Chapter 5

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(Y/n) felt a tugging feeling in the pit of her stomach when she had realized that she would be meeting all of Blackwatch in the medical bay. She, for one, was not one for meeting new faces. It was like high school all over again when you were called to the front, and all eyes were on you, waiting for you to screw up so they could laugh. However, this was nothing like school. (Y/n) was now a part of a discrete branch of Overwatch. She was not a student at a high school, but a medic for a government organization and she would make sure that her anxiety didn't get in the way of her work. She only hoped the people in Blackwatch weren't as rowdy and careless as she's been hearing them out to be. Angela didn't get many visits, mostly because Overwatch agents were careful.Deep down (Y/n) knew that the anarchy in Blackwatch would mean more dangerous missions, which would involve more patients.

(Y/n) stood in front of the sliding door that leads into the medical bay. Her heart was beating too fast to be normal, so she tried to convince herself that she was overreacting. Maybe Blackwatch agents weren't all bad, and they were quite careful. After all, they're alert enough to stay out of the limelight when it came to the public eye.

Yeah, she's got this...

The door slid open and in she walked, keeping her mind focused on the matter at hand.

"There she is."

"Her? She's a runt, it can't be her."

"I'd hit that."

(Y/n)'s mind blanked a little. Why would someone want to strike her-oh. Oh.

It took all of her willpower not to turn around and run. There were at least three dozen agents, and they were all intimidating as hell. Or maybe it was just their all-black get-up.

Some watched warily, wondering if this medic would last longer than the last one. Many held sympathy in their eyes, believing that she wouldn't last a day. A pair of red eyes nearly glowed as they watched her movement. They held no interest, no sympathy, anxiety, just... nothing. (Y/n) wondered what happened to make them so apathetic.

The agents parted like the red sea, giving (Y/n) straight access to the center of the room. The quiet whispers died down in an instant as a new figure entered the room. Commander Reyes had arrived.

"Doctor (L/N)." He stated, acknowledging your existence. "As everybody knows, we have a new medic. This is Doctor (L/n), and you will go to her when you do dumb shit and get hurt. Doctor Ziegler declined the offer to come here, so we're stuck with the apprentice." A few quiet laughs went around, causing (Y/n)'s cheeked to tint slightly.

"You are not a paper pusher here," Reyes said, turning to you. "And you will pull your weight."

"Yes, sir."

"You're replaceable," he menaced, surprising (Y/n) with his bluntness. "These are my men. I look out for them in battle, and they do the same for me. We are putting our lives in your hands, and the second you mess up, you're out."

(Y/n) heart sank a little when she realized that this meeting was happening out of obligation and nothing else. This wasn't like when she joined Overwatch. Nobody here was going to want to make new friends.

"Hey now, boss. (Y/n) gets it, calm down," a familiar southern voice drawled, the metal jingling of his spurs following his steps.

Well, I suppose I have one friend.

"Where were you? You were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago."

He shrugged, "Got caught up." You noticed how Jesse was the only one to not tense up under the commander's gaze. In fact, Jesse was somewhat lax as he walked up to the commander.

"Scaring the new recruit, Gabe?" He smirked playfully. "How many times have you done this shtick. We all know yer a big teddy bear under all that growling n' biting." (Y/n) was taken back by the fact that Jesse had called Commander Reyes by his first name. Jesse must either be bat-shit crazy or incredibly brave.

Or, you know, they probably know each other pretty well... (Y/n)'s conscience said reluctantly.

Commander Reyes huffed irritably, turning away from Jesse as he scanned his agents. "I need a volunteer to take (L/n) around."

Several hands went up, much to (Y/n)'s surprise.

"He said to take her around, not take her out," Jesse scoffed, watching as all the hands sheepishly disappeared back into the crowd.

(Y/n) already had a tour but decided not to say anything. She probably needed a recap anyway.

"Rogers," a man stood forward when Reyes called his name. "I want you to show Doctor (Y/n) around. The last thing I need is for a medical emergency to happen and our doctor being lost in the halls somewhere." Reyes talked about her like she was incompetent. But to be fair, so did everyone else. 

(Y/n) watched him with doe eyes, nervous and innocent. "Yes, sir. I'll keep her in line," Rogers said, looking at you with a blank expression.

Keep me in line? I'm not dangerous, dumbass... (Y/n) snarked in her head, instantly regretting the mean tone in her head.

The sound of the intercom flickered to life as a loud buzzing voice broke through. "Reyes to Commander Morrison's office. Reyes to Commander Morrison's. Thank you." Commander Reyes grunted in response as he eyed his agents. "That's my cue. And just because we have a doctor now does not mean you get to be careless in battle. You're dismissed." 

Everyone else filed out of the room at an incredible speed. For a moment, (Y/n) caught Genji's glowing red eyes watching her. It felt like the world was in slow motion only to speed up when he looked away and left out the door. She let go of a breath she didn't even realize she was holding.

When she turned around, she was surprised to see Rogers with a kind smile on his face. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"Well, shall we?"

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