What're you making?" Jesse asked casually, shutting off the water in the sink.

"Breakfast for dinner. You want some?" (Y/n) asked, clearly remembering Jesse having the same malnourishment problem as every other person in the base. Besides, she wouldn't mind having some company.

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