Chapter 1

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A young woman gazed out the large window with mesmerized eyes, watching drops of rain trickle from the top and slide down the glass. (Y/n) always had a strange obsession with rain. She loved listening to thunder roll across valleys and watching fulminations fly across the sky. She thought it was wondrous how droplets of water could smash into the floor from hundreds of feet above yet still create life was beautiful. (Y/n) always felt like she had a personal storm cloud following her around, and could only hope that a rainbow would come once everything was over.

"(Y/n)?" A soft accented voice pulled (Y/n) away from her thoughts, and she blushed at how easily she let herself become distracted. "Sorry, what'd you say?" She cleared her throat, ready to get back to work.

"I'm being called away for a mission. We're rather short staffed here at the moment, so I convinced Jack to have you oversee any agents coming in." The lovely woman smiled as if she hadn't put a mountain of responsibility on (Y/n)'s shoulders.

"What?" (Y/n) choked, unsure if she had heard her friend correctly. "I-I can't do that! I'm still in med school!"

"You know how to use all the machines, don't you?" Angela teased. "Besides, I don't think any serious missions are going on today, so you'll just be handing out band-aids and such."

(Y/n) must've still looked a little pale because Angela lowered her voice and walked closer to her friend. "Liebling, I trust you, alright? Now you need to trust yourself," she said quietly, soothing (Y/n)'s nerves.

Right. Just trust yourself. (Y/n) thought to herself. Nothing's gonna go wrong today.

"Thanks, Angela, I can do this," (Y/n) timidly responded, putting a glowing smile on her friend's face.

"I have tablets on all the agents around the back, you can always pull them out if they have special requirements." The women made cursory glances at the back of the mini-clinic before booming voice came from the intercom near the exit.

"Pardon the interruption, agents. Doctor Zeigler, report to me for debriefing with your team. Thank you." The intercom turned off with a static sound. She glanced at (Y/n) with an apologetic smile. "I'll come back as soon as I can. Until then, I know I can trust you to keep things from falling apart."

(Y/n) awkwardly twiddled her thumbs for a few moments as she looked around at the fort she had to hold down. Pressing her lips together, she shuffled over to her usual corner and pulled out her laptop, determined to do something productive while she was alone. Also, college courses are good distractions from stressful situations.

A flash of silver and red caught (Y/n)'s attention, making her pull out her earbuds. The figure hadn't appeared to notice her, considering she was in a corner.

Stupid (Y/n), you're supposed to be visible to your patients!

She put her laptop away, catching the figure's attention with the minuscule noise metal sliding against cloth. When she looked up, a rush of fear rushed over her, not because of the glowing red eyes staring at her or the fact that he was part machine, but because there was blood everywhere. His presence was suffocating, and (Y/n) knew exactly who he was. Angela had talked about him before, how she had brought Genji Shimada back from the brink of death by replacing over half of him with machinery. (Y/n) noted that he wasn't wearing the usual Overwatch color scheme, and moved towards the tablets containing agent information.

"I-I'll be right with you," (Y/n) said, but was stopped in her tracks. "Don't bother," a heavily accented voice floated from the cyborg. "You guys don't have my information."

She had been about to speak again before she was cut off. "Where is Doctor Zeigler." He asked, although his voice sounded neutral enough, she couldn't help but hear a slightly aggressive tone in his voice. Maybe she was imagining things, Overwatch agents are generally benevolent and kind.

"Um," (Y/n) stuttered intelligently. "Uh, Angela is out on a, er, mission. I'm here to cover for her." She changed her destination to the surgical sutures and sterilized gauze.

"Where exactly is your injury?" She asked, pulling out a towel to clean the blood.

"The blood is not mine." A cold tingle rushed down her spine as she heard the words. "I'm here for a mental health check."

You already failed. (Y/n) responded sarcastically in her head, hypersensitive of the approaching cyborg. "R-right. I'll, um... Okay." She nearly cried from awkwardness, shuffling papers for a miracle answer to what she was supposed to do. There must be a God, because (Y/n) soon found a page of hastily scribbled notes labeled "Genji Shimada."

Step one: Hook him up to the Biomechatronic Machine.

Okay, (Y/n) knew precisely what that was. Turning, she saw the scary Shimada hooking himself up to the machine and cried out: "Ah! Don't!"

He didn't flinch, but was stock-still, eyes flashing up at her.

(Y/n) rushed over with her clipboard and began attaching wires and discovered that Genji must've done this before because most of her work was done. You did the right thing, (Y/n) mentally said to herself. Patients don't ever touch the equipment.

Step two: Ask the following questions and write down his responses. The inquiries seemed pretty innocent, but (Y/n) supposed that there must be a reason for the questions to be asked.

She cleared her throat and tried to suppress the shakiness in her voice. Her ears bright pink, thinking she must have looked like a fool. She decided to focus on the objective at hand and forget about her anxiety.

"A-alright, erm, Mr. Shimada-" "Don't call me that," he snapped.

"...okay. Have you had any episodic experiences in the past two weeks?" Genji looked at (Y/n) for a moment. She quickly looked away from his intimidating stare and waited for his answer. "No."

(Y/n) nodded and wrote down his answer, also noting his lack of defensiveness to the question, implying honesty. "Have your artificial body parts cause additional pain?" "No." Have you been experiencing particularly morbid thoughts in the past week?" She asked. She wasn't met with an immediate answer this time and looked up at Genji who seemed to be pondering the question.

Oh Christ, please don't say yes.


Holding down her lunch, (Y/n) continued with her interrogation, jotting down everything Genji said word for word. Which was always something along the lines of "yes" or "no" and no explanation, (Y/n) thought with mild irritation. She had let out an exasperated sigh when she had finally finished asking the cyborg questions. She didn't know how long she could do this. He hasn't even been in the room that long and yet she couldn't help but feel afraid around him.

"Al-alright Mr. Shim- Genji. You should be good to go." (Y/n) unhooked Genji from the machine and set down the rather heavy wiring. Genji stood up from where he had been sitting and started to walk over to the door. Not even a simple thank you or glance. He just upped and started walking away. (Y/n) didn't even bother trying to stop him. She had done her part in his check-up, and the man had succeeded in terrifying her.

But something told her that wasn't the last she would see of him.

Red Eyes |Genji x Reader|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant