Chapter 6

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(Y/n) clumsily shuffled along the halls as Rogers casually pointed out various rooms and whatnot. He kept sending her odd looks that (Y/n) couldn't quite identify, and it made her nervous. After an eternity of wallowing in awkwardness, the duo arrived back at the commons area.

"And you've already been here. There are a kitchen and rest area, but nobody really stays here for long. Why cook when we have chefs in the cafeterias?" Rogers scoffed, and (Y/n) a bit back a sarcastic retort.

Because you can be sure that nothing's poisoned?

(Y/n) paused, wondering where the thought popped in from. Perhaps she was already getting used to the darker, almost morbid and deadly humor that lingered in this area.

"Thanks," she mumbled instead, glancing up to see Rogers looking at her strangely again.

"So..." he began, smiling a little as if to show no harm. "There's a nice coffee place my friends and I go to, wanna check it out with me later?"

"I have to catch up on college," (Y/n) automatically declined, not quite ready to break out of her shell yet. She was a little flattered but felt too out of place to enjoy the attention. Her mind kept reminding her of when she would go to the store with her dad, and he would use the exact line on the pretty women they saw. "Wanna get coffee?"

"Nice, what do you study?" he asked as if he hadn't just been rejected.

"Uh, psychology, the likes," (Y/n) answered timidly.

Her father had always told her things like how a man wouldn't want a girl so shy and timid like her, and because of that she never bothered seeking for anyone. So this new change of pace was the somewhat uncharted territory.

"Well, we can go tomorrow? Give me a chance, doc," Rogers persisted after an uncomfortable silence. (Y/n) did a double take when she looked at the expression on her tour guide's face. There wasn't a single trace of the smile he had before, and his eyes didn't invite; they demanded.

"Sure," (Y/n) responded, voice almost cracking. She stared right back into Rogers's shark-like expression, willing herself not to be totally pushed around. "But on one condition."

The scary look on her companion's face disappeared, replaced by the easy-going smile he had before. "Name it."

"Tell me: what's wrong with Genji?" she asked, wishing she hadn't quite worded her sentence that way. "Why is he so... angry? So separated from everyone else, I mean."

Rogers sighed, scratched thing the back of his head in thought. "Why the hell do you want to learn about that dick for?" (Y/n) flinched on surprise at the colorful language, and reached for the first excuse she could think of. 

"Well if I'm gonna be a medic then I should watch mental stability, right?" Her voice shook, disliking the lie she spat out. In truth, her fuzzy heart didn't want to see someone else suffering. In class, she learned that most angry people were hurting on the inside, and she wanted to see what went wrong in Genji's life.

"Hm," Rogers eye too(Y/n) carefully. Despite (Y/n)'s hatred for lying, she was reasonably good at it.

"I'm not really supposed to talk about it, but since you asked so nicely. Genji was the second son in this ancient Japanese clan that's actually on our hit-list right northeast be bad news. Don't know much but when he had been brought in by Overwatch, but the story apparently is that he was killed by his own brother in a fit of rage."

(Y/n) listened intently, her breath hitching when she heard of the crime. Rogers hadn't said much, but her heartstrings were being plucked like a harp.

"Killed?" (Y/n) echoed, staring in surprise.

"Well, he's alright now, isn't he?" he rolled his eyes in utter lack of empathy. "More like he was on the brink of death, then that pretty Overwatch healer, Angela, did her magic and save him."

(Y/n)its mouth was in an O shape now. Angela had never told her, and she was now even more amazed at the feats her best friend accomplished.

"Not much to it. Anyway, I'll be by the sickroom tomorrow at 12:15, cool?" Rogers "asked" a little too happily. The previously calming smile doing nothing for (Y/n)'s fear. She sighed, resigning to her fate."Of course, Mr. Rogers." 

"Hey now, no need for formalities. The name's Jake," (Y/n) forced a smile at Jake, nodding in acknowledgment. He walked away, and (Y/n) found that she was breathing a little easier. Her eyes dropped, tired of all the social interaction.

Time for a nap.


Later that evening, (y/n) had awoken to the sound of tapping on a door whilst she had fallen asleep on one of the various beds in the bay. She let out a small groan of annoyance for someone waking her, that is until she almost forgot her duties. She hastily stood up and sped walk over to the door, trying to keep some level of professionalism. Was someone injured? Oh, she hoped it wasn't serious. She knew her stuff when it came to medical attention but she was nothing like Angela who was gifted in it. Or maybe it was Jake. what time was it anyway?

She opened the door expecting someone in need of aid, or even Jake, but who she saw had completely surprised her. "Genji?" The cyborg eyed down at her with the same emotionless eyes she always seen him with, yet he did not reply. She blinked for a moment and her timidness seemed to reach it's peak as she forced herself to look away from his burning gaze.

"Are you. Er... Injured?" Finally, he replied. "The commander informed me that I will no longer be seeking assistance from Doctor Zeigler, but instead, I will be coming to you."

Oh boy...

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